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"Greece is a toilet" Jeremy Clarkson controversial article

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Oct 20, 2008
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United States


He mentions how Greek women typically have "mustaches" and how "Greece is a toilet". Though there is no denying that day Greece is a bankrupt, internationally humiliated, mass unemployment, and collapsed country with growing right-wing fascism and racism.
Greek Londoner's are incensed at a recent article by Jeremy Clarkson in The Sun in which he describes Greece as a toilet, is this the last outrage to get Clarkson the boot?

By John Kaponi

The BBC Top Gear and Sun columnist Jeremy Clarkson has angered the Greek population of the United Kingdom with racist and insensitive comments made in his weekly newspaper column in the Saturday edition of The Sun, were describes Greece as a "toilet".

In an article "Holiday ad cuts a'tache" Clarkson refers to a recent campaign by the Greek National Tourist board in London, were a women is pictured with Clarkson referring "and a girl who didn’t look all that Greek either. She didn’t have a moustache for instance".

Clarkson referred recently to lorry drivers murdering prostitutes and was given a warning by the BBC, but to insult an entire nation in this manner is way off the mark.

The London Daily News has formally written to the editor of The Sun and a formal complaint is being made to the Press Complaints Commission which has strict guidelines over accuracy:

"i) The Press must take care not to publish inaccurate, misleading or distorted information, including pictures.

iii) The Press, whilst free to be partisan, must distinguish clearly between comment, conjecture and fact."

Had these comments been made about Muslims or African-Caribbean’s there would have been calls for Clarkson immediate dismissal in any case The Sun has not made any remedy to date.

The London Daily News calls for Clarkson to be sacked from The Sun for making these comments.

Sun 11/11/08
The BBC often plays down his comments as ultimately not having the weight they are ascribed. In 2007 they described Clarkson as "Not a man given to considered opinion", and in response to an official complaint another BBC spokeswoman once said: "Jeremy's colourful comments are always entertaining, but they are his own comments and not those of the BBC. More often than not they are said with a twinkle in his eye."[55] Some of his opponents state they take the view he is a man that should be ignored. Kevin Clinton, head of Road Safety at the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) has stated "We don't take what he says too seriously and hopefully other people don't either

any one notice a moustache?

you can hate the economy but dont knock the beauty

Greek women have mustache problem because of hormone problem. The females are too masculine and the males to famine. Or that is my theory at least.
Greek women have mustache problem because of hormone problem. The females are too masculine and the males to famine. Or that is my theory at least.

That is certainly a possibility as some women of certain ethnicities and or races have higher levels of testosterone. Which certainly makes for a hideous and less attractive appearance in women.
That is certainly a possibility as some women of certain ethnicities and or races have higher levels of testosterone. Which certainly makes for a hideous and less attractive appearance in women.

It is the same with black women.(pure black women). They can also look very masculine. Maybe Greeks have afro blood?
It is the same with black women.(pure black women). They can also look very masculine. Maybe Greeks have afro blood?

Lol don't start this debate here... Otherwise we will get many angry Greek viewers joining the forum and raging. As far as Greek women go I personally know of one Greek woman who works at the office here and she's very beautiful a true eye candy, so not all are masculine looking but certainly a considerable number of them are.
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