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Hindu families evicted for drinking water from mosque


May 12, 2009
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Hindu families evicted for drinking water from mosque
Friday, July 09, 2010
By Rabia Ali


As many as 60 Hindu men, women and children were forced into abandoning their homes in Memon Goth and taking refuge in a cattle pen all because of a boy from their community who drank water from a cooler placed outside a mosque, police officials and community members told The News.

These hapless people ran away from the wrath of some of the influential tribesmen of the area who got so enraged by the incident, which took place last week, that they beat up the members of the Hindu community and forced them into evicting their quarters.

“All hell broke loose when my son, Dinesh, who looked after chickens in a farm, drank water from a cooler outside a mosque. Upon seeing him do that, the people of the area started beating him up.

“Later, around 150 tribesmen attacked us, injuring seven of our people — Samo, Mohan, Hero, Chanu, Sadu, Heera, and Guddi — who were taken to the Jinnah Hospital,” said Meerumal, a resident of the area.

One of the injured, Heera, while showing this correspondent his wounds, said that another 400 families of the area, located in the vicinity of Malir, were also being threatened to leave the area.

“Our people are even scared of going out of their houses. We are also putting up with living in the ****** pen because we cannot go home for fear of being killed,” he said.

The SHO of the Memon Goth police station, commenting on the issue, said, “A trivial incident led to riots between the people of the area. Since both the communities happened to be illiterate, the matter just flared up.”

However, he dismissed the claims of lack of security to the Hindu community in the area and said that they could go back to their homes anytime they wanted to.

Meanwhile, Minister for Minority Affairs Dr Mohan Lal assured the Hindu community of full government protection.

“I have directed the DPO and the SHO to ensure that these people go back to their houses safely,” he said.

The minister said that the culprits would be dealt with severely.

Abdul Hai, of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, said that these people, who belonged to the Bheels caste, had been living in the area for several years.

“They are former bonded laborers. Now they earn a meager sum of Rs4,000 to Rs5,000 monthly as watchmen at the farms. Some of them also work for the tribesmen.

“The government must help them in moving back to their homes in order to instill confidence in other families and prevent them from packing their bags too,” he said.
I would request Indian members to avoid creating a fuss out of it as is the norm regarding any Hindu-Muslim clash across either borders (as most Pakistanis make a fuss out of Hindu-Muslim clashes in India as well). Pakistanis are aware of the necessity of providing protection to minorities. I'm sure everybody would condemn this deplorable and downright disgusting behaviour from the locals.

I do hope the perpatrators of this crime are punished and the evicted families be paid compensation for all the trouble caused to them.

This kind of inhuman treatment has to be deplored by every sane person, this has nothing to do with your religion or country.
...sigh...we badly need to educate our people..
wats funny is that our people do all the "haram" things and dont actually even care/concern about it, and when a poor child drinks water from a "cooler outside the masjid" then they react like as if they are very "religious":hitwall:.....:disagree:
shame on them!
Though NOT exactly related but still the following shows real tolerance level of islam in regards to santity of mosque...

Sahih Bukhari:Volumn:1:Book:4:Hadith Number.221.
Narated By Anas bin Malik : A Bedouin came and passed urine in one corner of the mosque. The people shouted at him but the Prophet stopped them till he finished urinating. The Prophet ordered them to spill a bucket of water over that place and they did so.

So any action coming in the wake of ppl's ignorance is purely their own...
if this would have happened in some backward tribal village then it was different but this happened in karachi ,one of your major cities. this shows the hate lower class pakistani people have against hindus. sounds to me that for a long time they were only looking for a way to make them leave and after this they had their chance.
Was drinking water from the cooler good enough reason to beat the boy and force the entire community out of their homes? Was it because of their religion or is the tribe he belonged to considered untouchables or something?

Paani peene pe peechay itna hangaama. This is ridiculous.
this is proof of what lack of education and illiteracy can cause

this is beyond ridiculous; but investigators should be sent, and culprits should be nabbed and tried...

the whole IDEA of Pakistan is a Muslim majority state that protects and accepts minority groups. Inshallah this will one day be implemented and enforced -- sooner than later.

the minorities here are as much entitled to land, resources and laws of this country as the majority
Although all religions from very start had taught to be tolerant towards other religion, in this case it was something OUT OF BOX. Leave tolerance its for when someone does wrong, a poor non-muslim guy drinking water from cooler would have given blessings and would have loved the people who had provided this facility. But see the consequent event. A facility provided from where the people and religion could have earned :tup:ended in :tdown::tdown::tdown: for them
Sad and deplorable.:tdown:
Intolerance is rampant in our society.
Infact , just leave this hindu- muslim issue... what was wrong if he drank some water...So sad.You know guys... since my chilhood, i have been taught by elders that to " Kisi pyase ko paani pilana iss duniya mein sabse bada nek kaam hai."
These kinda issues are not only related to Pakistan only,But encircled the whole Indian society as well.
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