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Gulf excess and Pakistani slaves

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Prophet Mohammed( PBUH) said all Muslims are Equal no matter skin, color, or Race but Pakistanis treat arabs like .....

Well on thing is for sure not matter how badly Arabs treat non Arabs ...... Non Arab Muslims will respect Arabs for one thing.... The Prophet PBUH was born among them.... That is on thing you cant take away from them.
Well on thing is for sure not matter how badly Arabs treat non Arabs ...... Non Arab Muslims will respect Arabs for one thing.... The Prophet PBUH was born among them.... That is on thing you cant take away from them.

I'm German Egyptian, half arab I don't consider myself divine for being half Arab ,I can easily look into the eyes of any Gulf Arab and say I'm his Equal whats wrong with Pakistani's ? why do you considered yourself below them ?
Didn't Pakistanis get banned from Kuwait ? it's Sad Pakistani's have sacrificed everything for the Arabs, you sent fighters and support in the wars against Israel and continued to support them in return you got Racism and Terrorism it's sad, why do you kiss the @ss of the Arabs ? Prophet Mohammed( PBUH) said all Muslims are Equal no matter skin, color, or Race but Pakistanis treat arabs like god......

I am a Pakistani and proud to be. I dont treat Arabs like god nor do i kiss the @ss of the Arabs. In fact im beginning to treat them with the arrogance they show others. I think i speak for the majority.
Didn't Pakistanis get banned from Kuwait ? it's Sad Pakistani's have sacrificed everything for the Arabs, you sent fighters and support in the wars against Israel and continued to support them in return you got Racism and Terrorism it's sad, why do you kiss the @ss of the Arabs ? Prophet Mohammed( PBUH) said all Muslims are Equal no matter skin, color, or Race but Pakistanis treat arabs like god...... I'm going to repeat this Until a several Pakistanis give me a solid answer.
I am a Pakistani and proud to be. I dont treat Arabs like god nor do i kiss the @ss of the Arabs. In fact im beginning to treat them with the arrogance they show others. I think i speak for the majority.

You speak for me , for sure
I'm German Egyptian, half arab I don't consider myself divine for being half Arab ,I can easily look into the eyes of any Gulf Arab and say I'm his Equal whats wrong with Pakistani's ? why do you considered yourself below them ?

It is built in to the Modern day Pakistani's psyche..... They think of Arabs as their wealthy big brothers....
Well i guess if Pakistan were in a better economic condition things might have been a bit different.
It is built in to the Modern day Pakistani psyche..... They think of Arabs as their wealthy big brothers....
Well i guess if Pakistan were in a better economic condition things might have been a bit different.

Forget Arabs, Chinese have been your Friends and supported you, if Pakistani's had to pick between China and Arabs who would you go for ? People you think are divine and treat you like trash or Friend that see's you on a equal .
Forget Arabs, Chinese have been your Friends and supported you, if Pakistani's had to pick between China and Arabs who would you go for ? People you think are divine or Friend that see's you on a equal .

China ofcourse but I will keep praying for the day for Arabs to as a nation to start thinking straight and dump their arrogance.
Well on thing is for sure not matter how badly Arabs treat non Arabs ...... Non Arab Muslims will respect Arabs for one thing.... The Prophet PBUH was born among them.... That is on thing you cant take away from them.

Just because the prophet happened to be born into an Arab speaking family, doesnt mean we should have to respect the whole of the modern-day Arabs or think of ourselves to be below Arabs.

Respect must be earned, you cannot just hand respect over to an Arab because of the language he/she speaks.

Feel sorry for your mentality.
Just because the prophet happened to be born into an Arab speaking family, doesnt mean we should have to respect the whole of the modern-day Arabs or think of ourselves to be below Arabs.

Respect must be earned, you cannot just hand respect over to an Arab because of the language he/she speaks.

Feel sorry for your mentality.

You got me all worng... I agree with you....
BUT Try telling that to the average Pakistani
China ofcourse but I will keep praying for the day for Arabs to as a nation to start thinking straight and dump their arrogance.

Oil money has infected them, Visit Egypt( My homeland), Syria, Jordan, Stick with China you have bright future with them wait until the Oil runs out, and hopefully you will see the Arabs at your feet begging you guys to help them.
Didn't Pakistanis get banned from Kuwait ? it's Sad Pakistani's have sacrificed everything for the Arabs, you sent fighters and support in the wars against Israel and continued to support them in return you got Racism and Terrorism it's sad, why do you kiss the @ss of the Arabs ? Prophet Mohammed( PBUH) said all Muslims are Equal no matter skin, color, or Race but Pakistanis treat arabs like god...... I'm going to repeat this Until a several Pakistanis give me a solid answer.
Oil money has infected them, Visit Egypt( My homeland), Syria, Jordan, Stick with China you have bright future with them wait until the Oil runs out, and hopefully you will see the Arabs at your feet begging you guys to help them.

Nobody wants them begging at our feet - - you have a point that the money seems to have gone to their heads, but it always does, it does not matter whether arbi or not -- but lets not wish them any ill, instead lets try and help them be what they say is best in them.
Didn't Pakistanis get banned from Kuwait ? it's Sad Pakistani's have sacrificed everything for the Arabs, you sent fighters and support in the wars against Israel and continued to support them in return you got Racism and Terrorism it's sad, why do you kiss the @ss of the Arabs ? Prophet Mohammed( PBUH) said all Muslims are Equal no matter skin, color, or Race but Pakistanis treat arabs like god...... I'm going to repeat this Until a several Pakistanis give me a solid answer.

You forgot to add we have not recognized ISRAEL for our love of ARABS
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