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Gulf excess and Pakistani slaves

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I could not care less about how Arabs-Persians-Middle Easterners view Pakistanis.

What bothers me the most is when I see Pakistanis who actually think of themselves to be beneath the Arabs. Those Pakistanis who look upto Arabs. The Pakistani inferiorty complex towards Arabs is humiliating and degrading.

Just get a job in Saudi and you will be educated real fast.

Don't judge others without the experience.
I could not care less about how Arabs-Persians-Middle Easterners view Pakistanis.

What bothers me the most is when I see Pakistanis who actually think of themselves to be beneath the Arabs. Those Pakistanis who look upto Arabs. The Pakistani inferiorty complex towards Arabs is humiliating and degrading.
I have actually witnessed it otherwise. Pakistanis love to ridicule arabs?
I have actually witnessed it otherwise. Pakistanis love to ridicule arabs?

Behind their backs if they are working in Arab lands.

Arabs are racist, unreliable and dangerous!

And there laws and justice are feudal in nature.
Behind their backs if they are working in Arab lands.

Arabs are racist, unreliable and dangerous!

And there laws and justice are feudal in nature.

My personal experiences with Arabs are limited but Tiki Tam Tam i think you are not far from the truth. Normally its not good to generalize a race but on this occasion i think i have to agee.
Couple of years ago when i was at Uni i was studying with an Arab and someof the stories he told me were shocking. Some of them were:

1. Dont like Pakistani they normally smell but you are a "good one brother".
2. His dad had married 14 times but 4 marriages were for just 1 night!
3. Asked me to do his essays and name my price.
4. He was 30 yet never worked a day in his life it wasnt necessary .

Needless to say me and my Indian mate kept away from him. His general comments about women were astonishing to the point i cant mention on here.
Last year i went to Dubai where i witnessed more hostility. I was queing for a taxi and a couple of Arabs jumped the Q and no one said anything.
I am proud of my homeland.We need to sort our leaders out so less people have to leave and work for people like this.
note the reaction of Maso, obviously he is persuaded that it is more than transactional relationship and to be fair when one is interacting on a daily basis, one already has a stake - it's already more than just a transaction, slam bam, thank you, sodie, if you will.

Woh kehte hain na, Dil ki tassuli ke liay yeh Khayal bhi acha hai, Ghalib.

Generally slaves are in love with their masters since according merely transactional status to their efforts is quite demeaning. So its nice to talk in terms of Islamic brotherhood, Madinay ke log, madinay ki mitti more sane ones try to keep it as much as transactional as possible. Come to the Gulf, keep your head down, make money, leave whenever you get the chance to do so.

Still the locals are complaining that the expats are ruining their local culture.

Its purely a transactional relationship, the other silly ideas come in because of all the development and technology.
I have been watching this thread from the first minute that you raised this old topic.
I did not put any posts until you complete your discussion about us.
so can you please stop your arrogance and your way of talking that is just disrespectful towards Mosamania.

First, by raising an old topic just to prove your point of hating the Arabs is a pathetic move.

second, i'm not here to say that us Arabs are angels and we don't even hurt a fly.

Guys listen, I know and understand that our society has been corrupted by ideas that should have no place amongst us - I just want you to understand that we are only now shedding our tribal ways - and because we live in a closed society under a religious tyranny, we do not discuss social problems in the same way that you guys are used to - but it does not mean that we do not aspire to better than we have been - one day our society will be open to self reflection and self correction, but until that day, I appreciate the fact you guys care enough to want to see a better society in Arabia

Sadly, some of what you said is somehow true.
But, by saying that we don't discuss our social problems and in the same time you are referring to an ARAB newspaper!! this is a real hypocrisy.

Yes laborers face problems but that is not the people's nor the Saudi government's fault.The one to blame here on this issue are the private companies that are hiring them and their governments.
1- The companies for not providing proper life style for their laborers.
2- Their governments for not seeking the interest of their citizens abroad.

For the record not all Pakistani's face problems, it's only the workers on constructing. In the University that I go to, My two best lecturers are a Pakistani and an American. I have a great relations with the Pakistani so I asked him about his contract with the university and he told me that he have as much as the American is having (big salary) plus a really amazing villa (I have been there :P ).
The reason I am telling you this, to say that the white man have no superiority over others here in Saudi, but skills and qualifications what matters here (at least this what I know).
Also, One of the wealthiest people here in Saudi is from a Pakistani origin (maybe Punjab), his name is Saleh kamel(read about him)
So, here in Saudi it's not about your race, it's about how hard worker you are.

Someone here said that in Saudi you have to wear suits!!
well in Saudi most pakistani's and other expats wear their traditional costumes as long as it does not disturb others (i.e wearing underpants out in the open ) I hope that brother jonAsad can confirm this to you.

Generalizing is the language of ignorance !!
One of my friends went to India to study computer engineering in Goa.
He was beaten once in the university just because he is an Arab, he never blamed all Indians for what happened and never said that all of them are racist.

If someone had a bad incident with an Arab person, please know that that person does not represent all of us.

Salam every one

To those who are afraid of criticism, any criticism is the equal of hate and it seems you are not sure whether to be afraid or to be honest - I explained how you or any arbi could attenuate their discomfort:

Guys listen, I know and understand that our society has been corrupted by ideas that should have no place amongst us - I just want you to understand that we are only now shedding our tribal ways - and because we live in a closed society under a religious tyranny, we do not discuss social problems in the same way that you guys are used to - but it does not mean that we do not aspire to better than we have been - one day our society will be open to self reflection and self correction, but until that day, I appreciate the fact you guys care enough to want to see a better society in Arabia

You say:
Sadly, some of what you said is somehow true.

Of course it's true - it's also true that we told Maso that the above is offered as "brotherly and "fair" --

You say some of what we have asked you to acknowledge is true -- what part is true and what is not??
It is to clear their conscience.

The rich of all religions are the first ones to think of God since not always their riches are honestly earned.

Therefore, that is hardly a reason to show that the Saudis are great chaps!

The amount of harm because of Wahabism and their money to promote it in all Islamic and non Islamic nation is the real reason why Islam is taking such a beating for no other good reason.

Even China has rejected their money to 'assist' Islam from the wrong notions the world has!!

If only these Saudi Wahabis were less active, Islam would bounce back as it was before since all these deviates of their funded madrassas would become an exception than a rule.

Not only are they targeting the world, they are causing unwanted terrorism against Muslim of foreign lands too!

Wooh Make a correction... Islam is not taking beating.Muslims are taking a beating. In fact Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world.
Separating Muslims from Islam is the goal, the ultimate ambition of the Islamist - lets keep our focus
I don't know what time it is now in the UK but good morning MUSE

To those who are afraid of criticism, any criticism is the equal of hate
Believe me my friend if felt that you are criticizing I would never used the word "Hate".
As I was following this forum for a while and reading some of your posts
I know that you are a hater, otherwise you wouldn't be raising an old topic, right ?

what part is true and what is not

I think that it was obvious that I opposed this :
and because we live in a closed society under a religious tyranny, we do not discuss social problems in the same way that you guys are used to -

yes some of us still prefer their tribal ways
but that does not mean that they do not obey the country's rules.

by the way you keep saying WE, I understand that you are talking on behalf of every one here in this forum, right?

Now we are getting somewhere

I know that you are a hater, otherwise you wouldn't be raising an old topic, right ?

I cannot be responsible for what you know, but I've been around for a very long time and my threads if they are about a subject that is current continue to run - check the forum - check my threads - at least inform you "know" with facts - think more, feel less.

See because these abuses and excesses seem to be a attitude problem in society, this thread will be ever green -- you understand "societal attitude problem" ?? If it were not a societal problem, would it continue to be a problem?? Honestly? Know we all know the answer to this basic question, but I offer it you to decide, fear or honesty?

And if you were living in other than a closed tribal society organized as religious tyranny where social problems are kept out of view and discussion, would you continue to have the same problem over and over? How many cases of abuses will it take before society in Arabia will challenge herself on the issue of these abuses??

And then there is the issue of supporting Wahabi/Salafi inspired terrorism and proxy war on Pakistani soil -- instead of "feeling" discomfort over these issues, I encourage you to take our criticisms and comments to heart -- for us to be with you, you have to be with us -- there is no other way.

Don't make me come get you, it won't be pretty -- come on out -It'll be OK

I have been having problems with the internet here in turkey I was not hiding.

We have a problem here with only the uneducated bunch of Saudi Arabia who are going extent by the minute. And about people from Asia getting lower pays this is why most are the workers from Asia not because they chance sky high wages be reasonable. Cheap labor is what made China the biggest growing economy and companies dont even goes Saudi because Asians (are okay) with lower wages.
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