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Government clears posting of 40,000 soldiers along China border

50,000 ya 1,000,000 ho
India will still cower infront of China

China can backhand India like a moisquito...
1962 didnt give you a lesson?
Better focus on aleviating the dire situations that are haunting your country today before trying to act tough...

And on Afghanistan taking on Pakistan.. That country is controlled by Pakistan.
And even if something does happen between Af-Pak, don't cry when Pakistan retaliates backon your civilians. ;) (If China isn't already in New Delhi by then)

It will be better you put your energy on controlling Pakistan itself as its not in the control of your establishment, govt. and army. :whistle:
Good news. Along with corps one more armoured division and 2 artillary brigades are also approved.
Good news. Along with corps one more armoured division and 2 artillary brigades are also approved.

isn't a 1 infantry brigade also for n-command?1 art and 1 armour for each eastern and northern command! Am i right?
Well.....the Chinese have helped with the incursions. Nothing focuses the mind more. There won't be an Indian politician who would anymore dare suggest that China is not a threat. Maybe that should have crossed Chinese minds.

:lol: whether you think we are a threat or not is utterly irrelevant. We can invade your country at will and wait until we get concessions out of your government and leave whenever we want. We couldn't give two hoots what Indians think of us. We are bossing you around, that's all that matters.
:lol: whether you think we are a threat or not is utterly irrelevant. We can invade your country at will and wait until we get concessions out of your government and leave whenever we want. We couldn't give two hoots what Indians think of us. We are bossing you around, that's all that matters.

It must please you to feel so.

Go ahead and dream away.

You guys overran Arunachal in 62 and withdrew. Now you claim it .

Either you were dumb to withdraw ack then or are stupid to seek it now. Anywhich way, whats the problem if India improves its defences ?
50,000 ya 1,000,000 ho
India will still cower infront of China

China can backhand India like a moisquito...
1962 didnt give you a lesson?
Better focus on aleviating the dire situations that are haunting your country today before trying to act tough...

And on Afghanistan taking on Pakistan.. That country is controlled by Pakistan.
And even if something does happen between Af-Pak, don't cry when Pakistan retaliates backon your civilians. ;) (If China isn't already in New Delhi by then)

50,000 ya 1,000,000 ho
India will still cower infront of China

China can backhand India like a moisquito...
1962 didnt give you a lesson?
Better focus on aleviating the dire situations that are haunting your country today before trying to act tough...

And on Afghanistan taking on Pakistan.. That country is controlled by Pakistan.
And even if something does happen between Af-Pak, don't cry when Pakistan retaliates backon your civilians. ;) (If China isn't already in New Delhi by then)

You just worry about keeping your country under your government's control, mate.
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