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Hindu Nationalists in India Plan ‘Religious Cleansing’ in Madhya Pradesh Di

As long as the cleansing does not include violation of freedoms- go for it. Free country, stupidity is also tolerated. Else don't expect govt backing of such " cleansing".

Secular India :indianflag: :lol:

It's a secular country that sees a Muslim as president, a Sikh as PM and head of party of as an Italiano. Can you tell us if such a scenario is possible in Pakistan? Non Muslims cannot vote for Muslims( I believe ) and they can never hold high office in Pakistan( I'm sure)
Both orissa and MP has special rules for conversion due to large number of tribal people being converted to christianity by enticement and fraud (jesus will heal you of the disease that your local ojha cannot).
I am not fond of the hindutva brigade doing violence there either, they should inform local police. Usually these christian missionaries are backed by american and australian well funded organizations.

There are large number of big and small NGOs working for upliftment of tribals, who are secular and enjoy their work without involving god/jesus.
I AM out of Orissa.

That article is wrong. These Christian missionaries should stop trying to convert people. And bribing them. What an abominable practice, trying to use people's poverty in order to get them to convert to religion by giving them a meal. These motherfuckers are not entirely good. And this is a Christian website and all of these evangelical morons will always have this "We are innocent and being persecuted" narrative. That is the narrative in the Bible (Jesus's death) and that is the narrative they have had for the last 2000 years trying to "spread the word"

Its not like Hindu nationalists run wild killing everybody, this never happens. It happens sometimes, but People in general, HATE IT, when people are being converted by force. I would say India throw out any missionary group that attempts to convert but being tolerant, we let them do whatever it is that they do.

That is the exact reason why there is violence. Why do they call it victory? Because they can now go on and spew BS and convert people by force.

How would you like it if Christian missionaries came to Pakistan and started converting everyone to Christianity?

Christian missionaries do not bribe people to convert. And definitly don't convert people by force since conversions can only happen as a free will choice from the heart. What does happen is aid from around the world is given to various churches to hand out (blankets, clothes, food) to the poor. This is used by those agianst Christianity to say Christians are bribing.
Christian missionaries do not bribe people to convert. And definitly don't convert people by force since conversions can only happen as a free will choice from the heart. What does happen is aid from around the world is given to various churches to hand out (blankets, clothes, food) to the poor. This is used by those agianst Christianity to say Christians are bribing.

well you don't know how missionaries work in India, especially in the tribal belt. They will do anything to increase the numbers. Poor people are often promised of cure for their illness or job opportunities for conversion. worst of all is the portrayal of Hinduism as satan worshipping . I have heard them spew their hatred against Hinduism on loudspeakers during masses.
worst of all is the portrayal of Hinduism as satan worshipping . I have heard them spew their hatred against Hinduism on loudspeakers during masses.

Those missionaries really don't like "idol worshiping" or polytheism.

Which includes us too. :lol:
Those guys really don't like "idol worshiping" or polytheism.

Which includes us too. :lol:

But you replace the love for " idol" in religion with " idol" of your govt to restrict freedoms . It's all idol worshiping in one form or the other... both forms restrict freedoms.
well you don't know how missionaries work in India, especially in the tribal belt. They will do anything to increase the numbers. Poor people are often promised of cure for their illness or job opportunities for conversion. worst of all is the portrayal of Hinduism as satan worshipping . I have heard them spew their hatred against Hinduism on loudspeakers during masses.

I know how they brainwash poor like anything. for them conversion is a PROFESSION. Anyone who converts like 5-10 people gets incentives like you get in a PRIVATE JOB. So people make it a career!

buddy what is the police and admin in that area doing when they do such things? why dont they put them behind bars? on a broader level, why is the govt allowing the missionaries to operate in India? these missionaries have only one objective - to end Indian culture.
But you replace the love for " idol" in religion with " idol" of your govt to restrict freedoms . It's all idol worshiping in one form or the other... both forms restrict freedoms.

LOL, your brain doesn't seem to be working. :lol:

How does Idol worshiping restrict freedom?
Jellodragon seems to be missionary on a converting spree ! Run for your life my fellow Pakistanis !

When Indians get caught in some mess they start to get personal on others. Way to go you guys, who have set a great example for human man kind. :)

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