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Hamas to launch ‘suicide attack’ against Israel


Nov 25, 2006
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Monday, August 27, 2007
OCCUPIED-AL-QUDS/GAZA CITY: Hamas is seeking to launch a ‘massive suicide attack’ inside Israel to torpedo chances of a ‘peace deal with moderate Palestinians’, a senior security official warned on Sunday.

The second in command of Israel’s Shin Beth internal security services was quoted by a senior government official as telling ministers during the weekly cabinet meeting that the Islamist group’s exiled leadership in Damascus is calling for such an attack. “There is a clear directive from Hamas abroad to Hamas in the West Bank to carry out a deadly large-scale attack in Israel,” the source quoted the security official as saying. Hamas is seeking to torpedo any chance of a deal between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, led by President Mahmud Abbas, whose ‘moderate’ Fatah movement was ousted from the Gaza Strip by Hamas in June, he said.

Hamas supremo Khaled Meshaal warned in an interview with AFP last week that despite renewed peace efforts between Israel and the Palestinians, resistance against Israeli occupation remained the only option for his movement.

“As long as Israel does not put an end to its occupation and its settlements and as long as it does not recognise Palestinian rights, our policy of resistance will be the only option,” Meshaal said.

The Shin Beth commander, whose identity remains secret, also expressed concern at the surge in arms trafficking on Gaza’s border with Egypt since Hamas came to power, according to the source.

Shin Beth has obtained information that 40 tonnes of weapons and explosives have been smuggled from Egypt into the Gaza Strip in the last two months, mainly through tunnels, the source added.

In August alone, some 13 tonnes of explosives and 150 anti-tank rocket launchers were smuggled into the Gaza Strip, the source said.

Meanwhile, an ill one-year-old Palestinian baby died on Sunday after crossing into Israel from the Gaza Strip to receive treatment for a heart condition, Palestinian medics and the Israeli army said.

Ibrahim Abu Nahel died after waiting for hours to enter Israel at the Erez border crossing with Gaza, Muawiya Abu Hassanin, the director of the Palestinian ambulance service, told AFP.

The Israeli authorities denied that the boy and his father had been delayed at the border crossing, saying they had passed within minutes.

“He arrived at 8 am (and) he was delayed at least three hours at Erez,” Hassanin said, referring to Nahel’s father with whom he spoke by telephone.

“Once he passed, the Israelis did not arrange for an ambulance, so he took a taxi to the hospital and he died in the taxi near Ashkelon,” a southern Israeli town, Hassanin said. A spokesman for the Israeli military liason office for Gaza said the pair’s passage through Erez was expedited.

“He arrived at 8:35 am and at 8:45 he crossed, after we made a special, accelerated, VIP process for him,” Shady Yassin told AFP. An autopsy on the body is due to be performed inside Israel within days, Hassanin said.

After the Islamist Hamas seized control of Gaza in mid-June, Israel has nearly sealed off the overcrowded territory on its southern border, allowing only humanitarian aid to enter the coastal strip and severely restricting the number of Palestinians who can leave it.

Hamas to launch ‘suicide attack’ against Israel
I would like to know if suicide attacks make you a martyr.
because I have learned that they do NOT make someone a martyr.
I would like to know if suicide attacks make you a martyr.
because I have learned that they do NOT make someone a martyr.

in case of Afghanista, iraq, palestine, chechniya,kashmir majority acknowledge, who can know fore sure? the one who did, and he/she no longer can tell !! :undecided:
All these people think by killing themselfs, they will get virgins in heaven need a reality check.
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