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Hangor Class Submarine Project | Updates & Discussions

You should tell this to the Royal Thai Navy, which is getting the same submarines along with CM-708UNB anti-ship missiles (range: 290 km).

DCNS even lost the Pakistan Navy Agosta 90B upgrade tender to Turkey's STM.

IIwill tell that to everyone who buys chinese crap.
Waste of money PAKISTAN SHOULD have gone for French subs.


You wished Pakistan went for French crap with kickbacks and always a threat that Frenchies will share the source codes for submarine systems with the hostile forces in future and undermine our entire fleet.

Pakistan went with a quality Chinese product with significant Pakistani input, greater control on source codes, AND we would also be able to integrate our nuclear cruise missiles on these submarines---making them true killer beasts under water patrolling the Indian ocean and beyond :D

Within a decade, Pakistan will achieve the capability to evaporate the largest indian coastal cities from ocean, if the need arises.

Fun fact: 2/3rds of india's largest cities with most population and economic weight are along the coast...

weopon weopon weopon.......i dont know where is humanity:(

i wish we would be Like Australia or Newzeland with no immediate neighbor like the sh!tty countries we have in our East & West:disagree:
So french subs in PN are crap? I never knew that. I thought they are very potent subs.

Compared to the military advantage and capability the new Chinese subs will provide us? Yes, old Augustas are pretty down. Although, they recently got upgraded and are still more than enough to hold unprofessional and junkard indian navy at bay.

Remember when American sailor spent time with indian navy and was surprised how unprofessional, backward, organizationally weak, and bad-smelling it was :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Read all of it


this is hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!! I enjoyed it.

Newer generation of Chinese submarine technology is regarded very formidable by Americans and Europeans in their official reports---but a bharti from the largest sh!thole without toilets find it hilarious?

No wonder you indians were peed upon by superior Muslims all through your history (and then were eventually carved up and divided into pieces :enjoy:)
you indians think world start from kashmir to kaniya kumari ? its common practice to lease ships and submarines



The Canadian navy leases a submarine from the U.S. for training purposes, renaming it HMCS Grilse.

The Canadian navy leases another American sub, renaming it HMCS Rainbow,

USA to Lease Gotland-Class Sub

S-25 served both the US and Polish Navies (Lend Lease from U.K.)

Australia urged to lease subs
All these are diesel submarines. Give me an example of leasing nuclear submarine or selling nuclear submarine

You wished Pakistan went for French crap with kickbacks and always a threat that Frenchies will share the source codes for submarine systems with the hostile forces in future and undermine our entire fleet.

Pakistan went with a quality Chinese product with significant Pakistani input, greater control on source codes, AND we would also be able to integrate our nuclear cruise missiles on these submarines---making them true killer beasts under water patrolling the Indian ocean and beyond :D

Within a decade, Pakistan will achieve the capability to evaporate the largest indian coastal cities from ocean, if the need arises.

Fun fact: 2/3rds of india's largest cities with most population and economic weight are along the coast...

Do you know what wiping a city will cost? Even biggest of big cyclones have not been able to wipe cities and your puny nukes will wipe cities?

Next, no one will give codes as the modern items work mostly in software and it will be too hard for China to rewrite codes separately for exports as giving away domestic codes will mean that their submarine will be hackable.

You are also forgetting that Pakistan has no submarine launched ballistic missile

lollllz kal se soch raha tha tera ye jwaab kab ayee ga .kasam se :lol:
Then give me your answer
Hangoor class submarines will be one of its kind. very comparable to all other subs from europe and russia. it is a modified version of type-39B to fit PN needs. all electric engine, advance AIP system, next gen command and control system, anti magnetic skin. some of them if not all of them will have either VLS or have the capability to launch babur CM and a new version of Pakistani supersonic anti-ship and land attach CM. it will have all specs a modern SSP sub can do and more. it will be tailor design for PN. there are unconfirmed news that PN might Opt for 9 instead of 8 Hangoor class subs. the one additional sub will be built in KHI to be delivered by 2028. the first sub to be delivered by 2021 and last one by 2028.

@Bharathi participants ... junk or no junk ... hangoor will deliver a balance that will take IN another 20-25 years to undo. by 2028 IN will be boosting not more than 15 modern subs (all types). PN will be having minimum 11. learn to live with it.

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