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India-China Border Dispute: From Ladakh To Northeast, 6 Indian Army Divisions Shifted To Counter PLA's Threat

Indian soldier suffering in the cold on the Chinese border:-

View attachment 846706
And you think this kind of cheap jibe makes a difference, other than to your reputation?

That's your opinion. You are entitled to have it.
But the truth is Both sides needed a ceasefire.
I owe you a personal and public apology for ever suggesting that this might be a good place to have discussions on military matters. My defence is that I specified the simulated war-game; these exchanges were not in mind. Unfortunately, this has attracted some of the least worthwhile members and exchanges with them cannot edify. Once again, my apologies; you deserve better.
Indian army will collapse if a joint China -Pakistan operation was to occur
Easier said than done
. India of past is not like India today, your core soldiers the Sikhs and Muslims are no longer loyal to the RSS cause.
I am from Punjab and I don't believe this is true . This consipracy only exists in pakistani media sir. The indian army does not stand by any political party or religious groups like RSS , indian army is only allied to the indian constitution. The army respects every religion , indian army units have a sarva dharma sthal where muslims can offer namaz and hindus can offer prayers to lord together. There is no difference between a muslim and hindu soldier in indian army and the people know that.
India army can hardly match Pakistan let alone China and the Indian forces as always will run or be decimated.
Let's be practical and not delusional friend. Deep down even you know that's not going to happen , it did not happen in the past and will not happen today. If you think that Indian army will be decimated by your army and our soldiers will run away , you're being delusional . If india is such a walk over why don't you try to capture kashmir ? Don't underestimate our army's resolve. There is a reason why both sides show restraint. I doubt if you even know a thing or two about military , if you did you wouldn't be making such statements. Both india and pakistan are in a stalemate . Any simple miscalulation can spell into disaster of the century . That's why it's best to maintain staus Quo and keep the people safe. Let's be good neighbors to each other .

Indian soldier suffering in the cold on the Chinese border:-

View attachment 846706
Ok , I've got nothing to say after seeing this pic. You're trying to be humorous I see .
Just to tell you- this picture is misleading
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Good things, but the Army should never, ever have been arm-twisted into counter-insurgency, and so-called experts in counter-insurgency - unlettered people who thought brutality was a strategy - should never have been given the opportunities they have unfortunately been given. Reverting the RR to regular assignments is highly overdue.
Yes sir , Engaging army troops in CI ops wastes their combat potential and much valued resources and also results in unecessary casulties. CI ops was a role that army was forced to take up due to the prevailing circumstances of those days. The army was never actually meant to take up that role but had to do so because interior secutity forces and CAPFs failed to control the insurgency in kashmir. In the long term it is in best interest of the indian army to completely abandon CI ops role which they have already started doing as is evident from the recent re balancing of forces. It is a very positive development that the army has realised this .
Only your point about the CAPF having improved their capabilities is not one that sits well with me. You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. If the babus and netas want to improve the quality of the CAPF, they will get rid of the brutal two-legged beasts they have now, and re-build, selecting personnel for quality, not quantity.
I certainly agree that CAPFs need to be restructured. But in my defense - they have also seen great improvement in their equipment profile compared to what they had a decade or two ago.
First step that needs to be done is freeing them from IPS control . They should have their own cadre in commanding positions .
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