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Hindus, Muslims celebrate Lucknow's 'Holi Baraat'

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i love holi, the sweets, the colors, bhang , music , girls , kebabs , everything about it.
I think holi is more of a social activity than a religious festivals. although i have no problem in celebrating dewali or any other fest.
Any ways - if somebody think because i live and enjoy my life, by throwing a few colours and dancing or splashing water or having great food. makes me less muslim . they need to get a life.
Holi is great and yes in new India, our generation gives a damn about hindu muslim diffrence. specifically the intellect and thinking one.
HOLI WILL BE CELEBRATED FOREVER. Its a great platform to understand diffrent religon or socialise. Just like many hindu celebrate EID with us.
i love holi, the sweets, the colors, bhang , music , girls , kebabs , everything about it.
I think holi is more of a social activity than a religious festivals. although i have no problem in celebrating dewali or any other fest.
Any ways - if somebody think because i live and enjoy my life, by throwing a few colours and dancing or splashing water or having great food. makes me less muslim . they need to get a life.
Holi is great and yes in new India, our generation gives a damn about hindu muslim diffrence. specifically the intellect and thinking one.
HOLI WILL BE CELEBRATED FOREVER. Its a great platform to understand diffrent religon or socialise. Just like many hindu celebrate EID with us.

Talk about yourself but do not generalise. Celebrate Holi as much as you want. Even sing a few choice Faags , but I can you tell you for a fact, vast majority of Indian muslims do not celebrate Holi, new generation, old generation, intellectual, dumb as plank, thinkers,non thinkers does not matter. !!
Because vast majority of hindu dont celebrate eid - And vast majority of india is illitrate about other religion- they are so involved in earning their breads and butter that philosophising about social issue and religion was out of their reach. but a start is there - atleast people are understanding the things.
And for a start - city guys gives a damn about what those age old custom- which have nothing to do with religion.
May be you are annoyed cause you cant have fun ? dear. all the water splashing and colours and hot girls in wet cloths and loud music with great beats and kebabs and then car race and bhang and white girls from Europe doing ball dance with me and then meeting new people.
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Celebrating occasions other than Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha are not proven by the hadith. Since Mohammed (PBUH) did not celebrate occasions other than the mentioned two, we cant celebrate them as well.

‘Aayshah reported that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said:

"For every people there is a feast and this is our feast." [Sahih Al-Bukhari: (vol. 5, no. 268).]

"Allâh has given you better than those feasts: the ‘Eid-ul-Adh-haa (Feast of Sacrificing), and ‘Eid-ul-Fitr (feast of Breaking the fast)." [Sunan An-Nasaaee: English translation: (vol. 2, p.333, no. 1559), Sunan Abu Dauwud: English translation: (vol. 1, p.293, no. 1130). It is authenticated by Shaykh Al-Albaanee in Saheeh Sunan Aboo Daawood: vol. 1, p. 210, no.1004.]

Umm Salamah said the Prophet used to fast on Saturdays and Sundays, and when asked he said: "They are two days of Mushrikeen’s holidays so I like to oppose them in their ceremonies." [Musnad Imaam Ahmad.]

There are no two opinions on this. For those who still want to adulterate the principles and guidlines of Islam, they should consider the following ahadith on this matter.

Jaabir reported that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam used to deliver his sermon with this opening:

"The best word is the Book of Allâh and the best way is that of Muhammad ( !). The worst deed is innovation and each innovation is a deviation from Islaam." [Sahih Muslim: (vol. 2, p. 410, no. 1885).]

There is an additional remark in Sunan An-Nasaaee:

"Every deviation from Islaam leads to Hell-fire". [Sunan Nasa’i: English Translation: (vol. 2, pp. 343-4, no. 1581.)]

‘Aayshah reported that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said: "Whoever does an act which is not in agreement with our faith, such an act is rejected." [Sahih Al-Bukhari: (vol. 3, no. 861.).]

There is another report by her with different wordings:

"Whoever invents something in our faith which does not originally exist, has nothing to do with us." [ Sahih Muslim: (vol. 3, p. 931, nos. 4266-7).]

‘Irbaad ibn Saariyah reported that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said: "Whoever survives me would observe many differences. However, you should follow my sunnah and that of my rightly guided caliphs. Adhere to it firmly. Beware! Avoid innovation, for each innovation is a deviation from Islaam." [Sunan Abu Dawud: (vol. 3, p. 1294, no. 4590).]

The prophet pbuh never read the koran in the book format which came about after him........is that also innovation?

The prophet pbuh never read tarabiha.....is that also a innovation?

The prophet never used a mobile phone-car-pistol ect are all there also innovation?

“The one who rejoices on the birth day of the Holy Prophet would not be severely punished and it is hopped that a Muslim who celebrate the Milad un Nabi (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him), will not be punished in hell. Imam Bukhari Rahmatullah Alaih narrates that Abu Lahab would be punished lightly in the hell on Monday. Because he rejoiced and freed his handmaid indicating by his finger, when the Prophet of Allah Almighty (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him) took birth. So as a reward of happiness on Milad un Nabi (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him) he would be given water by his finger. (Saheehul Bukhari Vol. 2, Page 764)
duhastamish and andy bull...keep the tone civil and respectful.

This is a Warning!
qsaark, what may be clear to you, may not be to another person.

About having two eids, that is a specific commandment. However, last week, many muslims from all over the world celebrated Eid Milad Un Nabi, the 'birthday' of the Prophet.

Some people have made a third Eid day out fo this, and institutions in Pakistan and other countries were closed.

Would this not come directly under what you were quoting? Would you then go on to say that all those who attended the Milad celebrations became non muslims by doing so?

That would mean a sizable chunk of muslims, probably the majority, will have become non muslim overnight, according to you.

Even Shaikhul islam ibn taymiyah, who disapproved of milad, did not go that far in his condemnation. He wrote that even though the practice might be wrong, attendees may still be rewarded by Allah for their good intention.

So things are not always black and white, and scholars have deliberated over such matters, so that we are not quick to judge others and claim Islam and kufr for others.
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