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Hangor Class Submarine Project | Updates & Discussions

the best way is to hit the airport where P 8I station, make sure it doesnt take off.
Easier said than done!
Again, Arabian sea is not an easy place to hunt down subs, the odds are stacked in favor of Submarines. They are here for a reason. Waiting for some more info to come out on the eight subs we will be getting, exact type, modification, weapons it will carry, hull type etc.
Easier said than done!
Again, Arabian sea is not an easy place to hunt down subs, the odds are stacked in favor of Submarines. They are here for a reason. Waiting for some more info to come out on the eight subs we will be getting, exact type, modification, weapons it will carry, hull type etc.
Only submarines with AIP is useful. Other submarines will be detected rather easily. P8 is not all powerful and submarines are here to stay. P8 can only detect upto a limited extent, not everything
After having said all......subs have an inherent advantage. It goes without saying that all subs that PN is getting will have AIP (What type--need to be seen). So the odds are stacked in favor of subs whether Indian or Pakistani subs operating in Indian Ocean/Arabia Sea.

With increased stand off weapons launch capability, the patrol area for a Sub Hunter becomes large. And do remember, aircraft speed becomes relevant when transiting to and fro from patrol area, Once in the patrol area, grid pattern searches, scan range and capability limits the use of higher speeds for jet engined aircraft.
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Yes this is a great achievements more then others new generation submarine
but now we need Nuclear Submarine
nuke sub cost a lot of money, a lot. a lot
I do not think Pakistani current financial status can bear It!
nuclear related means huge amount money related!
nuke sub cost a lot of money, a lot. a lot
I do not think Pakistani current financial status can bear It!
nuclear related means huge amount money related!
Also, each submarine requires 2 ton of Natural Uranium every year to operate. India will be happy that Pakistan is wasting its Uranium on submarines. Pakistan has total Uranium extraction of about 20-30 tons every year. How will Pakistan survive with say 6 nuclear submarine?
only few P 8I cant do magic.

P8Is out there are the very best in long range sub hunters today. These are very capable and are fitted out with the latest American technology including Harpoon missiles. They will prove to be a handful at times of conflict.

India has 8 now. 4 more on order. Possibly more after that.

P8Is out there are the very best in long range sub hunters today. These are very capable and are fitted out with the latest American technology including Harpoon missiles. They will prove to be a handful at times of conflict.

India has 8 now. 4 more on order. Possibly more after that.


Buy more since after crashing few you would need more to replace the crashed ones

Buy replacements in advance
Buy more since after crashing few you would need more to replace the crashed ones

Buy replacements in advance
Next we are getting indigenous submarine hunters. No need for imports after 2025. Don't worry, we also know the importance of backups. Such big planes are easy to be shot down
nuke sub cost a lot of money, a lot. a lot
I do not think Pakistani current financial status can bear It!
nuclear related means huge amount money related!
Yeah nuclear subs are very expensive and I think Pakistan should spend the money else where more productive.
This thread title is so misleading, It should have been, "Pakistan to get delivery of 8 subs from China in 2022"


The Type-039/041 "Yuan" class conventional submarine, likely the basis for the export-centric S20. Photo credit: Wikipedia
Bilal Khan -
The Pakistan Ministry of Defence Production (MoDP) confirmed in its 2014-2015 report that a contract to construct new generation submarines for the Pakistan Navy was signed in April 2015. While no specific timelines were given (in regards to production and delivery), the MoDP’s report is genuine confirmation that the long-awaited program is assuredly in the procurement pipeline.

Pakistan began negotiating with China for new submarines in 2011, when at the time it was reported that the Pakistan Navy was interested in six ships powered by air-independent propulsion (AIP) systems. In April 2015, the Government of Pakistan formally approved the purchase of eight Chinese AIP submarines, and in July 2015 it was reported that the contract had been forwarded to Beijing, which would then greenlight Pakistan’s proposed financing arrangements.

In April 2016, the Pakistan Navy’s Commander of Logistics, Rear Admiral Syed Imdad Imam Jafri, praised Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works (KSEW) for winning a contract to produce four of the eight AIP submarines. In fact, Rear Admiral Jafri’s statements not only confirmed that the submarine deal was live, but that Pakistan was still committed to procuring AIP-equipped submarines. This is an important aspect, considering the tactical advantages borne by AIP systems, as discussed in an earlier Quwa article:

AIP technology allows SSKs to operate underwater without snorkeling for much longer periods of time, potentially as long as multiple weeks. In addition, AIP technology helps in keeping the submarine quiet, thus reducing its acoustic signature, a key advantage in subsurface combat where sound (i.e. acoustics) is the main method of detection and engagement. These advantages are more profound in the South Asian maritime theatre where there is close proximity between the two powers. For Pakistan, the amount of time a submarine can remain undetected will matter more than how far it can travel.

Beyond the fact that the submarine deal with China was signed and that KSEW will produce four of the eight ships, there are no official details, especially in regards to the submarine’s design, specifications, sensor suite, weapons inventory, or even the origin or design of its AIP system. It is believed that Pakistan’s submarines will be derived from the S20, the export variant of the Type 039A/Type 041. However, the details can only be left for speculation, at least at this stage. That said, it would be safe to assume that the Pakistan Navy will aim to position these submarines as strategic assets (via nuclear-tipped land attack cruise missiles), so as to complete Pakistan’s second-strike triad.

Overall, the Pakistan Navy’s submarine modernization roadmap is promising. With the Agosta 90Bs placed in the upgrade pipeline (with the Turkish shipbuilder STM’s support), the inclusion of these eight Chinese submarines will go a significant way in strengthening the Pakistan Navy’s anti-access and area denial (A2/AD) capabilities. In fact, there are not many countries that would boast as many as 11 AIP-powered submarines.
Also, each submarine requires 2 ton of Natural Uranium every year to operate. India will be happy that Pakistan is wasting its Uranium on submarines. Pakistan has total Uranium extraction of about 20-30 tons every year. How will Pakistan survive with say 6 nuclear submarine?
As you mentiond pakistan produce 20-30 tones ofuranium and a sub uses 2 tones. So if pakistan get 6 nuclear subs they will use 12 tones of it while we left with 18 so that's will be enough and by the way we ain't getting any nuke subs do cry or predict false sleep tight
As you mentiond pakistan produce 20-30 tones ofuranium and a sub uses 2 tones. So if pakistan get 6 nuclear subs they will use 12 tones of it while we left with 18 so that's will be enough and by the way we ain't getting any nuke subs do cry or predict false sleep tight
It depends upon the type of reactor some uses only 20% enriched uranium others use near weapons grade a reactor running on 20%
Wont need more than 200 to 250kg a reactors
Running on near weapons grade might need 1/3rd or 1/4th of this. He is talking of natural uranium (1 tone of natural uranium contains about 7kgs of u235 the rest is largely u238. Which is not fissile we can mine and refine tens of tones per day if we want) so in simple words. Roughly a reactor like this requires about three bombs worth of fissile material(u235) a mid tech implosion type fission ball requires around 25 kg of u235 roughly
Very roughly speaking.
We have substantial amount of fissile material for subs that won't be the problem. But i don't think we can afford or need a nuclear powered sub.
I may be wrong though. Because i know very little about marine nuclear propulsion
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