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Gujarat HC raps Narendra Modi govt for 'inaction' during post-Godhra riots

We do talk about the 84 riots, and do call for justice for the victims by having the Congress party members behind them punished. However, the 2002 riot is somewhat more relevant in that Modi is considered an important candidate for becoming the Prime Minister and he has made no attempt to tone down his anti-Muslim rhetoric, which brings up the worry that a much larger anti-Muslim riot, while unlikely, is still a possibility in the near future. I can't say the same about an anti-Sikh riot happening any time soon.

Don't give me that congressi crap!! I have seen the horrors of 84 as a kid and the main leader involved in it had grown to take high positions/ministries in Congress.. Rajeev Gandhi gave a statement "If a big tree falls tremors are felt by some". Such an idiotic statement and he became the PM of the country.. Anyways, I am not defending Modi here.. I am more against Hypocrites..
Modi is a murderer of over 3000 innocent gujrati Muslims.

The long arm of the law is coming.....

Why do you need to manipulate numbers buddy? can't love your country and society just the way it is? why do feel the urge to contrast it with sporadic incidents in India. Get some ******* self respect.
Not that I know of. They take great pains to protect their Christian minorities, so they might have laws to protect all religions or something.

I never knew i was talking to an expert on Lebanon and Syria.. Google is at your service, make use of it..
Not that I know of. They take great pains to protect their Christian minorities, so they might have laws to protect all religions or something.

That seems to be issue for some of our friends here. Why do you think they have to take great pains to Protect religious minorities? These countries are in a constant struggle between theocratic and not so theocratic forces.
Don't give me that congressi crap!! I have seen the horrors of 84 as a kid and the main leader involved in it had grown to take high positions/ministries in Congress.. Rajeev Gandhi gave a statement "If a big tree falls tremors are felt by some". Such an idiotic statement and he became the PM of the country.. Also, I am not defending Modi here.. I am more against Hypocrites..

Rajeev Gandhi died because of what he did. Once again, I absolutely abhor what Congress did and want them to face justice as soon as possible. Nevertheless, given the current possibility of Modi becoming the prime minister, I think there is extreme urgency in making sure that he goes to jail.
Rajeev Gandhi died because of what he did.
Wrong again, Rajeev Gandhi didn't died for giving the statement. He died because of the deeds of her mum and partially his own..

Once again, I absolutely abhor what Congress did and want them to face justice as soon as possible. Nevertheless, given the current possibility of Modi becoming the prime minister, I think there is extreme urgency in making sure that he goes to jail.

28 years and still as soon as possible.. we will see how soon the justice will come for them..
Rajeev Gandhi died because of what he did. Once again, I absolutely abhor what Congress did and want them to face justice as soon as possible. Nevertheless, given the current possibility of Modi becoming the prime minister, I think there is extreme urgency in making sure that he goes to jail.

Modi ll never be PM. if NDA wants to win the next election, they ll have to find a more acceptable person just like they did the last time with vajpayee
Modi ll never be PM. if NDA wants to win the next election, they ll have to find a more acceptable person just like they did the last time with vajpayee

Modi's name is used just to scare few people off.. It's nothing more than dirty politics.. If they have will and have proofs why can't they hang him.. Close the matter once for all..
Let me google that for you

Let me google that for you

So we have one example of a possible prosecution for blasphemy in Lebanon, and none in Syria.

Hardly evidence of an intolerant society.

Having a Blasphemy law and enforcing it is an intolerant society.
Blasphemy ?? my ***. It's a thought crime.


I think we all agree on what's to be done and seem to disagree on how it's to be done.

We should just stop this discussion right here or do this on some other Indian forum not at this troll den of site.

:wave: thread.
Let me google that for you

Let me google that for you

So we have one example of a possible prosecution for blasphemy in Lebanon, and none in Syria.

Hardly evidence of an intolerant society.

I got no problem with that.. But prove it to me even there if some one burn 59 people of the majority alive in the train; what will be the impact?
Dude, don't joke.. No society can be tolerant enough to let things like these things happen to the majority..

That's a crude fact.. Learn to accept it..
Wrong again, Rajeev Gandhi didn't died for giving the statement. He died because of the deeds of her mum and partially his own..

That's what I said. He died because he and his mom gave support to the LTTE which in classic state-sponsored terrorist fashion got out of control before turning on its creator.

28 years and still as soon as possible.. we will see how soon the justice will come for them..

Your point?

---------- Post added at 03:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:18 PM ----------

I got no problem with that.. But prove it to me even there if some one burn 59 people of the majority alive in the train; what will be the impact?
Dude, don't joke.. No society can be tolerant enough to let things like these things happen to the majority..

We know exactly what would happen in Syria. A small portion of the population, composed of Saudi funded wahabi fanatics would start carrying out terrorist attacks against Christians and the government would respond by massacring the terrorists. Very different from what Modi did.
Your point?

Did you seriously not got my point? All I am saying is - few of the people who committed the crimes are dead and rest have their feets hanging in grave. When will the justice come? When none of the culprit will be alive.. huh?

Anyways enough of this debate.. I am out of it now..
Did you seriously not got my point? I am saying is - the people who committed the crime are dead and rest have their feet hanging in grave. When will the justice come? When none of the culprit will be alive.. huh?

I'm wondering what we are debating about. I was criticizing Modi, because this thread was about him, and because it is worrisome that many people want him to be the next PM.

This in no way means I don't want to have the 84 riot perpetrators be brought to justice. If you open another thread on that, I'll be happy to start denouncing them and call for justice.
When people are kept in abject poverty, hunger, deprivation, disease and illiteracy, because of rampant corruption, is it not a violation of human rights?

How many people die because they cannot afford a bribe at a government hospital? How many lakhs of farmers have committed suicide. (Definitely, not a single person should be a victim of a riot, and rioters from any community should be punished. But let us acknowledge that the scale of other human rights violations is so much higher.)

People need to get a sense of perspective. Modi has done much to promote human rights.

Definitely, the Muslims of Gujarat are acknowledging his contribution and are voting for him.

Anyway, let us leave aside the tired old identity politics. I refuse to acknowledge anybody as belonging to a different category just because their ancestors suffered conversion by violent invading ideologies.
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