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Government clears posting of 40,000 soldiers along China border

Well.....the Chinese have helped with the incursions. Nothing focuses the mind more. There won't be an Indian politician who would anymore dare suggest that China is not a threat. Maybe that should have crossed Chinese minds.

LOL, A.K. Anthony himself admitted that BOTH sides regularly cross into the perception of the other side's area.

But only when we do it, does it count as an "incursion" apparently.
50,000 ya 1,000,000 ho
India will still cower infront of China
China can backhand India like a moisquito...
1962 didnt give you a lesson?
Better focus on aleviating the dire situations that are haunting your country today before trying to act tough...

And on Afghanistan taking on Pakistan.. That country is controlled by Pakistan.
And even if something does happen between Af-Pak, don't cry when Pakistan retaliates backon your civilians. ;) (If China isn't already in New Delhi by then)

Thank you for the valuable inputs .

Why is India being grudged for doing what it feels is necessary ? A nation has a right to apply its resources in a manner it fells correct. I hope there is no contest on this.

As regards lesson from 1962 - Well, the Chinese did India a favour by giving us a drubbing. The nation & its leaders realised how fargile peace is & can be. Lesson were learnt , thats why nine years later a new nation emerged in the Indian Sub Continent.

I do not want to comment on what Pak has learnt from 1971 - its something for Pak to work upon.

There is no shortage of funds in India - only an acute shortage of honest men.
Not like it will make a difference, China can deploy 10 divisions across the Tibetan frontier in less than a month which is quite impressive due to the terrain they have much better and adequate border infrastructure to support transportation operations (railroad, all weather roads, air bases, etc) than India, If China really wanted to they could cut off the entire north east from the rest of India, not surprising why India bows down and stays quiet during so called "border intrusions/ air space violations"
LOL, A.K. Anthony himself admitted that BOTH sides regularly cross into the perception of the other side's area.

But only when we do it, does it count as an "incursion" apparently.

Not the same with the latest incidents. They were meant to raise the pitch, no point in complaining that the other side too is reacting. Even if you think otherwise, it was still unwise for China to put itself in a situation where the majority of Indians now consider it hostile. No politician wants to be in a position where he/she might be vilified by history. No one will go for the contrarian opinion anymore.
Not like it will make a difference, China can deploy 10 divisions across the Tibetan frontier in less than a month which is quite impressive due to the terrain they have much better and adequate border infrastructure to support transportation operations (railroad, all weather roads, air bases, etc) than India, If China really wanted to they could cut off the entire north east from the rest of India, not surprising why India bows down and stays quiet during so called "border intrusions/ air space violations"

You mean to say we should go to war for these border incursions?
you guys go to war with China? :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha: that's like a midget stabbing a ogre in the heel with a pin

You are obviously quite uninformed. However, both India and China have hardly any issue which requires war. In fact, India should avoid being USA's poodle in its encirclement of China.
You are obviously quite uninformed. However, both India and China have hardly any issue which requires war. In fact, India should avoid being USA's poodle in its encirclement of China.

to the contrary according to a lot of Indian members China continuously violates India's sovereignty and apparently India has taken moves to modernize its infrastructure in the north east while at the same time adding more troops to the region. And for what? Just because one little chinese helicopter flew into Indian airspace for a couple of minutes?
If India supports terror groups (+Afghan Army) in Afghanistan that attack Pakistan then dont be surprised if Pakistan retaliats

proof??and UN/Nato is behind Afghan Army and they don't recognize them as terrorist..even Pak govt don't..so,your logic is null and void.on the other hand,most of terror groups are recognized by most of the countries as well as Interpol as terrorist..
to the contrary according to a lot of Indian members China continuously violates India's sovereignty and apparently India has taken moves to modernize its infrastructure in the north east while at the same time adding more troops to the region. And for what? Just because one little chinese helicopter flew into Indian airspace for a couple of minutes?

you've a wrong conception about Infra on Indian side here..India already has build several roads and train links upto the border..and they're going to complete all the roads around the border within few years.the problem is environment ministry who are making fuss as those areas are ecologically rich.thats why the progress is slow..Most probably,all the road in arunachal will be completed within this year..It is actually a part of a broader project that is aimed to make roads in all border areas.
Not like it will make a difference, China can deploy 10 divisions across the Tibetan frontier in less than a month which is quite impressive due to the terrain they have much better and adequate border infrastructure to support transportation operations (railroad, all weather roads, air bases, etc) than India, If China really wanted to they could cut off the entire north east from the rest of India, not surprising why India bows down and stays quiet during so called "border intrusions/ air space violations"

some parts of your reply is pure fantasy..I best not talk about it.but you should know that China can bring over 300000 soldiers within a month with the existing infra,not within days while India has a deployed force over 200000 around border.and India will be resorted to the airlift as well as roads and rail connectivity in case of an war.now lets make a head count.in war in plains,generally,you need 3:1 superiority to successfully overcome a defensive enemy.in mountain warfare,you need 8:1 superiority to overcome enemy which is enjoying home advantage.so,you should take these figures into account.and also,do you even know the geography around this border??its logistically nightmare and only fight that will happen in this areas is without any armor activity..now,do you even risk to send 300000-400000 soldiers into a foreign country,where blowing a single bridge/road will trap your soldiers,where sending logistics is nightmare and where you've to fight well entrenched enemy without armors and against one of the most experienced divisions in the world in mountain warfare and against a huge airforce???think,then reply..
This is a good decision from govt, although late. THe despong incident brought the leaders to this decision, or else it would have been put in back burner for too long. The cabinet knew very well, if they dont approve it now, they will face backlash from opposition parties.
So in a way we should thank China for this.
Next training them is going to be a big priority. Infrastructure building for the troops, and regular exercises in high altitudes is a need. Training places for such places should be identified. Guess it would consume more than a decade.

some parts of your reply is pure fantasy..I best not talk about it.but you should know that China can bring over 300000 soldiers within a month with the existing infra,not within days while India has a deployed force over 200000 around border.and India will be resorted to the airlift as well as roads and rail connectivity in case of an war.now lets make a head count.in war in plains,generally,you need 3:1 superiority to successfully overcome a defensive enemy.in mountain warfare,you need 8:1 superiority to overcome enemy which is enjoying home advantage.so,you should take these figures into account.and also,do you even know the geography around this border??its logistically nightmare and only fight that will happen in this areas is without any armor activity..now,do you even risk to send 300000-400000 soldiers into a foreign country,where blowing a single bridge/road will trap your soldiers,where sending logistics is nightmare and where you've to fight well entrenched enemy without armors and against one of the most experienced divisions in the world in mountain warfare and against a huge airforce???think,then reply..

Some parts of those, quoted above by him does makes sense. The ratio enjoyed by mountain soldiers is a advantage, no doubt.
But the fact is these mountain division corps is not a defensive one. Its a offensive one, must be capable of launching operations into TAR ,if and when needed. So the capability must be more in terms of training, infrastructure and equipment
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