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HAL pegs price of Tejas fighter at Rs 162 crore

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Thats some sound logic there bud...I mean who could argue with that. :lol:

Compare JF-17 Block 1 cockpit to J-10A cockpit and it's not even close. J-10A's cockpit sucks compared to JF-17 Block 1's huge LCDs. Only J-10B has JF-17's LCDs. JF-17 Block 2 has J-10B's wide angle holographic HUD.

Ummm.... all the jets you listed have MAWS.

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I'm fairly sure JF-17 Block 2 has AESA and IRST. After all, J-10B has those. Not many fighters have MAWS. Gripen doesn't. F-16 doesn't. F-15 doesn't. Super Hornet doesn't.Tejas doesn't. JF-17 and J-10B are the only production planes that have DSI.

According to a PAF press release, Block 2 JF-17s "will have improved versions of avionics sub-systems, air-to-air refuelling capability, additional weapon-carrying capability, optimised maintenance facilitation and some operational capabilities"

PAC announces start of JF-17 Block 2 construction - IHS Jane's 360

Good threads to inform yourself:

JF-17 Thunder - Information Pool | Page 40

JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 5] | Page 176

An most of the fighters you meantioned have MAWS in their latest upgrades blocks, unless they are not provided for political reasons and LCA MK1 has UV MAWS as part of it's EWS, I suggest more reading and less claiming!
F-16 Block 60 does not have MAWS, and that is already the most advanced F-16. Neither do Super Hornet and Gripen. I see no evidence Tejas would have MAWS.
I'm fairly sure JF-17 Block 2 has AESA and IRST. After all, J-10B has those. Not many fighters have MAWS. Gripen doesn't. F-16 doesn't. F-15 doesn't. Super Hornet doesn't.Tejas doesn't. JF-17 and J-10B are the only production planes that have DSI.

First you tell me do you know what is MAWS? Missile Approach and Warning System... do you think we are stupid?? it is an 4th generation fighters basic requirement.. Kid or Dude for heaven sake dont argue childish already you have been either ranting(because you dont know) or you are telling lies(because you wanted to satisfy your ego).. If you assume you are telling truth bring one senior members in this forumn from you country and ask them to back your points
Pak posters are getting hyperventalation on next to basic stuff DSI & MAWS.

Its basic stuff

You want to improve jf17 then go get

unstable full FBW flight control .
Compsite airframe
Aesa radars
IRST system
incorporate new generation engine
Add a range of new weapons that are non chinease to show its open architecture
Full HMS system for the pilot

These are all lacking in thunder block 1and 90% of it block 2

For the record Tejas mk1 already has 4 of these lacking only the AESA radars & IRST

PAPER SPECS of Tejas are very good

And i have just herd it going to bharain air show

Paper specs of Tejas block 1 are clearly inferior to JF-17's specs..specially on performance, combat range, etc.

But since we don't know what Tejas would be..so lets not bough down there..
F-16 Block 60 does not have MAWS, and that is already the most advanced F-16. Neither do Super Hornet and Gripen. I see no evidence Tejas would have MAWS.

MAWS is an Electronic Counter Measure (ECM).. TEJAS had an ECM suit and now got an EW Suit [which contain Electronic counter + support measures(ESM+ECM)].. You missed the news "LCA got EW Suit",major news in last october..
Auz combat range means nothing if your build structure and flight control is dated and inferior.

Jf17 cut corners to keep cost down and get delivery quicker. You got a third generation and half fighter...at low cost.

For s air force like paf with bvery little money its good option.

Tejas is far superior. As we have all confirmed in most aspects..in technology terms
Auz combat range means nothing if your build structure and flight control is dated and inferior.

Jf17 cut corners to keep cost down and get delivery quicker. You got a third generation and half fighter...at low cost.

For s air force like paf with bvery little money its good option.

Tejas is far superior. As we have all confirmed in most aspects..in technology terms

Doesn't matter. JF-17 is the world's first operational fighter jet equipped with good looking DSI, and PAF is about to have 3 squadrons of it. :bounce:
1) Either you have no idea what you are talking about or you are quite gullible.

Well, you should try going to some other forum and suggesting that antique F-16s and F-7s "scared away" Sukoi-30s. Go on.

The only reason IAF is going for the Rafale and so many Su-30 is because of PLAAF, and their massive flanker fleet (genuine and pirated). 80 Su-30 would be enough to do to PAF what Israel did to the Syrians in the bekaa valley or what the coalition did to Iraq. So far outclasses the PAF high end F-16s (leave alone the obsolete Chinese J-7 and JF-17s) it's like asking WW2 Spitfires to fight against Mig-21s.[/quote]

They are Block-52s newbie, do you know what kind of radar and missiles a Blk52 is packing when its airborne?

Auz combat range means nothing if your build structure and flight control is dated and inferior.

Jf17 cut corners to keep cost down and get delivery quicker. You got a third generation and half fighter...at low cost.

For s air force like paf with bvery little money its good option.

Tejas is far superior. As we have all confirmed in most aspects..in technology terms

How exactly do you propose that?
Dsi means nothing it does nothing accept airflow. You cant track or shoot a fighter with dsi.

There is no dsi on typhoon rafale f16 tejas. Because its nothing important. If the best feature of thunder is s dsi inlet god help you people.

Come back with something that matters please..

Missle approach warning or maws is again basic stuff come on thunder fanboys come again
They are Block-52s newbie, do you know what kind of radar and missiles a Blk52 is packing when its airborne?

They were good if they armed with AIM-9X Sidewinder & they are only 18 & MLUs are not at par with new one.
If we combine both Block 50/52 + MLUs they they have to face IAF;s Fulcrums, spare Flankers or Naval Fulcrums.
Do you know what kind of Radar, missiles, EW suite, targeting pod MIG-29 K, SMT or UPG is packing when its airborne?
Dsi means nothing it does nothing accept airflow. You cant track or shoot a fighter with dsi.

There is no dsi on typhoon rafale f16 tejas. Because its nothing important. If the best feature of thunder is s dsi inlet god help you people.

Come back with something that matters please..

Missle approach warning or maws is again basic stuff come on thunder fanboys come again

I never stated DSI is functionally superior to traditional air intakes. In my opinion, DSI is aesthetically superior to traditional air intakes. JF-17 and J-10B are the first two operational fighter jets equipped with DSI. :bounce: It's easy to retrofit advanced avionics like AESA and HMD to obsolete fighters like MiG-21 and F-5, but it's not so easy to develop structurally advanced fighters like JF-17 and F-35.
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The last thing JF17 is a structurally advanced.

Either you have IGNORED what everyone is telling you or you dont want to listen.

JF17 structurally is very obselete. its 3rd generation ie F7 MIG21 J8 MIRAGE 5 technology

In other words it has no unstable fcs and nil composites in its airframe.

To save both time and money and too keep cost down JF17 have invested their efforts on BVR and weapons ability with a improved russian engine but kept traditional all metal alloy airframe and a stable FCS with partial; FBW capability.

in short during instant dogfighting agility the thunder turns like a car where as the typhoon rafale gripen and lca tejas turn like a motorbike.

Your PAF doctrine for PAF is bvr ability and stand off weapons capability for thunder role with a very low cost so they have large nos.

Even block 2 is stable fcs you are relyinmg on improved ew suites radars and weapons to make the diffrrence.


This took longer to develope and costs $26m in block 1 but its airframe and fcs system are one generation ahead of thunder and even the mirage2000 in the iaf.

What tejas needs is bigger more powerful engine and bigger weapons load.

Tejas cockpit and radar a ew suites are superb with heavey israeli assistance to the indians.

I would also pont out that thunder is more mature more ready and carrys bigger range of weapons for now.
@Last Samuri,

Composites is not a requisite for advanced structural design, which mostly has to do with shape rather than materials. F-20 Tigershark, an early 1980s fighter, has no composites yet is by far the lightest of the light fighter category, with an empty weight of only 13,150 pounds, and is significantly faster and more agile than both JF-17 and Tejas. JF-17 is extremely advanced structurally, being the first operational fighter in the world to feature DSI. Granted, weight wise, JF-17 is heavier than Tejas, but is nevertheless considerably lighter than Gripen A/C.

Tejas Mk 2 is to be powered by F414, and needs significant redesign to accommodate this bigger engine. Given it took about 8 years to develop J-10B from J-10A, I would wager Tejas Mk 2 won't be making its first flight till after 2019.
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