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I wonder what size the torpedo tubes are. Israeli dolphin class subs have 6 × 533 mm and 4 × 650 mm diameter ones. If I'm not mistaken China's Type 032 submarine Qing class testbed submarine had
  • 1 × 650 mm, 1 x 533 mm torpedo tubes
  • 2 SLBM VLS and 4 Cruise missile VLS,
Ideally, you'd want a mix of boats, my suggestion would be

4 with 6 × 533 mm and 4 × 650 mm torpedo tubes
4 with 8 × Cruise missile VLS

Save the SLBM VLS for the nuke sub (although doubtful Pakistan will go for a SSBN, probs a SSN attack like Brazil)
Our subs will not be the same as the testbed Qing class . That one had an underbelly hump and stability issues due to that . The underbelly hump was added for SLBM tubes which Pakistan currently doesn't need . Our land based missiles are high mobility all terrain TELS unlike india's super heavy road and rail mobile .so out land missiles are our mainstay for second strike capability.
About torpedo tubes, these are not engraved in stone and bespoke size can be fitted as per Pakistani requirements which is currently the 533mm .
Our subs will not be the same as the testbed Qing class . That one had an underbelly hump and stability issues due to that . The underbelly hump was added for SLBM tubes which Pakistan currently doesn't need . Our land based missiles are high mobility all terrain TELS unlike india's super heavy road and rail mobile .so out land missiles are our mainstay for second strike capability.
About torpedo tubes, these are not engraved in stone and bespoke size can be fitted as per Pakistani requirements which is currently the 533mm .
Indian missiles are heavy only for the long range ones. The short range ones are as roadmobile as any other missile. You can't expect a 50tonne Agni 5 to be all-terrain mobile.
Indian missiles are heavy only for the long range ones. The short range ones are as roadmobile as any other missile. You can't expect a 50tonne Agni 5 to be all-terrain mobile.
Well yes, you can expect a 50 ton missile to be all terrain mobile.
North Korean Hwasong 15 is 90 tonner and all terrain mobile.
Russian Topol at 47 ton is all terrain mobile.
Well yes, you can expect a 50 ton missile to be all terrain mobile.
North Korean Hwasong 15 is 90 tonner and all terrain mobile.
Russian Topol at 47 ton is all terrain mobile.

50 tonnes with single war head....

Russian satan 2 is 100 tonnes... carriers global reach... 2 megaton worth of payload and 200 decoys
50 tonnes with single war head....

Russian satan 2 is 100 tonnes... carriers global reach... 2 megaton worth of payload and 200 decoys
Shut up.
Agni -5 has Hazoomazunga MIRV 21, can destroy the world in one shot
Our land based missiles are high mobility all terrain TELS unlike india's super heavy road and rail mobile .so out land missiles are our mainstay for second strike capability.
Hi Shaheen Missile!
Yes it is true that Pakistani strategic missiles in general are more road mobile vis-a-vis their Indian counterpart, but that is because Pakistan uses Chinese(which are Russian copies) or Ukrainian TELs. I believe, India should license produce series of MAZ trucks for these strategic missiles as no Indian manufacturer can design a 16x16 heavy duty military carrier-- the max any Indian company has designed is 12x12 carriers for cruise missiles and other applications. There are couple of things that need to be taken into account-
1) Indian strategic missiles are being cannisterized starting from Agni-5. For instance they recently cannisterized Agni-4 and Agni-2. This is strict departure from previous practice. The effects of this practice are manifold-
(a) Firstly, it allows Indian planners to strike at a very very short notice of less than 10min.
(b) Secondly, it means warheads will be kept mated with the strategic systems.
This means a flexible nuclear doctrine against Pakistan.
2) Indian strategic missiles are rail-mobile. Long time back I remember seeing a rail carriage wagon housing a full fledged Agni-3. This is similar to soviet practice. Thanks to the vast Indian railway network, this ICBM train can be stationed anywhere.
If these subs without 6-8 vls for babur and without modern aips, I would consider them as another lemon FOR PN. just like all other procurements done by PN in recent times
Good to know about AIPS what I found out that AIPS will be from 5th sub onwards not a good news for me, I am still trying to find out about VLS . I hope I am wrong and all 8 cones in with AIPS plus 8 vls for babur full range missile. That will be a game changer
Are these nuclear submarines that Pak is buying from China?
It is banned by international rules to sell any weapon with nuclear material, warhead or submarines. One can lease nuclear submarine provided it is under supervision of the home country by means of an ombudsman. But, that will mean that such a submarine will not be able to be operated freely and many equipments like nuclear warhead tipped missiles will not be permitted.

So, I don't think China is going to sell nuclear submarine to Pakistan.
It is banned by international rules to sell any weapon with nuclear material, warhead or submarines. One can lease nuclear submarine provided it is under supervision of the home country by means of an ombudsman. But, that will mean that such a submarine will not be able to be operated freely and many equipments like nuclear warhead tipped missiles will not be permitted.

So, I don't think China is going to sell nuclear submarine to Pakistan.

It is clear every where that these shall be AIP equipped conventional subs though may have tubes capable of firing 450 KM range Babur CM.
I have a feeling that half of them will be nuclear submarines, converted by using an indigenous nuclear power plant. My best guess after looking through some of the posts by senior posters on this forum.
If these subs without 6-8 vls for babur and without modern aips, I would consider them as another lemon FOR PN. just like all other procurements done by PN in recent times

SLCMs can be fired from Torpedo tubes and Babur-3 test video shows that Pakistani SLCM is designed to be fired from Torpedo tubes.
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