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Hangoors - canned snack for the Indian Poseidons

Try it ... try to bring it within couple of hundred kms of range of our territorial water and watch them frying ... Poseidons are defensive weapons to defend your key assets and installations and you are draiming of using them in offensive scenario ...
He said nuclear WEAPONS devices! Are you really so naive or is it just an attempt at derailing the thread?
NPT does not stop it but NSG puts pressure as to not give it. These technology can be provided in illegal manner but that is same as nuclear weapons, satellite building, ballistic missile technology which also can be sold in illegal manner. There is no one that can stop from selling these items. But, it is generally the norm that countries don't sell high end technology to avoid any future implications. Only where the countries are culturally close with similar values on things, will they provide critical technology.

There is no absoluteness in my words but it is just what is being followed by people with rational mindset. China does not see Pakistan as cultural brothers and have no reason to assume that if not today, after 50 years, Pakistan won't use the technology from China to harm China. That is all I can say.
NPT does not stop it but NSG puts pressure as to not give it. These technology can be provided in illegal manner but that is same as nuclear weapons, satellite building, ballistic missile technology which also can be sold in illegal manner. There is no one that can stop from selling these items. But, it is generally the norm that countries don't sell high end technology to avoid any future implications. Only where the countries are culturally close with similar values on things, will they provide critical technology.

There is no absoluteness in my words but it is just what is being followed by people with rational mindset. China does not see Pakistan as cultural brothers and have no reason to assume that if not today, after 50 years, Pakistan won't use the technology from China to harm China. That is all I can say.

A bit like how the indians used to say that the Chinese will NEVER EVER assist Pakistan in becoming a nuclear weapons state:lol:. That they would be stopped by america, the West and Russia even if they wanted to......... .we all know what with that indianism.............. .:lol:
Nuclear reactor technology is also proprietary. It is not simply sold off. Now, just like Pakistan gave nuclear material to Libya, Iran etc, it is also possible for others to give away nuclear submarines, but selling them is not acceptable under NPT. The miniature nuclear reactor used in submarine is a difficult design and not something anyone can make. That is where the technology part comes in.

NPT does not stop it but NSG puts pressure as to not give it.

Thank you for understanding and admitting it. This is all people have been trying to say and tell you.
Rest as they say is nothing but hogwash.

So guys, now that our friend here have corrected himself and understood the fact/reality, can we go back to topic and may be even deleted all off-topic posts?
@WAJsal @The Eagle @Slav Defence @Oscar @Horus
Thank you
Did China give Pakistan the technology? China has given ready made items like 50kg Uranium but not technology. Blueprints is what matters in these things. AQ Khan stole the blueprints from Europe and then used it to make Uranium cetrifuge.

If you still believe that CHina will assist Pakistan, then why don't you check it yourself by asking for items like satellite, nuclear submarine etc.

And someone who belongs to the race and nation that calls for the destruction of the Pakistani race and nation is really in a position to talk about our defence aquisations and capabilities...........:lol:

Who do think gave Pakistan the capability to be able to produce H-bombs and Thermonuclear weapons since at least 2011?.........:azn::


PS Do you have ANY evidence to back your claims? If not then they are more indianistic lies just like the millions, indians spout daily.
First, you must understand that radiation is a hoax. How many people died in open nuclear tests of USA< Russia, CHina? The answer is zero. The nuclear bomb radiation is the most foolish thing one could ever come up with. Only nuclear wastes have radiation, not nuclear reaction itself!

India was not ruled by muslims for 1000 years. The first attack came in 1192 and then too, only small parts of north and northwest was conquered. Don't forget Marathas, Reddy, Sikhs who drove away muslims. If not for British coming in with industrial technology, India was about to be fully conquered by Marathas.

And, muslims in India are a bargaining chip for Petroleum and investment from Arabs. India gets FDI of 60 billion dollars and remittance of 70 billion dollars and except for some parts of the remittance, about 90-100 billion dollars come in too placate India and to not expel muslims into Pakistan. So, don't think too much about muslims in India. Tomorrow, problem increase, it will be like Rohingya of Myanmar. Only this time, the numbers will be so huge that Pakistan will be overcrowded and will starve to death. There is no bigger bargaining chip than muslims in India. For all the troubles that is caused, the returns in terms of petroleum, investment and economy is massive.

I don't seek the India I have. I seek more than that. How about Islamabad becoming Dharmasthala?
Please do check figures and facts how much radiation causes death and agony. In Chernobyl and even in Hiroshima/ Nagasaki people have suffered for long. The people working in nuclear related facilities often get Cancer.

Further I have heard that even Chicken feed also some times contain hazardous materials which cause Cancer. The disease is spreading Pakistan and many people here have got cancer, few have died from disease. Even minor particles are enough to make a person fatally sick.
NPT does not stop it but NSG puts pressure as to not give it. These technology can be provided in illegal manner but that is same as nuclear weapons, satellite building, ballistic missile technology which also can be sold in illegal manner. There is no one that can stop from selling these items. But, it is generally the norm that countries don't sell high end technology to avoid any future implications. Only where the countries are culturally close with similar values on things, will they provide critical technology.

There is no absoluteness in my words but it is just what is being followed by people with rational mindset. China does not see Pakistan as cultural brothers and have no reason to assume that if not today, after 50 years, Pakistan won't use the technology from China to harm China. That is all I can say.

Did you just crawl out of Modi's asshole?
only few P 8I cant do magic.
Arabia sea is one of the most difficult to hunt down submarines as per someone who works on a submarine. P8I though is extra efficient, but finding a stealthy boat in vast ocean wont be an easy task. BUT, i will like them to think of these as canned food :P
Arabia sea is one of the most difficult to hunt down submarines as per someone who works on a submarine. P8I though is extra efficient, but finding a stealthy boat in vast ocean wont be an easy task. BUT, i will like them to think of these as canned food :P
the best way is to hit the airport where P 8I station, make sure it doesnt take off.
Please do check figures and facts how much radiation causes death and agony. In Chernobyl and even in Hiroshima/ Nagasaki people have suffered for long. The people working in nuclear related facilities often get Cancer.

Further I have heard that even Chicken feed also some times contain hazardous materials which cause Cancer. The disease is spreading Pakistan and many people here have got cancer, few have died from disease. Even minor particles are enough to make a person fatally sick.
NOOOO..... IT is not chicken feed friend, it is always the steroids which are pumped. feed is just an excuse. Here we avoid giving any bone meal to cattle.

You wished Pakistan went for French crap with kickbacks and always a threat that Frenchies will share the source codes for submarine systems with the hostile forces in future and undermine our entire fleet.

Pakistan went with a quality Chinese product with significant Pakistani input, greater control on source codes, AND we would also be able to integrate our nuclear cruise missiles on these submarines---making them true killer beasts under water patrolling the Indian ocean and beyond :D

Within a decade, Pakistan will achieve the capability to evaporate the largest indian coastal cities from ocean, if the need arises.

Fun fact: 2/3rds of india's largest cities with most population and economic weight are along the coast...

Chinese Subs make too much noise, sorpene is a better sub but your right that Pak will get more control over Chinese bought sub.... But we don't have H-bombs and low number of Nukes, plus no SSBN's for proper second strike capability.

weopon weopon weopon.......i dont know where is humanity:(

i wish we would be Like Australia or Newzeland with no immediate neighbor like the sh!tty countries we have in our East & West:disagree:
Pakistan would still be a poor Country.... albeit with less terrorism, slightly better quality of life.... You can bomb Germany/Japan into submission and destroy them but they will come to x100 and be better than a country like PAK... Its called progression/Modern World....
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