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Hamas in Gaza is running out of friends

GCC are not your Mullahistan to support terrorism in the region. Last time I checked it was Saudi Arabia who rebuilt Lebanon and Palestine from housing units to schools and hospitals. Your failed country is not doing anything in that regard but spread terrorism every now and then. We don't need to fuel the Fateh-Hamas conflict by pouring arms into Hama's Hands or Fateh. Instead you should invite both parities for settlement. What you need to do is to stope playing on that string. The Israel-Arab conflict is not your case nor we asked you for any help. You have nothing to do in the arab worlds.

No one buy Your $h!t anymore. Stop playing with Palestine case for your own interests. You think we are stupid.

Fatah–Hamas Mecca Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatah–Hamas_conflict#April_2011_Cairo_agreementApril 2011 Cairo agreement

We all know what is your country intention by playing with this case. so please spare me your BS.


LOL nice try. Iran is not doing hocus pocus on peoples minds in the region. Iran is not forcing anyone. Hamas come to Iran, because they know we are the real player that can influence the strategic outcome. Saudi Arabia is a subservient non-entity.
Iran has business no less that KSA in the region. Stop regurgitating the words of Al Saud like a parrot. lol

"We didnt ask for your help"
Who the feck is "we"? Are you Palestinian? No, I didnt think so. Its hilarious how high you think of yourselves and reserve the right to speak on behalf of the Palestinian people. If they want our help, we shall give it to them, regardless of how much it irritates you Saudi. Nothing you can do about it, so pipe down. lol
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Hamas has nothing of Sunni. It is one of your creation, that mullahs. There is nothing, it will disappear as if he had never existed.

You have absolutely nothing to do Palestinians or Sunnis in general.

Your only and single objective, Persian, and convert all Arabs to worship your heresy.

You already failed after 30 years of nuisance and despite the hundreds of billions you spilled of your diabolical cause.

You've already lost Syria and soon you will lose your brothers crimes Hezboshitan.

This is a prediction and a promise.
We should dump both of Hamas and the current PA. Both are as distasteful as the Israeli regime. 

LoL. Your imaginative superpower fails you every time you try to make a point :lol:

Our favorite cartoon character is at it again :yahoo:
Our favorite cartoon character is at it again :yahoo:

He's a genocidal freak, naturally anti everything the US presents, an anti-Semitic monster - on both sides to the Arabs and Jews - and a sicko.

We should dump him with the PA, the Israeli Gov't too. 
What should Hamas do to become Sunni?

He didn't say Hamas is no Sunni. He implied that they don't represents the Sunnis. 
Your dialect, again you Saudis.

how the **** did these retards not recognize what dialect belongs to who, even a European born like me knows that.

The dialects are out of the equation in this issue obviously.
LOL! Do you guys realize what you state has no place in reality. You probably don't even understand the statement of what you're saying.

A- The Prophet wasn't a war-mongering freak.
B- He never gambled with the lives with his own people.
C- He always puts the interests of his people before anything else.
D- He never had any dispute with a fallowed that had led to over-split to his nation.

You don't even know what Jihad is, go to Saudi Arabia and ask your clerics there what it is and how the Prophet(SAW) did jihad.

Neither you. You can't set the parameters of it whenever you feel like it. It has to be approved by " clerics " calculate the consequences, and the impact.

If you had any idea of your own ancestors history, even though you're half American, you would know all Muslims were in it together.

Does it make me less human? Or most importantly in this case a Muslim? Or is it some sort of hatred to the un-pure Arabs?

Learn about the importance of an Islamic land. And never ever spout the propaganda of your enemies which you and other gulf arabs do.

Like I said, I hate Hamas as much as I hate the Israeli regime, the importance of land is a legitimate point though, but have you ever asked yourself why the Israelis are divided in this matter? Or why the Palestinians themselves are divided too? Has this been heavily influenced by the importance of land? Or the sake of a nation?

I wonder who teaches you guys this is a recent thing gulf Arabs were never like this. But, it's not a surprise, America slowly made it that way, you even put an end to individual funds that went to palestine on behalf of a US request.

No, tbqh, I'm one of those who are totally different from the average Gulfis :lol:

Maybe because I'm an inferior half-Arab :D?

No one can block individual funds, otherwise, %80 of Banks worldwide will go broke :lol:

And don't talk about civilians please. Your government shot dead dozens of their own citizens with sniper rifle for a demonstration. Or did you forget about that?

Such thing never took place. Stop lying, and manipulating events moodily.

LOL! Do you guys realize what you state has no place in reality. You probably don't even understand the statement of what you're saying.

You don't even know what Jihad is, go to Saudi Arabia and ask your clerics there what it is and how the Prophet(SAW) did jihad.

If you had any idea of your own ancestors history, even though you're half American, you would know all Muslims were in it together.

Learn about the importance of an Islamic land. And never ever spout the propaganda of your enemies which you and other gulf arabs do. I wonder who teaches you guys this is a recent thing gulf Arabs were never like this. But, it's not a surprise, America slowly made it that way, you even put an end to individual funds that went to palestine on behalf of a US request.

And don't talk about civilians please. Your government shot dead dozens of their own citizens with sniper rifle for a demonstration. Or did you forget about that?
A- The Prophet wasn't a war-mongering freak.
B- He never gambled with the lives with his own people.
C- He always puts the interests of his people before anything else.
D- He never had any dispute with a fallowed that had led to over-split to his nation.

Neither you. You can't set the parameters of it whenever you feel like it. It has to be approved by " clerics " calculate the consequences, and the impact.

Does it make me less human? Or most importantly in this case a Muslim? Or is it some sort of hatred to the un-pure Arabs?

Like I said, I hate Hamas as much as I hate the Israeli regime, the importance of land is a legitimate point though, but have you ever asked yourself why the Israelis are divided in this matter? Or why the Palestinians themselves are divided too? Has this been heavily influenced by the importance of land? Or the sake of a nation?

No, tbqh, I'm one of those who are totally different from the average Gulfis :lol:

Maybe because I'm an inferior half-Arab :D?

No one can block individual funds, otherwise, %80 of Banks worldwide will go broke :lol:

Such thing never took place. Stop lying, and manipulating events moodily.

What do you mean by war mongering 'freak'? And who are you referring to?

Hamas doesn't gamble with the lives of their own people again you need to tell yourself what you're really saying and apply context to it.

I don't think you know what it means to put interests of your own people, Palestinians want their land liberated. Having an armed struggle does not substitute itself for the interests of Palestinian people. And whatever 'interests' you mean.

You can't calculate all consequences or the impact are you insane? The Prophet had an a group of 80 Muslims early on against all the tribes who came after them, can you imagine if you applied your logic here? And btw, you know less about your clerics than you think you do. They support Hamas and your government always tries to censor them and many are serving jail time for daring to speak out for Islamic interests.

And why are you so broad no one here understands what you're saying. Try to make a point and back things up without empty half truth statements.

Yes they did, all the videos are available on the Internet in Yemen and Bahrain.
Hamas has nothing of Sunni. It is one of your creation, that mullahs. There is nothing, it will disappear as if he had never existed.

You have absolutely nothing to do Palestinians or Sunnis in general.

Your only and single objective, Persian, and convert all Arabs to worship your heresy.

You already failed after 30 years of nuisance and despite the hundreds of billions you spilled of your diabolical cause.

You've already lost Syria and soon you will lose your brothers crimes Hezboshitan.

This is a prediction and a promise.

Hamas isn't Sunni? Hamas is a crown on your head and a hundred times more closer to Allah than any of you secular bad Arab kids here.

And no, it won't disappear. What you want is for Islam to disappear. The MB practices Islam better than any of you gulf Arabs and take a look at your countries how bad the zina and drinking has becoming. Yet you still want to tell us off.

I swear I don't even know if you guys believe in God anymore you sound like a bunch of sick atheists.

He has to do with Palestinians. He supports their cause and Palestinians support Iranian anti imperialism stance in the region. And no I'm not referring to Syria. I'm referring to their overall regional pledge.

If you actually cared about Syrians you would do something for them by now. Instead of running your mouth about Persians. Hey, at least they defend their interests unlike you stupid gulf Arabs. And money isn't the factor when I say they defend their interests.
What do you mean by war mongering 'freak'? And who are you referring to?

To the prophet I'm referring to. He alway embraced peace, and never gambled with people's lives.

Hamas doesn't gamble with the lives of their own people again you need to tell yourself what you're really saying and apply context to it.

Only narrow-minded people would consume an effort attempting to understand what I was implying. Yes, Hamas plays games with the Israeli regime, and who get hurt the most of it? It is the Palestinian people.

I don't think you know what it means to put interests of your own people, Palestinians want their land liberated. Having an armed struggle does not substitute itself for the interests of Palestinian people. And whatever 'interests' you mean.

I support the Palestinian people to my fullest, however, I'm against Hamas for the reasons I have stated, is it too much to ask?

Oh and BTW, Congrats for joining the UNESCO :) you guys deserve more.

You can't calculate all consequences or the impact are you insane? The Prophet had an a group of 80 Muslims early on against all the tribes who came after them, can you imagine if you applied your logic here? And btw, you know less about your clerics than you think you do.

You are 0 compared to the Prophet, so stop acting as if both of you were equal, give it a rest. Plus, he never sought war, but adversaries did.

And btw, you know less about your clerics than you think you do. They support Hamas and your government always tries to censor them and many are serving jail time for daring to speak out for Islamic interests.

A large portion of the Saudi society supports Hamas including clerics, but we don't jail them :lol:

The only ones who raise concerns to us are pro-Al-Qaida factions.

And why are you so broad no one here understands what you're saying. Try to make a point and back things up without empty half truth statements.

I heard that before. This is what most of you say when they lose their temper.

Yes they did, all the videos are available on the Internet in Yemen and Bahrain.

Nothing happened in Bahrain, but in Yemen, yes and we will do it again if needed.

What do you mean by war mongering 'freak'? And who are you referring to?

Hamas doesn't gamble with the lives of their own people again you need to tell yourself what you're really saying and apply context to it.

I don't think you know what it means to put interests of your own people, Palestinians want their land liberated. Having an armed struggle does not substitute itself for the interests of Palestinian people. And whatever 'interests' you mean.

You can't calculate all consequences or the impact are you insane? The Prophet had an a group of 80 Muslims early on against all the tribes who came after them, can you imagine if you applied your logic here? And btw, you know less about your clerics than you think you do. They support Hamas and your government always tries to censor them and many are serving jail time for daring to speak out for Islamic interests.

And why are you so broad no one here understands what you're saying. Try to make a point and back things up without empty half truth statements.

Yes they did, all the videos are available on the Internet in Yemen and Bahrain.
If you studied Islam you would know Prophet Muhammad(SAW) went on military expenditures as Allahs punishment on earth.

No, you're making assertions without backing them up. And I mean PDF style.

So there you admit to massacring civilians in Yemen and something make yourself appear as a role model for self determination. You're a bad kid.

And you have an avatar of two cartoon dragons and a balled creature spitting on the big dragon.
The terrorists in Yemen were responsible for their acts.

If you studied Islam you would know Prophet Muhammad(SAW) went on military expenditures as Allahs punishment on earth.

No, you're making assertions without backing them up. And I mean PDF style.

So there you admit to massacring civilians in Yemen and something make yourself appear as a role model for self determination. You're a bad kid.

And you have an avatar of two cartoon dragons and a balled creature spitting on the big dragon.

I like the Dragon part :lol:

Much love Hazz :omghaha:
Your dialect, again you Saudis.

how the **** did these retards not recognize what dialect belongs to who, even a European born like me knows that.
iraqi and syrian bedouins have this dialect. its spoken by millions in syria and iraq.
Oh no, it's wonderful ! :devil:
No, they betrayed Iran and signed a pact with the JEW USA Devil like Saddam

All people doing it finish very badly... 
Of course ! Only used for the interests of Iran and their agenda like a proxy for ‘the strategy Shia expansionism’ of Qom.
What Shia expansionism? In Iraq, Libya, Syria is it USA and the GCC or Iran who invade?

The expansionism in Palestina is made by the jews with their massive colonization in 2012 protected by the anti-arabs salafists sect.

The JEWS deprive the palestinians of their fundamental rights and anybody with a good heart must react like Iran 
Yes, but not Hamas - Proxy of Iran -.
Hamas are not proxy of Iran as they don't invade countries, unlike the salafists proxies of the zionists to invade Iraq, Libya, Syria, Egypt...
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And you're the last one to speak about civilians, your Sisi ally in Egypt massacred over a thousand civilians simply for demonstrating publicly and your own Saudi government killed a few dozen of their citizens for protesting with sniper rifles. Or did you think we forgot that?
Don't forget to mention the victims of Morsi and how he starved Egypt to help the JEWS make the Great Israel

The beheaders must be treated like that
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