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Green jobs booming in Bangladesh


Feb 12, 2013
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Bangladesh is known for its apparel manufacturing industry – and for the conditions faced by garment workers toiling in Dickensian factories for a dollar a day. But according to a report released on Sunday, the South Asian nation has become a top hotspot for renewable energy jobs, creating a green workforce as large as Spain’s in 2013.

How? Solar energy.

Bangladeshis are installing small photovoltaic systems at a rate of 80,000 a month, says the report from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). In a country where only 47 per cent of the population had access to electricity in 2009, according to the Asian Development Bank, solar is increasingly becoming a way to leapfrog the need to build a bigger power grid. In the past 10 years, the number of solar systems in Bangladesh has jumped from 25,000 to 2.8 million, according to IRENA. That in turn has created some 114,000 jobs, from assembling solar panels to selling, installing and maintaining them. In fact, the number of solar-related jobs nearly doubled between 2011 and 2013. “The numbers are set to increase further,” reports The Atlantic. It mentioned that, by comparison, some 4 million people work in Bangladesh’s garment industry. Solar energy accounted for 2.3 million of the world’s 6.5 million renewable energy-related jobs in 2013. About 70 per cent of those solar positions were in China, the biggest green-job generator with 2.6 million people employed in renewable energy overall and more than 1.1 million green jobs are in the European Union, an early leader in promoting carbon-free energy to fight climate change. The United States came in third with 625,000 renewable energy jobs, wrote the report’s authors.

source: Green jobs booming | 24 News | Financial Express :: Financial Newspaper of Bangladesh
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