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Hamas in Gaza is running out of friends

I wish the new tamarod group in Gaza all the strength and warrior's wisdom they need to topple Hamas. Stay alive to fight another day, every day, is the best advice I have for you at this time.

Hamas has nothing of Sunni. It is one of your creation, that mullahs. There is nothing, it will disappear as if he had never existed.

You have absolutely nothing to do Palestinians or Sunnis in general.

Your only and single objective, Persian, and convert all Arabs to worship your heresy.

You already failed after 30 years of nuisance and despite the hundreds of billions you spilled of your diabolical cause.

You've already lost Syria and soon you will lose your brothers crimes Hezboshitan.

This is a prediction and a promise.

calling another flavor of Islam "heresy" is what got muslims into all the inter-muslim problems in the first place..........
I wish the new tamarod group in Gaza all the strength and warrior's wisdom they need to topple Hamas. Stay alive to fight another day, every day, is the best advice I have for you at this time.

calling another flavor of Islam "heresy" is what got muslims into all the inter-muslim problems in the first place..........

@Bubblegum Crisis stated a fact which is true, I don't think we should treat people based on who we are, but the Iranian mullahs force others to look thoroughly into their cruel intentions.
hamas has not ran out of friend . iran is there as always . we might have some problems with political wing of hamas but that doesnt matter nor it changes the situation in palestine as a matter of fact .

iranian aid is distrbuted by islamic jihad , and our military assistance to both hamas and islamic jihad is as powerful as before .

political issues cant change our support for palestine thats what matters
GCC are not your Mullahistan to support terrorism in the region. Last time I checked it was Saudi Arabia who rebuilt Lebanon and Palestine from housing units to schools and hospitals. Your failed country is not doing anything in that regard but spread terrorism every now and then. We don't need to fuel the Fateh-Hamas conflict by pouring arms into Hama's Hands or Fateh. Instead you should invite both parities for settlement. What you need to do is to stope playing on that string. The Israel-Arab conflict is not your case nor we asked you for any help. You have nothing to do in the arab worlds.

No one buy Your $h!t anymore. Stop playing with Palestine case for your own interests. You think we are stupid.

Fatah–Hamas Mecca Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatah–Hamas_conflict#April_2011_Cairo_agreementApril 2011 Cairo agreement

We all know what is your country intention by playing with this case. so please spare me your BS.

Hahaha funny and stupid wahhabi trash like always they said iran support Hamas for its own agenda but why don't ksa support Palestinians they said they don't support terrorism so Palestine cause is terrorists cause not islamic or Muslim land the Palestinians are the terrorists and the jews are the rightful owners of Palestine the wahhabi terrorist al Albani said Palestine is land of war and palestians should leave if they don't leave they are kuffar so for the wahhabi terrorists logic the Palestinians are kuffar

Hamas has nothing of Sunni. It is one of your creation, that mullahs. There is nothing, it will disappear as if he had never existed.

You have absolutely nothing to do Palestinians or Sunnis in general.

Your only and single objective, Persian, and convert all Arabs to worship your heresy.

You already failed after 30 years of nuisance and despite the hundreds of billions you spilled of your diabolical cause.

You've already lost Syria and soon you will lose your brothers crimes Hezboshitan.

This is a prediction and a promise.[/quot
Who told you we want you to become shia if you convert to shiasm I would leave the faith.we don't want low life to be one of us and we don't have tv channels or billions like the gulf garbage even with that a lot of people becoming shia for free just right this (the wahhabi sect screams from the spread of shiasm) and you will see
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I wish the new tamarod group in Gaza all the strength and warrior's wisdom they need to topple Hamas. Stay alive to fight another day, every day, is the best advice I have for you at this time.

calling another flavor of Islam "heresy" is what got muslims into all the inter-muslim problems in the first place..........

I wish for "peacefan" to finally come to the day to find the exact mental facility he's been looking for all his life. LOL! :rofl:

Your beloved imaginary group never existed in Gaza and the day of 'rebellion' turned out be a no show and will always be so.

Palestinians are not slaves of the West. Get lost.
Hamas is where its at right now because it betrayed its real friends and bet on a losing horse. the muslim brotherhood. now hamas needs to redefine itself. is it a real resistence movement or is it simply a muslim brotherhood franchise.....
I wish for "peacefan" to finally come to the day to find the exact mental facility he's been looking for all his life. LOL! :rofl:

I'm quite happy with my faculties, which seem to be a bit sharper than yours actually.

Your beloved imaginary group never existed in Gaza and the day of 'rebellion' turned out be a no show and will always be so.

Well you need a rebellion against groups like Hamas, who keep you hostage far more than those pesky westerners...

Palestinians are not slaves of the West. Get lost.

Indeed. Palestinians are slaves to extremists like Hamas, even though they vote for 'm "voluntarily" (because of the false promises and promises of punishment by Allah that their clerics pushed onto Palestinians by extremists' "clerics").
I'm quite happy with my faculties, which seem to be a bit sharper than yours actually.

Well you need a rebellion against groups like Hamas, who keep you hostage far more than those pesky westerners...

Indeed. Palestinians are slaves to extremists like Hamas, even though they vote for 'm "voluntarily" (because of the false promises and promises of punishment by Allah that their clerics pushed onto Palestinians by extremists' "clerics").

That's gibberish, reminds me of fascist supremacist view that slave owners had, well you know...from our perspective letting you live freely is worse than us owning you and running your life.

Get your gibberish imperialist non sense off this forum. Clean your mind from such a view.
That's gibberish, reminds me of fascist supremacist view that slave owners had, well you know...from our perspective letting you live freely is worse than us owning you and running your life.

Get your gibberish imperialist non sense off this forum. Clean your mind from such a view.

Facism - definition of Facism by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

1. often Fascism
A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
b. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.
2. Oppressive, dictatorial control.

I dare say this proves that the term 'facism' applies much more to some muslim leaderships (like your dear Hamas), than to nato style governments..
I dare say this proves that the term 'facism' applies much more to some muslim leaderships (like your dear Hamas), than to nato style governments..

We're referring to YOU. And Hamas is hardly fascist. What's fascist is the 'JEWISH' state of Israel and it's Jewish only occupation.

As for you, your hatred is directed not against one state or a non state actor, it's directed towards a whole population. You try to make it seem otherwise the way you design your posts but it's the truth.

Hamas, wants nothing to do with Jews. Hamas is against the Jews who come and occupy our land. The Israeli Zionists. Not the Jewish people minding their in own business in their original nations.
@Hazzy997, 7abibi don't waste your time with that Dutch clown. Lives in another world. Save the time. Look at the "Yemen thread" and his nonsense there. Can' take him seriously.
@Hazzy997, 7abibi don't waste your time with that Dutch clown. Lives in another world. Save the time. Look at the "Yemen thread" and his nonsense there. Can' take him seriously.

Yeah I was looking at it earlier today and how he brings us his lunatic hypocrisy about Muslims on every thread.

This clown needs to be treated as a troll and rightfully banned or at least given a warning if he can't contribute something else other than his gibberish.
Yeah I was looking at it earlier today and how he brings us his lunatic hypocrisy about Muslims on every thread.

This clown needs to be treated as a troll and rightfully banned or at least given a warning if he can't contribute something else other than his gibberish.

I puke when I see his moral preaching and nonsense and talks about issues he knows nothing about. Earlier today he admitted that all his knowledge comes from speaking with "Muslims" on various forums. OK.

He is also a supporter of drone attacks that kill whole families. Not different from the Zionist who use similar tactics in Palestine. I am starting to thing that only certain approaches work with such people.

Do you know how you ignore people here?:D

Hamas is where its at right now because it betrayed its real friends and bet on a losing horse. the muslim brotherhood. now hamas needs to redefine itself. is it a real resistence movement or is it simply a muslim brotherhood franchise.....

Says the American war monger, anti-Muslim and anti-Arab. Stick to your hamburgers and Justin Bieber songs. Lapdog.
I puke when I see his moral preaching and nonsense and talks about issues he knows nothing about. Earlier today he admitted that all his knowledge comes from speaking with "Muslims" on various forums. OK.

He is also a supporter of drone attacks that kill whole families. Not different from the Zionist who use similar tactics in Palestine. I am starting to thing that only certain approaches work with such people.

Do you know how you ignore people here?:D

I was reading your response regarding issues he is not a part of and doesn't understand. Yet, he still came back and repeated the same baseless point. We need to glue it to his head next time...:D

He doesn't like me, I'd say he likes playing this game with other people here but I know his kind and I make him bite every time he goes crazy it's hilarious. :rofl:

And then the worst of all...when he starts off a sentence like this:

"Well, since your Allah....." :blah: LMFAO:cheesy::omghaha::laughcry:
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