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Gulf excess and Pakistani slaves

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There are good and bad people in arab countries,just like anywhere else.But in arab countries especially saudi arabia,there is no law against domestic abuse or racial insults.I have personally met some maids who have been beaten up regularly,unless there is serious body harm,no cases can be charged against the culprits.And bangladeshi and indians workers regularly get beaten up by arab teenagers for no reason,there is no law there against such things.
I invite you to review the thread - if after that you can conclude that its a one of, then I would challenge your understanding of "one of"

Okay, let me go back over all the pages and get back to you. :)
We are not a perfect society, I never claimed it was. We have the same problems as to all the other nations of the world. And yes the Sky is blue muse. Our media is big on writing newson all these similar cases so naturally they will be recurrence of them in Articles etc. Go see European, American, Asian societies...Compare before you judge.

The reason why our media gets these news a lot out it is because most people will look with disdain on such action. Not the other way around.
We are not a perfect society, I never claimed it was. We have the same problems as to all the other nations of the world. And yes the Sky is blue muse. Our media is big on writing newson all these similar cases so naturally they will be recurrence of them in Articles etc. Go see European, American, Asian societies...Compare before you judge.

The reason why our media gets these news a lot out it is because most people will look with disdain on such action. Not the other way around.

It may well be as you say, however, the fact that such crimes continue and especially since you claim that society disdains it, suggests that this is a large problem - it suggests that society, contrary to your claims, does not see this as a serious crime at all, but rather as a small personal matter -- you will note that in the most recent article, the maid had posted bail and still held in jail - this suggests that the police have their own ideas as to who they choose to punish -- again, if as you claim, this was a issue society apprehended in a serious manner, then of course we would not be reading this over and over and over again -- it seems to me that in your defensiveness, you are willing to overlook much - and this will not be acceptable.
Human societies in all times, all religions and all colors and creeds, have had the same common ingredient that makes them all similar: human beings, who will act like human beings, with no one being better or worse in almost all aspects.
It may well be as you say, however, the fact that such crimes continue and especially since you claim that society disdains it, suggests that this is a large problem - it suggests that society, contrary to your claims, does not see this as a serious crime at all, but rather as a small personal matter -- you will note that in the most recent article, the maid had posted bail and still held in jail - this suggests that the police have their own ideas as to who they choose to punish -- again, if as you claim, this was a issue society apprehended in a serious manner, then of course we would not be reading this over and over and over again -- it seems to me that in your defensiveness, you are willing to overlook much - and this will not be acceptable.

Our Judiciary system needs much work. Starting by making it open to Media. Cases and trials are not covered by the media mostly only incidents. Our Judiciary system also looks at each case individually something that I also see is wrong. for instance the Rape case will be its own case while the Penis chopping off case is another case since defendants and accusers are different. So even if they found the Man guilty this maid will probably also be found guilty and this goes for everybody not just foreign workers.

It happens again and again once in the UAE and then in Saudi Arabia and then in Kuwait and each case gets repeated in the media for so long and then the cycle starts again. To you "these people" are all the same. As an "Arabi" myself it is not. UAE and KSA are as different as Pakistan and Afghanistan and Bangladesh to us "Arabis" so when you say "You arabis" to me it is as if I said "you south Asians" and then begin the rant.

Edit: Just to emphasize when the world media goes berserk over finding an accuser guilty of something in KSA it is not due to Racism as I said it is because each case is handled Individually for instance if someone hits me and then as revenge I break his car windows. The law won't look at this as a single case but each incident will have a different time and date and maybe even a different judge and lawyers.
Our Judiciary system needs much work. Starting by making it open to Media. Cases and trials are not covered by the media mostly only incidents. Our Judiciary system also looks at each case individually something that I also see is wrong. for instance the Rape case will be its own case while the Penis chopping off case is another case since defendants and accusers are different. So even if they found the Man guilty this maid will probably also be found guilty and this goes for everybody not just foreign workers.

It happens again and again once in the UAE and then in Saudi Arabia and then in Kuwait and each case gets repeated in the media for so long and then the cycle starts again. To you "these people" are all the same. As an "Arabi" myself it is not. UAE and KSA are as different as Pakistan and Afghanistan and Bangladesh to us "Arabis" so when you say "You arabis" to me it is as if I said "you south Asians" and then begin the rant.

See by your own admission, society, and the judiciary and media, you will grant are institutions of society, simply do not see this issue as "serious" - rather, the issue is seen as though these "slaves" come for work and they get what they deserve.

And once again, you choose to play the victim because to you this is defense of your society - have you considered that instead of defense of what is indefensible, that you should just acknowledge the problem?? That way you won't have to play victim and wil instead be among those who seek remediation
Human societies in all times, all religions and all colors and creeds, have had the same common ingredient that makes them all similar: human beings, who will act like human beings, with no one being better or worse in almost all aspects.

Never thought id say this about you cheng but you are a light in this dark thread. And also you respond as i would expect of someone with intelect, education and above who has been brought up as a gentleman. Sir I commend you and thats what I call civilised
Human societies in all times, all religions and all colors and creeds, have had the same common ingredient that makes them all similar: human beings, who will act like human beings, with no one being better or worse in almost all aspects.

Huh? the sky is blue again? Of course all human beings are just human beings -- You seem to be taking the position that Apartheid was not particular to South Africa but a human problem - really now?
See by your own admission, society, and the judiciary and media, you will grant are institutions of society, simply do not see this issue as "serious" - rather, the issue is seen as though these "slaves" come for work and they get what they deserve.

And once again, you choose to play the victim because to you this is defense of your society - have you considered that instead of defense of what is indefensible, that you should just acknowledge the problem?? That way you won't have to play victim and wil instead be among those who seek remediation

Where in my post have I said anything remotely close to what you prefer. I admitted a fault in our Judiciary system and when there is something wrong I will be the first to point it out. I believe we all should learn from the story of the prophet Yonus and learn to blame our selves for our own mistakes. When there is something wrong I will admit it gladly. Our Judiciary Sucks, it needs much work and it needs a clear constitution. Not only foreign expats are damaged by this us Saudis are the ones damaged by it first.

These issues are "Serious" instead they wouldn't have gotten the media coverage that they get.
Where in my post have I said anything remotely close to what you refer.

Here is what you said:

Starting by making it open to Media. Cases and trials are not covered by the media mostly only incidents.

See, media and judiciary are institutions of society, are they not? And since these institutions do not see these crimes as serious, in the sense that, as you admit (see above) cases and trials are not covered by media and only incidence, does this not mean, that society does not take these crimes seriously but rather as a sensational filler?
Huh? the sky is blue again? Of course all human beings are just human beings -- You seem to be taking the position that Apartheid was not particular to South Africa but a human problem - really now?

So what are you suggesting that every single arab is bad evil etc? btw not every south african white supported apartheid
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