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Hamas executes father and son for Israeli collaboration


Dec 19, 2009
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Gaza's ruling Hamas government said Tuesday it executed two Palestinian men for collaborating with Israel.
The father and son, ages 58 and 29, were convicted by a Gaza court in 2004 of assisting the enemy and providing information used to assassinate Palestinians.
"The issue of collaborators is highly dangerous in the Palestinian society," Ihab Elghosen, a spokesman for Hamas' Interior Ministry, told CNN. "We must act forcefully because there is a war underneath the surface between us and the Israeli intelligence and we must win it."

Palestinian Deputy Interior Minister Hassan Alawi told CNN "any decision of this kind has to be signed by the president. Of course, because of the situation between Fatah and Hamas, there was no ratification and it is therefore illegal. To my regret, in the current situation there are many wrongdoings. We would expect our brothers in Gaza to be more tolerant, especially when it comes to human lives because they are irreversible. You cannot revive the dead if there is a mistake."
According to the Al Mezan Center for Human Rights, the families of the men received a call at 1 a.m. Tuesday, asking them to visit their relatives. The meeting took place until 3 a.m., and at 6 a.m. the men's bodies were received at Gaza's Al-Shifa hospital.
"It appears from the state of the bodies that the men were hanged," a statement from Al Mezan says. The center noted the danger in collaborating with Israel, but said that "(while) it is important to bring them to justice, we strongly object to the use of the death penalty and see the move by Hamas as illegal."

Hamas executes father and son for Israeli collaboration - CNN.com
Another two people gone ..killed by blood thirsty terrorists..
I by no means support what Hamas does in Palestine and the attacks they launch inside Israel, however, hate only begets hate, you should listen to what most Israelis have to say for the Palestinians and Israeli Arabs, they hate their guts! There is bound to be hatred in return.
Another two people gone ..killed by blood thirsty terrorists..

lol and do u ever see how many lives Isreal takes and how many children they kill ??? These were tratiors.

I by no means support what Hamas does in Palestine and the attacks they launch inside Israel, however, hate only begets hate, you should listen to what most Israelis have to say for the Palestinians and Israeli Arabs, they hate their guts! There is bound to be hatred in return.

I support Hamas for what they are doing. Why we should not ? They are fighting against Isreal who have taken away every thing they have. They need to fight to get there land and lifes back. They won election but USA and west boycotted them why ???

go and watch TEARS OF GAZA and u will see ur self what Isreal is doing
Everyone who does not agree with Hamas is collaborator and spy according to them.

I support Hamas for what they are doing.
You support suicide terrorism and now its killing your own people. All these thousands of dead Pakistanis are thanks to sick people like u.
lol and do u ever see how many lives Isreal takes and how many children they kill ??? These were tratiors.

I support Hamas for what they are doing. Why we should not ? They are fighting against Isreal who have taken away every thing they have. They need to fight to get there land and lifes back. They won election but USA and west boycotted them why ???

go and watch TEARS OF GAZA and u will see ur self what Isreal is doing

I do not agree with their methods, indoctrination of children with propaganda is unacceptable. Even if it is for a justified cause, everyone reserves the right to develop their own POV, if Yaser Arafat had also been indoctrinated into being a suicide bomber then, who would have worked so hard for the Palestinian cause ?
Everyone who does not agree with Hamas is collaborator and spy according to them.

You support suicide terrorism and now its killing your own people. All these thousands of dead Pakistanis are thanks to sick people like u.

Majority of Palestinians support Hamas, and Suicide bombings as far as they are against Israeli Soldiers, that's alright, that's not terrorism, that's fighting against the occupiers with whatever they possess, in their case, their lives!

And you are not aware of what's happening in Pakistan so please just STFU, there's no comparison between Israel-Palestinian conflict which is a Fight between oppressed and Aggressors (Occupier Israel) and a insurgency supported by foreign countries inside the Islamic Republic of Pakistan which is a sovereign state and is not occupying any land illegally!
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Gaza's ruling Hamas government said Tuesday it executed two Palestinian men for collaborating with Israel.
The father and son, ages 58 and 29, were convicted by a Gaza court in 2004 of assisting the enemy and providing information used to assassinate Palestinians.

If that's so, then punishing the two was justified.

"The issue of collaborators is highly dangerous in the Palestinian society," Ihab Elghosen, a spokesman for Hamas' Interior Ministry, told CNN. "We must act forcefully because there is a war underneath the surface between us and the Israeli intelligence and we must win it."

That's feasible.

Although, I don't agree with much of Hamas's methods such as suicide bombings against civilians, indoctrinating kids with propaganda such that they become 'warriors' or some sort, etc.

Probably the result of the desperation gripping a defeated people. Frankly, it would be unfair to blame everything on them.

Everyone who does not agree with Hamas is collaborator and spy according to them.

You support suicide terrorism and now its killing your own people. All these thousands of dead Pakistanis are thanks to sick people like u.

Nice try :azn: :lol:
If peace has to return to Palestine, Hamas has to be destroyed
Let me rephrase it.

If peace has to return to Middle-East, Israel has to be destroyed!


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