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Grave of India-Pakistan war hero Brig Usman 'vandalised' in New Delhi

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and you provide your links janab liar

But the tale of Abdul Hamid's daughter Nazbun Nisha, reported by Ghazipur live , is not one that will make us proud, instead it is tragic and shameful. Over a year after her husband Sheikh Alauddin's death

She was fighting for some money

You lied baibar nowhere did-
Veer Chakra" CQM Havildar Abdul Hamid's daughters never got married because they were ostracize
End quote

She was married i know these people

You were caught lying again disgusting

Worry about your own people
again trolling and reported for baseless rants and trolling against Pakistan
Mr. Bamboo,
I promise you I will keep lying to you a million times. After my millionth lie I will continue lying forever.
So start counting.
Can you pls answer your original statement

Where does it say?

Veer Chakra" CQM Havildar Abdul Hamid's daughters never got married because they were ostracize
End quote

I really want to know if I am wrong janab
that the our armed forces are not constrained either in practice or psychologically in delivering hammer blows against the enemy regardless of collateral damage.
I disagree with you. We are significantly hampered by this fact alone (risk of injury to civilians on the other side) because we regard them as our own brothers and sisters. We calculate every provocation and every retaliation carefully. The Indians do not because they do not regard our civilians and possibly even the Kashmiris on their side as their brethren. I can say this with some certainty and I'm sure others who know much more than me would clarify further if asked @PanzerKiel
I disagree with you. We are significantly hampered by this fact alone (risk of injury to civilians on the other side) because we regard them as our own brothers and sisters. We calculate every provocation and every retaliation carefully. The Indians do not because they do not regard our civilians and possibly even the Kashmiris on their side as their brethren. I can say this with some certainty and I'm sure others who know much more than me would clarify further if asked @PanzerKiel
I agree with you, and perhaps I should have been more specific in my statement. (As you correctly said this topic needs a separate thread,)
There is a significant constraint on our armed forces depending on the situation.
A preemptive strike on an enemy repositioning to a tactically threatening location, would not be initiated before completely weighing the costs to collateral damage.
I was referring to the usual cross border exchange where a retaliation is necessary to silence the enemy artillery ( located in a civilian pocket) which is targeting our civilians. Then our field officers choose to protect our civilians, and pulverize the enemy knowing that there would be civilian losses on the other side. It's a painful but necessary choice. The first priority is protection of our civilians by destroying the enemy's ability to harm them. There is no logic in letting our civilians die simply because we can't stop the enemy artillery. For the enemy the loss of personnel is a humiliating reminder that there are consequences to their actions.

Am eagerly awaiting your response on whether Pakistan should really care for Indian Muslim sentiments.
Also if you would comment on my response to @PAKISTANFOREVER on whether Indian Muslims hate Pakistan.

Inshallah, we shall overcome. Few are alive to remember but we still have our history to inspire us.
If we look at what our nation had to go through in the first few months of our existence it is a miracle our country is still here..

Yes, we need to distance ourselves not only from Indian Muslims but also from Bangladeshis.
-Indian Muslims don't hate Pakistanis, but they must be seen to hate Pakistanis if they have even a faint chance of securing protection from the pseudo-secular forces.
Earlier the Indian Muslims felt that their misery was because of Partition. Their argument was that more Muslims in a united India would have guaranteed secularism.After what happened in Kashmir they know better.
Now they are grateful that we who live in what is now Pakistan have escaped their plight. They still have to keep living though even they know that time is short. They just want to be left alone and public sympathy from Pakistan is the last thing they want. We can call them cowards but they will not, and cannot, fight for Pakistan though they wished they could. In the past for their support of Pakistan they paid a fearful price.

Bangladeshis ( Muslims) are a majority in their country, and they vote their governments in power. The vast majority of Bangladeshis have a genuine and vicious hatred towards Pakistan. Their media and propaganda outdoes their Hindu masters next door in spewing venom against Pakistan.

We are psychologically connected to both Bangladeshis and Indian Muslims as is evident from the number of threads on this forum.
I am new on this forum but False flag RSS trolls apart, there are no Indian Muslims (if any) making statements against Pakistan.
Here is a comparison between Bangladeshis and Indian Muslims.
- Indian Muslims are distanced from us psychologically. They would rather be left alone and though they do wish us Pakistanis well they dare not utter such sentiments openly. We are culturally and linguistically connected to most of the Indian Muslim population. Geographically we are connected but it is no longer possible for Indian Muslims to visit Pakistan.
The odd soldier in the Indian Army not withstanding, Indian Muslims have not voluntarily killed Pakistani defence personnel or civilians nor have Pakistanis ever done the same. From now on there will far fewer ( if any) Indian Muslim soldiers who will be fighting us.

With Bangladesh we have no cultural, linguistic or geographical links. Bangladeshis ( with exceptions) generally hate us. I know this from personal experience. Their presence on this forum is purely to say " we are better than you ". Bangladesh and India have a defense pact which India is likely to invoke to secure participation of Bangladesh in a war.
Bangladeshis have killed Pakistani soldiers, and civilians in a vicious enemy backed civil war, Pakistanis have killed Bangladeshis also.
It's not only Pakistanis that Bangladeshis ( with exceptions) hate . The majority of Bangladeshis hate Indian Muslims too including their West Bengali counterparts.

Which is why our stance should be to forget both Bangladeshis and Indian Muslims, and not seek any dialogue on this forum.,

In terms of hatred to Pakistan I would rank:
1. Bangladeshis ( with exceptions)
2. Afghanis ( a minority)
3. Iranians ( a minority)
4.Indian Muslims ( 5 paid BJP loyalists out of 200 million)
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I agree with you, and perhaps I should have been more specific in my statement. (As you correctly said this topic needs a separate thread,)
There is a significant constraint on our armed forces depending on the situation.
A preemptive strike on an enemy repositioning to a tactically threatening location, would not be initiated before completely weighing the costs to collateral damage.
I was referring to the usual cross border exchange where a retaliation is necessary to silence the enemy artillery ( located in a civilian pocket) which is targeting our civilians. Then our field officers choose to protect our civilians, and pulverize the enemy knowing that there would be civilian losses on the other side. It's a painful but necessary choice. The first priority is protection of our civilians by destroying the enemy's ability to harm them. There is no logic in letting our civilians die simply because we can't stop the enemy artillery. For the enemy the loss of personnel is a humiliating reminder that there are consequences to their actions.

Am eagerly awaiting your response on whether Pakistan should really care for Indian Muslim sentiments.
Also if you would comment on my response to @PAKISTANFOREVER on whether Indian Muslims hate Pakistan.
I shall comment on your post when I get a chance to consider it carefully as it is quite in depth.
As for expat Indian muslims, that analysis shall be reserved for another thread. I particularly enjoy hearing household discussion updates from my friends who are in a Pakistani Muslim + Indian Muslim union. There seems to be a new "I told you so" moment every week. Terrific fun to listen in on.

I find that "I told you so" deeply problematic. The Muslims in India today had no say on where they were born. They had no say in the creation of Pakistan.

In today's India, Muslims are denigrated, assaulted and killed simply because they share the same religion as the Muslim rulers of generations ago and the people of Pakistan. What you describe, is simply an extension (or perhaps converse) of the same guilt by association proffered to Indian Muslims from the Pakistanis.

Let us also understand that Jinnah's concept of Pakistan was a safe space for South Asian Muslims to live, free from the ills of Hindu majoritarianism. It was never intended to be limited by the boundaries that we see today. Therefore, it would be unfair to criticize those who just happened to end up on the wrong side of Radcliffe's line.

In a similar vein, today many Pakistanis live a comfortable and financially better life in the US/UK than their brethren in Pakistan. Wouldn't it be considered poor manners to criticize and put down those who did not or could not migrate to greener pastures in the west? So why does such behavior elicit glee when it comes to Indian Muslims? Do Pakistanis need Indian Muslims to suffer to validate the thesis of Jinnah? By that same extension, do we need others to suffer to justify the choices we made?
Wonder why didn't any of the BJP MPs of Delhi step in to repair the grave? Oh, that would hurt the sentiments of the majority.
Why didn’t the Sekoolar parties like Scamgress came forward to repair it? Or even AIMIM’s Owaisi?
I find that "I told you so" deeply problematic. The Muslims in India today had no say on where they were born. They had no say in the creation of Pakistan.
Nobody will discuss this aspect.

Pakistanis believe no new Muslims have been added to Indian populace post 47.

Bottom line is they ain't gonna help.

You have to put your trust in American mujahideens.
Why didn’t the Sekoolar parties like Scamgress came forward to repair it? Or even AIMIM’s Owaisi?

I assume you acknowledge that BJP MPs responsible for that area do not wish to upset the "peaceful" majority and adherents of 5000 year culture.
Indian Muslims need guns. Nothing else.

We are witnessing precisely what the Nazis did to German Jews prior to the holocaust.

Some of our Indian colleagues continue to wonder why we feel very strongly that Indian Muslims should arm themselves immediately.


"It appeared to be unplanned, set off by Germans' anger over the assassination of a German official in Paris at the hands of a Jewish teenager. In fact, German propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels and other Nazis carefully organized the pogroms. In two days, over 250 synagogues were burned, over 7,000 Jewish businesses were trashed and looted, dozens of Jewish people were killed, and Jewish cemeteries, hospitals, schools, and homes were looted while police and fire brigades stood by. The pogroms became known as Kristallnacht"

but but but, how dare Indian Muslims even consider arming themselves and fighting back. How dare they.

Being blunt here.

There aren't enough guns in Pakistan that can save you and Indian Muslims put together should the Hindu truly weaponize and mobilize.

You like to instigate sitting behind a nuclear curtain.

Our Muslims are poor.

They are not stupid.

Cheers, Doc
They are not stupid.
They have a breaking point too.

The more they are marginalised the more united they are becoming. They have stopped sectarian infighting and even ethnic infighting.

Stop shooting yourself in the foot
They have a breaking point too.

The more they are marginalised the more united they are becoming. They have stopped sectarian infighting and even ethnic infighting.

Stop shooting yourself in the foot

On the flip side, till now the Hindus are only slapping them around and beating them with sticks.

The only shooting involved was started by the Muslims in Delhi intifada.

The Muslims are being told that their guest theology is resident on this land not as owner but leasee.

Cheers, Doc
On the flip side, till now the Hindus are only slapping them around and beating them with sticks.

The only shooting involved was started by the Muslims in Delhi intifada.

The Muslims are being told that their guest theology is resident on this land not as owner but leasee.

Cheers, Doc

I would like to see how 1.2 billion people can become United for 1 cause.

Never in history has such mass mobilisation for a cause has been witnessed.

Chances of 1.2 billion people uniting are 6 times as slim as 200 million uniting.

Of all the people, you should know who has been the beneficial owner of every war and famine to grace earth for the past 15 centuries.
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