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Gujarat HC raps Narendra Modi govt for 'inaction' during post-Godhra riots

now, you are testimony to intolerance of Your own self. You just lost me there. He was trying to comment of Modi not India or it's culture. why bring it in and waste yours and his time.

its no intolernace..im just fed up of making a boogeyman out of hindus and leaders who look out for hindu interests by every so called "secularist"....and making 2002 riots look as if a cataclysm happened.... seriously was that the first riot in india..? riots have happened for a lot less in india for much longer durations....

to hi s credit modi checked the spread of riots within few districts and completely stopped it in 2 or 3 days.....tell me ..have you seen the pathetic state of police in india...? how under armed, under equipped, under manned and ill-trained...with the resources at his disposal he did a far better job than any other CM has done during a riot....
Why all of a sudden every one realizes that a riot happened in 2002 when no one talks about atrocities done by Congress in 84?
I guess 84 victims are not worth the votes.. Sick!!
first stop the missionaries and their anti hindu propoganda, same goes for islamis, if you can't live in this society, just get out to vatican and kabba, if can't contribute anything to the society, atleast don't create hatred and misinformation. I am just laughing that nobody shows what their dear hindu terrorist Modi is doing to develop gujrat, your gandu parivaar even after being in power for 55 years wasn't able to do anything, now gujrat is growing 12% annually, instead of breeding jokers like sonia gandu,rahul gandu, lallu prasad, we need hundreds of more "hindu terrorist" Modis to change this idiotic country and it's sickular mentality, jab woh kare toh raas leela, jab hum kare toh ayaashi?? :(
that is no paranoia....examples are there all over the world.....tell me one islamic country in the whole wide world that is secular , liberal,pluralistic and tolerating of other religions....none....nilch...nada....

want india to go down that route ?

Turkey may be?
Turkey may be?

Seriously?! Dude, if the a train load of Muslims were burnt in Turkey, the effect would have been unimaginable.

With that let me add one more thing - I got no problems if HC gives a verdict to hang Modi.. But I seriously got a problem if all forget about the people burnt in the train.. Keep in mind - That was the cause, rest was the effect.. Even though I support none but I can no way deny the facts about that incident..

But I am sure of one thing - Past that incident, no one would dare to indulge in such stupidity again.. It stands true for all the citizens of India.. Be it Hindu or Muslim or any one else..
its no intolernace..im just fed up of making a boogeyman out of hindus and leaders who look out for hindu interests by every so called "secularist"....and making 2002 riots look as if a cataclysm happened.... seriously was that the first riot in india..? riots have happened for a lot less in india for much longer durations....

to hi s credit modi checked the spread of riots within few districts and completely stopped it in 2 or 3 days.....tell me ..have you seen the pathetic state of police in india...? how under armed, under equipped, under manned and ill-trained...with the resources at his disposal he did a far better job than any other CM has done during a riot....

Now by doing so, you are feeding those communalists who pounce on every opportunity to say that you people are intolerant. Now do you want to be a fool and give them fodder. Heck, even RSS people aren't this dumb.
hinduism was always culture oriented way of life until these islamic invader and later the britisgers came....they who practised organized, rigid religions were not able to understand that unlike theirs
hinduism was just a way of life of people in the subcontinent and named that a religion....

and who denies that religion does not influence culture...? for example the root of the arab culture is islam and western culture is based on judeo-christian values....similarly indian culture is rooted in sanatan dharma...

i dont know why people are so ashamed to own their history and accept the truth that hinduism (dharmic religions) define indian culture...they might be influnced by other religions..but the root of that still remains same

First you say that the Britishers incorrectly named Hinduism a religion and then you yourself go back to calling Hinduism a religion. I'm not sure what you're trying to say at this point.

the operative word is pre-dominant....what is the % of muslims among arabs...like 96% ? that defines their culture..

90% or so. But in some places - namely Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine, there are significant populations of Arab Christians, and historically, many Arabs were Christians or Jews (and going farther back simple polytheists).

you must be one of those romila thapar alike...stuck up marxist revisionist historians.....stop believeing all the colonial crap the english peddled to justify their invasion of india.....

How is that revisionist? The prevalent theory has long been one of Aryan migration into India, and revisionism is the act of questioning the prevalent theory.

Anyways, do you deny that there are massive linguistic differences between Indo-European and Proto-Dravidian languages? Do you deny that the Aryan culture as presented in the Vedas was a nomadic pastoral one?

As we have witnessed from the Kushan, Hunnic, Mongol, Islamic etc. invasions, India has always been invaded from the Northwest by nomads who then settle down and become civilized farmers. India is a very fertile land and nomadic pastoralism is not indigenous to India. Thus, the Aryans who practiced nomadic pastoralism were not indigenous to India.

We have to accept all these influences of people who settled into India and fused their cultures into the Indian culture.

The sole exception being the English who never really settled here and did not become civilized. That was because they were driven by loot rather than search of newer pastures.
Seriously?! Dude, if the a train load of Muslims was burnt in Turkey, the effect would have been unimaginable.

With that let me add one more thing - I got no problems if HC gives a verdict to hang Modi.. But I seriously got a problem if all forget about the people burnt in the train.. That was the cause, rest was the effect.. Even though I support none but I can no way deny the facts about that incident..

i understand the issue. But, people play politics bro. They don't see what started it or who started it. once the majority group seems to have done some injustice, that's it. They ll give a ruling that Hinduism and dharmic faiths are as intolerant as any other religions. Now you can go all day long about how Hinduism is a not a religion like others, it's liberal, approves of atheism, they are just riots, etc., but people don't want to listen this stuff. Nobody is interested in the facts. it's only the perception that matters.
Our neighborhood needs Hindu-boogeyman to be content with their religion based nationalism. why should we feed them?
that is no paranoia....examples are there all over the world.....tell me one islamic country in the whole wide world that is secular , liberal,pluralistic and tolerating of other religions....none....nilch...nada....

Lebanon? Syria? Sure, Israel and the West are trying to destabilize them by funding radical terrorist elements, but they have managed pretty well.

want india to go down that route ?

The secular, liberal, pluralistic and tolerating of other religions route? Yes I do want India to go down that route.
first stop the missionaries and their anti hindu propoganda, same goes for islamis, if you can't live in this society, just get out to vatican and kabba, if can't contribute anything to the society, atleast don't create hatred and misinformation. I am just laughing that nobody shows what their dear hindu terrorist Modi is doing to develop gujrat, your gandu parivaar even after being in power for 55 years wasn't able to do anything, now gujrat is growing 12% annually, instead of breeding jokers like sonia gandu,rahul gandu, lallu prasad, we need hundreds of more "hindu terrorist" Modis to change this idiotic country and it's sickular mentality, jab woh kare toh raas leela, jab hum kare toh ayaashi?? :(

Do you want make India just like Muslim countries? i say we should invite Christian missionaries and facilitate setting up of more catholic and christian schools and institutes. Heck, i say all Hindus start worshiping Jesus Christ. ;)
Lebanon? Syria? Sure, Israel and the West are trying to destabilize them by funding radical terrorist elements, but they have managed pretty well.

Don't they have blasphemy laws?? You want some thing like that in our country..
Why all of a sudden every one realizes that a riot happened in 2002 when no one talks about atrocities done by Congress in 84?
I guess 84 victims are not worth the votes.. Sick!!

We do talk about the 84 riots, and do call for justice for the victims by having the Congress party members behind them punished. However, the 2002 riot is somewhat more relevant in that Modi is considered an important candidate for becoming the Prime Minister and he has made no attempt to tone down his anti-Muslim rhetoric, which brings up the worry that a much larger anti-Muslim riot, while unlikely, is still a possibility in the near future. I can't say the same about an anti-Sikh riot happening any time soon.
Don't they have blasphemy laws?? You want some thing like that in our country..

Not that I know of. They take great pains to protect their Christian minorities, so they might have laws to protect all religions or something.
Lebanon? Syria? Sure, Israel and the West are trying to destabilize them by funding radical terrorist elements, but they have managed pretty well.

The secular, liberal, pluralistic and tolerating of other religions route? Yes I do want India to go down that route.

I object. India is already a liberal Pluralistic tolerating society on a nationwide scale. There are sections of society that have some designs to change this status-quo.
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