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Grave of India-Pakistan war hero Brig Usman 'vandalised' in New Delhi

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Grave of India-Pakistan war hero Brig Usman 'vandalised' in New Delhi

'Miscreants' remain unidentified as Indian army claims "matter being looked into at the highest level"

Our Correspondent December 29, 2020

the damaged grave of india pakistan s 1947 48 war hero brigadier mohammad usman photo the print

The damaged grave of India-Pakistan's 1947-48 war hero Brigadier Mohammad Usman. PHOTO: The Print
According to the Indian online newspaper The Print, the grave of the India-Pakistan 1947-48 war hero Brigadier Mohammad Usman was vandalised by unidentified 'miscreants'.
The grave was said to be located in south Delhi’s Batla House Qabristan near Jamia Millia Islamia. Residents of the area claim the cemetery was not secure given that both entrance and exit gates were open 24×7, whereas one side of it was completely open to the Jamia Metro Station and main road.
Brigadier Usman was known as ‘Naushera ka Sher’ (the Lion of Naushera), The Print reported. He is credited with leading the famous 50 (Independent) Parachute Brigade that recaptured two strategic locations of the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir - Jhangar and Naudera - in 1948.
The celebrated soldier's funeral was attended by then Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, President Dr Rajendra Prasad, Governor General C Rajagopalachari, and many other cabinet ministers, according to a report by Heritage Times.
Jamia University’s PRO Ahmad Azeem was quoted as telling The Print that the university was only responsible for maintaining the graveyard ano not the graves.
As per sources in the India army, the matter, which is a “protocol and emotional issue” for the force, was being looked into at the highest level.
Asked if there were plans to shift the remains to the Army Cantonment as suggested by some, sources said the immediate concern was the repair of the graveyard. Any other issue will be decided in time.

یہی انجام ہوتا ہے جب بندہ دھوبی کا کتا بن جائے ۔
ننگ دین، ننگ ملت، ننگ وطن، ایمان و دین و ملت و وطن فروش
@jamahir @Hindustani78
See what your Govt / RSS doing to their war heroes....
No, it wasn't worth the effort.
"Veer Chakra" CQM Havildar Abdul Hamid's daughters never got married because they were ostracized.
Nor for that matter was it worth it for Indian Vive Chief of Army Staff Lt. Gen. Zaheeruddeen Shah, who got vilified because as a Major General deployed in Rajasthan he he was assigned to suppress the anti-Muslim pogrom in Gujarat (2002)
Indian Defense Minister George Fernandez sent in the army under Shah over Modi's "objections ". The initial deployment of troops were flown in or arrived by rail without their vehicles and refueling equipment.

Modi's government denied his forces vehicles and fuel delaying them for two days until their own vehicles and fuel arrived from Rajasthan.
Any links to these events?
Grave of India-Pakistan war hero Brig Usman 'vandalised' in New Delhi

'Miscreants' remain unidentified as Indian army claims "matter being looked into at the highest level"

Our Correspondent December 29, 2020

the damaged grave of india pakistan s 1947 48 war hero brigadier mohammad usman photo the print

The damaged grave of India-Pakistan's 1947-48 war hero Brigadier Mohammad Usman. PHOTO: The Print
According to the Indian online newspaper The Print, the grave of the India-Pakistan 1947-48 war hero Brigadier Mohammad Usman was vandalised by unidentified 'miscreants'.
The grave was said to be located in south Delhi’s Batla House Qabristan near Jamia Millia Islamia. Residents of the area claim the cemetery was not secure given that both entrance and exit gates were open 24×7, whereas one side of it was completely open to the Jamia Metro Station and main road.
Brigadier Usman was known as ‘Naushera ka Sher’ (the Lion of Naushera), The Print reported. He is credited with leading the famous 50 (Independent) Parachute Brigade that recaptured two strategic locations of the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir - Jhangar and Naudera - in 1948.
The celebrated soldier's funeral was attended by then Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, President Dr Rajendra Prasad, Governor General C Rajagopalachari, and many other cabinet ministers, according to a report by Heritage Times.
Jamia University’s PRO Ahmad Azeem was quoted as telling The Print that the university was only responsible for maintaining the graveyard ano not the graves.
As per sources in the India army, the matter, which is a “protocol and emotional issue” for the force, was being looked into at the highest level.
Asked if there were plans to shift the remains to the Army Cantonment as suggested by some, sources said the immediate concern was the repair of the graveyard. Any other issue will be decided in time.

یہی انجام ہوتا ہے جب بندہ دھوبی کا کتا بن جائے ۔
ننگ دین، ننگ ملت، ننگ وطن، ایمان و دین و ملت و وطن فروش

F**king animals. Indian society is really getting more and more depraved by the day......
Govt/RSS ? They are last one to do this ..Anti national elements or it's a sectarian issue ..

Yes, RSS love of Muslims is universally well known....
Nope talking about this-

Veer Chakra" CQM Havildar Abdul Hamid's daughters never got married because they were ostracized.

Where are the links they were not married and ostracized
He had only one daughter and she's married
Are you lying?
Am talking from hearsay from ex-pat Indian Muslims who happen to be from the area Abdul Hamid lived.
Can you tell me who his daughter is married to, and if she married at all?
Meanwhile here is an interesting piece of news for you to chew on:
Stop laughing baibar janab
You claimed

Veer Chakra" CQM Havildar Abdul Hamid's daughters never got married because they were ostracized.

Prove it janab or you are lying

Her name is nazbun nisha married to Sheikh Allaudin
You are caught lying again baibar

Also why should I provide a link you claimed
It are you lying and claiming things without proof on this forum

Stop diverting
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If u see Rewards/money/fame etc from 1947.....

CONGRESS WHICH IS EPITOME OF TRUTH gave MANY AWARDS to 100% DESERVING People.... If u check properly 90% are PURE GEMS.
he was offered same position in pak army but he stay in india and became radical indian hardcore supporter of india . he was involved in indian occupation of kashmir operation very actively .

Well then this suits him well. In fact he deserves more
The irony! Syed Ahmed Khan, Iqbal, Jinnah and others foresaw this happening decades before. Indian secularism was always going to give way to Hindu nationalism. Nehru nevertheless managed to fool a large number of people like this man.

In hindsight, it seems that Nehru and that time period was an aberration in the overall history of India. The country is now reverting to what it always was....a deeply discriminatory society where minorities are pulverized and shown their place.
Why shouldn't I laugh?
If the Chief Minister himself doesn't know who Abdul Hamid's wife is then who in the world know who his. daughter is or who she was married to.

"nazbun nisha" ?:omghaha:
Unless you are misspelling there is no such a name for UP Indian Muslim females. Where did you dig that one up?

Don't who cares?

For responses to RSS Hindutva trolls I will lie a million times. This is not your third rate Indian Supreme Court where I am arguing the Babri Masjid case, where even if you speak the truth you lose.
Yes, we will lie, we will cheat , we will confuse ...for RSS Hundutva chaddidhari trolls, no amount of lying is enough. Catch me if you can.
Diversion? Of course I will divert third rate trolls.
The more I divert trolls like you on insignificant posts, the more we keep you from trolling elsewhere.
Liar liar pants of fire baibar janab

I was stopped from replying to your posts on a previous thread

Read it carefully the name is absolutely right

Listen to me janab I will expose your lies everywhere I go if this was twitter you would be crying from the truths I will show you

You should provide the link unless you are lying
her name is nazbun nisha.

Also their was only one daughter not daughters

You can keep lying here the mods will even stop me from exposing your disgusting lies

Yeah troll even asking for a link and proofs is trolling

But outside this bubble though the truth will make you hurt
Diversion lol I expose hundreds of your brethren on Twitter each day
You don't want to know
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Mythical India.... :omghaha:

Written by a person who has no idea of Urdu..
The name sir is : Nasb-un-nisa
So unless I missed it where did it say on this blog she was married?
Can you provide the link liar
Mythical India.... :omghaha:

Written by a person who has no idea of Urdu..
The name sir is : Nasb-un-nisa
So unless I missed it where did it say on this blog she was married?
Can you provide your links janab liar

But the tale of Abdul Hamid's daughter Nazbun Nisha, reported by Ghazipur live , is not one that will make us proud, instead it is tragic and shameful. Over a year after her husband Sheikh Alauddin's death

She was fighting for some money

You lied baibar nowhere did-
Veer Chakra" CQM Havildar Abdul Hamid's daughters never got married because they were ostracize
End quote

She was married i know these people

You were caught lying again disgusting

Worry about your own people
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Guys don't ridicule a soldier no matter who's side he was on. Years before and after partition were very confusing for everyone, we today can't fathom what emotional stress or thoughts were going in the minds of Muslims at that time.
Further the grave may be vandalized by Hindus or there's a possibility that even a Muslim may have done it (under the influence that he (the major) was a traitor to the Muslim cause. All in all don't ridicule the dead
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