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Greek anarchists attack Turkish Airlines office in Athens

Pax Ottomana

Dec 26, 2009
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Syrian Arab Republic
A group of anarchists tried to break into the Turkish Airlines office in the Greek capital, causing material damage, reports said Wednesday.


Suspects affiliated with Rouvikonas anarchist group reportedly tried to break into the office and damaged the glass door early Wednesday, Anadolu Agency reported.

No employees were in the office at the time of the attack, as it took place before working hours at around 7 a.m. local time.

Greek police launched an investigation into the incident.

Rouvikonas had previously attacked the Turkish Embassy compound in Athens.

The group also stages sit-in protests, occupies government buildings and vandalizes state property.

They also tried to attack and burn down Atatürk's house in Selanik back in the 1950's, eventually because of those morons nearly 300k Greeks had to leave lstanbul permanently.

They never learn, do they?
Flown through Turkish Airways. Its really a nice airlines and worth every inch of dollar. Hope idiots dont affect its operation.
I would expect Golden Dawn to do something like this but it turned out to be far leftists?

Anarchists, from Greece to USA; all of them are cancer.

Mostly spoiled and frustrated youngsters who have nothing better to do with their lives. Unemployment and underemployment is rampant in Greece so these kinds of attacks on public property is common. Personally I don't really blame the Greeks specifically. It's because of the international banking scheme, corporate greed and the increasing income gap between the top 1% and the rest of us. When most of the economy in any country is controlled by a handful of families you're bound to have "issues".
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