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Pakistan has ideal environment for many things what all we need is good leadership with vision and honesty.
The reason why solar panels are expensive is owing to their transportation cost which requires a lot of delicate handling. We have assessed the feasibility of producing solar panels locally in Pakistan and still researching low cost assembly methods. Our aim is to provide 5Kw of energy in 5-6 lac coupled with our "designed for solar" line of home appliances one can expect to run entire lighting, medium fridge, TV and 0.75 ton air conditioner on our 5Kw solar package.

Anyone interested PM me for more details..


Thats exactly my point is whenever i talk with Batman here. See 5kw seems to be very cheap with only 5-6 lakh rupees as the total cost by other companies exceeds 10 lakh rupees. Now I have a question here, if you can generate 6.5kw of electricity by gas and that generator would cost you only 50,000 rupees why would you spend 6 lakh rupees on solar energy?

I mean it generally take years to pay your bill of 6 lakh rupees if you are using gas-powered generator in a single household so why would everybody be running after solar energy and investing such a heavy amount before start obtaining even a single watt of electricity from solar.

Also we have to remember, Solar energy only generate electricity under the sunlight meaning if its a night time you will have to use batteries (if any) in order to run electricity in your household and the batteries do get faulty so its not like after investing 6 lakh you will never to invest money again.
Gharro wind corridor in interior Sindh alone has the potential to generate 40,000 MW of electricity.If I am not mistaken, preliminary feasibility study has already been completed.

r u really planning to generate solar enegy through solar farm, i had similar idea. Zaki is right, its not commercially viable though i thought of solar furnace for hydrogen production as well.
Zaki... without going into the cost of the product..
I want you to understand the savings to the state in converting to solar.
In various states govts. share their saving by announcing subsidies on the solar energy.
Still a win-win situation for both state and public.
Now, again i'm talking about developed states where line loses are hardly 5% where as in Pakistan the line losses are about 40-50%!!!!!!!!!
See how in-efficient our transmission system is and then the cost of maintaining it, which still does not work properly.
I bet non of you know what big deal i'm talking.
Simply think why developed states of Europe/USA announce subsidies on purchase of solar power.

Comparing it with feasibility of gas generator is different issue.
Gas does not come to your house without expense and why are we levying taxes on production of solar energy?

Corruption and ignorance spread by media and ill informed people is behind Pakistan's demise.
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Pakistan also ahas a huge potential for geo-thermal energy, which is much better in the long term
Pakistan also ahas a huge potential for geo-thermal energy, which is much better in the long term

geo thermal is expensive and is evenly available to all of the world.
With a difference that in rocky lands it is more expensive to dig deep holes.
Pakistan has so much potential i swer... specially in natural resources and other sectors but its the courpt gov's and there follwers who don't let us grow we need energy and i sure hope these type of projects and others work so the people of Pakistan can live & sleep in peace .
the problem with solar energy is that solar panel produces 12 watts dc
and u need to convert it to 220 v ac
and at night u use power from batteries
problems are due to these batteries and inverters

No dear, we are forced to use 220volts, because an alternate only generate alternating electricity.

In my design, you don't need batteries and inverters but i'm no business man and doing business in Pakistan is way to hell and their is no respect for intellectual rights in Pakistan.
Who is gonna Implement them, its like "who will tie the Bell in Cat's Neck". I hope projects are implemented this time and relief may be provided to poor people of Pakistan.

I hope GoP will take such steps in Order to Make the wheels of the Country Running Again. I also hope that Zaradari Wont ask for some percentage in order to Implement such Projects.

Just give you an example... in PIA common employees openly demand 10% share of zardari and 20% for PIA or you loose all your baggage.
This is practiced daily on all passengers coming from Europe and plus many other ways to get money out from European bound pasangers.

There is no one to listen complaints.
Solar power is not cost effective for a poor country like Pakistan....Same with wind power...The turbines are usually mounted with Gear box and Generator of their own,and that is the most expensive component.Plus wind power is not constant..Winds blows sometimes and doesn't blow at other times..Sometimes wind is strong and at other times wind is weak..and unlike water,wind cannot be stored.

I was thinking of a rather weird method of power generation by wind....We have coastal mountains in Baluchistana nd Dam can be built there...
We can build large wind turbine farms,and instead of fitting each Turbine with a Generator of it's own,we fit them with water Pump,which is easily available and manufactured in Pakistan.
The wind Turbine turns a water pump and pumps water uphill into the dam..This dam will collect pumped sea water,and then use the potential energy of stored water to generate electricity via one or few large land based Hydel Turbine generators...In effect we are building a seaside dam and storing Seawater instead of River water and the sea water is pumped into the dam by low cosy water pumps driven by Wind Turbines...That way wind power can be stored..When the wind is strong the turbines will pump more water into the dam,which can be used later.

Same can be done with the solar energy in Punjab and water turbines can be added in barrages can be build and water can be pumped back up for use in nights.
In punjab we have sun any way all day long and perhaps 300 days at least.

r u really planning to generate solar enegy through solar farm, i had similar idea. Zaki is right, its not commercially viable though i thought of solar furnace for hydrogen production as well.

No we are not into building mass solar farms..
we are researching various uses of solar energy to run an average house-hold totally green. Turning solar into electricity to power your home is expensive plus the more power you generate from solar the more you add up in cost of batteries and inverters.

We intend to provide a "combined" system which can be mounted on your roof to convert heat into electrical and mechanical energy. So for example the system will have a small number of solar panels to power lighting, pumps and motors. An oil based heating system to generate hot water and steam. The steam can be used to run absorption chillers for cooling your living space and hot water for bath. Also solar energy can be concentrated to desalinate water saving tons of river water for irrigation. High pressure steam generated by solar can also be used to run turbines for electricity generation and at the night time gas furnace takes over.

As of now solar farms are only reality for cash loaded government and countries having vast swathes of waste dessert. For an average household, forget it as an idea too far fetched unless government subsidies pitch in. Because like readers pointed out a NG fired generator can be owned and run much cheaper.
^^ don't listen to indians they are only spreading misinformation on this forum.
While their own govt., is asking US to help them build solar parks.
Solar energy is not the only thing we are focused on.
We are also on the hunt for low speed diesel engines to direcly burn used cooking oil and generate electricity. Much more efficient and cheaper than solar. Currently engines can be had from India but too expensive at $4000 each for colonial era tech clone.
What is your company?
send me P.M.

When i stress on solar energy is not because of profit to seller. I mean it is more profit to state which must share the cost.

It is not possible to find portable slow speed engines for use with crude oil.
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