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Hangor Class Submarine Project | Updates & Discussions

We need to do way better then modest. And to do that after Hangoor class I think Pakistan should consider the South Korean class. South Korea is building submarines which will have VLS for both Cruise Missiles and if we require they can put VLS which can Ballistic Missiles of at least 1000 KM range if not more.

In the pipeline.
Definitely would be a significant capability change. AIP equipped submarines like the Shortfin barracuda, Soryu class and the A-26 may reach the point where they can operate with an endurance or short duration sustained speeds (probably not both) near those of SSNs, within the decade. Perhaps the PN will revisit the technology once it has matured, probably during a midlife refit as the Swedes are doing with their Gotland class subs (open up the subs, swap out the guts and weld her back together again). Until then, it needs to field the numbers. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.
Yep. IMHO the PN needs a mix of long-endurance AIP-equipped and shallow-water attack submarines. The AIP ought to be a fuel-cell or some type of non-mechanical system. That way, we minimize the vibrations (acoustics) of the submarine. The long-endurance subs can operate in the EEZ while the SWATs can guard our littoral waters. Combined with the busy environment of the Arabian Seas, our subs will be silent threats.
Yep. IMHO the PN needs a mix of long-endurance AIP-equipped and shallow-water attack submarines. The AIP ought to be a fuel-cell or some type of non-mechanical system. That way, we minimize the vibrations (acoustics) of the submarine. The long-endurance subs can operate in the EEZ while the SWATs can guard our littoral waters. Combined with the busy environment of the Arabian Seas, our subs will be silent threats.

Good news on this, much progress been made,
Just a hunch, but I think the main role of the Hangors will be ASW and AShW.

The PN's main focus right now is A2/AD so as to stop the IN from imposing a blockade or MEZ. It needs boat-hunters that can come in at a good cost and rapid pace, hence the S26 with likely some modifications for Arabian Sea operations. KSEW's 2018 scale model showed some minor differences in top speed and displacement.

But nothing significant IMHO. Yes, the Hangors can carry the Babur 3 SLCMs from their tubes, but nuclear deterrence will not be their main function -- rather, an 'on paper' capability to show we have a triad.

I do think a strategic deterrent design is on the roadmap, but much farther out. Perhaps -- like AZM -- it could be a design that the NRDI is working on internally (and may reflect the PN's interest in Turkey's submarine projects). But the Hangors will likely be more conservative in scope given the urgency of the PN's sub-surface needs.

@kursed @JamD @SQ8

It is and will draw on an existing design - complications with reactor design put a temporary halt to it. :cool:

It exists in concepts, requirements and a nice wooden model form in E-7/8.

It also was the focus of heavy intel ops by both neighbors, two middle east countries and nearly half of NATO.
@Rafi are you ok my friend? You are not typing " nuff said " your signature in your posts, I am worried bro :D

probably he is willing to say more but resisting himself of any more beans to spill hence indicating by not saying "nuff said"
It is and will draw on an existing design - complications with reactor design put a temporary halt to it. :cool:

It exists in concepts, requirements and a nice wooden model form in E-7/8.

It also was the focus of heavy intel ops by both neighbors, two middle east countries and nearly half of NATO.
I wonder if this is why Germany refused to release engines for the Hangor. They might have thought that the engines could end up on the strategic design, or at least enable the PN to understand how to integrate said engines to the boomer one day.
I wonder if this is why Germany refused to release engines for the Hangor. They might have thought that the engines could end up on the strategic design, or at least enable the PN to understand how to integrate said engines to the boomer one day.
Khuda ke waaste parda na kaabe se uthaa zaalim
Kaheen aisa na ho yahan bhi wahi kaafir sanam nikle
It is and will draw on an existing design - complications with reactor design put a temporary halt to it. :cool:

It exists in concepts, requirements and a nice wooden model form in E-7/8.

It also was the focus of heavy intel ops by both neighbors, two middle east countries and nearly half of NATO.
The grapvine (I have no information besides) is that the SSN was halted due to the reactor and other issue and replaced with what became the Hangor class. While the SSBN-Boomer work continued.
I do like what one person who I talked to said.
The first information you will have of the existence of a Pakistani boomer will be an ISPR press release announcing a test.
The grapvine (I have no information besides) is that the SSN was halted due to the reactor and other issue and replaced with what became the Hangor class. While the SSBN-Boomer work continued.
I do like what one person who I talked to said.
The first information you will have of the existence of a Pakistani boomer will be an ISPR press release announcing a test.
If PDF ever found how forward PN has been thinking they will go nuts.
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