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Goodbye Tolerance: Yoga opponents should go to Pakistan, Sadhvi Prachi says

yes, she looks beautiful and feminine yet those words...

she should have at least been brought into the modi government... people would have known more about her and she would have been exposed to different environments.
My bad luck. This girl become a sadhwi. she could be my gf.
wow this girl is beautiful but she is a bigot.

where is the anti-muslim statement by modi ? This a media article. where is the statment. and your source says

its a accusation.

Acts speak for themselves.

The minorities under the extremist Modi are absolutely in danger. The man belongs in jail and not in prime minister house.

Here some more from the same article:

Such rhetoric has helped Modi sweep one election after another in Gujarat. A senior American diplomat described him, in cables disclosed by WikiLeaks, as an "insular, distrustful person" who "reigns by fear and intimidation"; his neo-Hindu devotees on Facebook and Twitter continue to render the air mephitic with hate and malice, populating the paranoid world of both have-nots and haves with fresh enemies – "terrorists", "jihadis", "Pakistani agents", "pseudo-secularists", "sickulars", "socialists" and "commies". Modi's own electoral strategy as prime ministerial candidate, however, has been more polished, despite his appeals, both dog-whistled and overt, to Hindu solidarity against menacing aliens and outsiders, such as the Italian-born leader of the Congress party, Sonia Gandhi, Bangladeshi "infiltrators" and those who eat the holy cow.

Apparently he has great appeal with you, but that does not change the fact that he is a fanatic, who is inspired by Nazis.
wow this girl is beautiful but she is a bigot.

where is the anti-muslim statement by modi ? This a media article. where is the statment. and your source says

its a accusation.

I did not ask this query. you are lying again.
You did not answer about the discrimination of dilit in india and i was answering to you fellow countryman who was very worried about persecution of ahmadis and forget about the discrimination of dalits in incredible India
Acts speak for themselves.

The minorities under the extremist Modi are absolutely in danger. The man belongs in jail and not in prime minister house.

Here some more from the same article:

Such rhetoric has helped Modi sweep one election after another in Gujarat. A senior American diplomat described him, in cables disclosed by WikiLeaks, as an "insular, distrustful person" who "reigns by fear and intimidation"; his neo-Hindu devotees on Facebook and Twitter continue to render the air mephitic with hate and malice, populating the paranoid world of both have-nots and haves with fresh enemies – "terrorists", "jihadis", "Pakistani agents", "pseudo-secularists", "sickulars", "socialists" and "commies". Modi's own electoral strategy as prime ministerial candidate, however, has been more polished, despite his appeals, both dog-whistled and overt, to Hindu solidarity against menacing aliens and outsiders, such as the Italian-born leader of the Congress party, Sonia Gandhi, Bangladeshi "infiltrators" and those who eat the holy cow.

Apparently he has great appeal with you, but that does not change the fact that he is a fanatic, who is inspired by Nazis.
so you did not get any anti-muslim statement of modi, you are just quoting what others say about him.

You did not answer about the discrimination of dilit in india and i was answering to you fellow countryman who was very worried about persecution of ahmadis and forget about the discrimination of dalits in incredible India
The thread is not about dalit, its about sadhwi's statement and i said that she can not do anything. you are just posting off topic.
so you did not get any anti-muslim statement of modi, you are just quoting what others say about him.

So you did not reply how a fanatic like Modi who was banned to enter Europe and USA for organizing massacre of minorities is elected PM of India?
What is goodbye tolerance? Was it ever there to begin with? Since when apartheid Hindutvawadi terrorists became tolerant?

Ask for reservation in jobs/education: Go to Pakistan
Eat beef: Go to Pakistan
Oppose Yoga: Go to Pakistan
Oppose Surya namaskar: Go to Pakistan
Not believing in Raam: Go to Pakistan
Protest destruction of mosques: Go to Pakistan
Criticise policies of Modi= Go to Pakistan
Say positive things about Pakistan= Go to Pakistan

These Hindus nationalist are most insecure souls and their nationalism get hurt over silly thing
My bad luck. This girl become a sadhwi. she could be my gf.

Humney theka nahi liya tolerance ka.. these few Muslims should tolerate the rules.
I told you show me one anti-muslim statement from modi and I will oppose him. But you did not.

This indian dude is funny, for him it has no importance what ideology this fanatic Modi has been following and how he has organized massacre of minorities.

It is not important for him that world wide so many countries banned this extremist to enter their territory due to his role in massacre of minorities. Even the acounts of other Indians are not important for him.

Most important for him is me being an eye wittness of fanatic Modi's is "anti Muslim" statements.

What a logical Indian, :lol:

I feel so sorry for the minorities in India, where people like the above one are hell bound on electing hindu fanatics as their PM.
This indian dude is funny, for him it has no importance what ideology this fanatic Modi has been following and how he has organized massacre of minorities.

It is not important for him that world wide so many countries banned this extremist to enter their territory due to his role in massacre of minorities. Even the acounts of other Indians are not important for him.

Most important for him is me being an eye wittness of fanatic Modi's is "anti Muslim" statements.

What a logical Indian, :lol:

I feel so sorry for the minorities in India, where people like the above one are hell bound on electing hindu fanatics as their PM.

Majority has not taken contract to show tolerance. These religious minorities should also show tolerance.
This indian dude is funny, for him it has no importance what ideology this fanatic Modi has been following and how he has organized massacre of minorities.

It is not important for him that world wide so many countries banned this extremist to enter their territory due to his role in massacre of minorities. Even the acounts of other Indians are not important for him.

Most important for him is me being an eye wittness of fanatic Modi's is "anti Muslim" statements.

What a logical Indian, :lol:

I feel so sorry for the minorities in India, where people like the above one are hell bound on electing hindu fanatics as their PM.
again. what I am trying to say is that just give me one of his anti-muslim statements. regarding what others say about him ( without any base) is meaningless. you are just giving statements. at the best you can say as a chief minister he should have taken responsibility. But you dont show any statements, just posted a few articles where people have accused him.
@fakhre mirpur

you tagged me in that thread... now i wait for the thread starter's reaction... i am not well liked by her. :D
bwahahahahahahah so these Indian Hindu extremist groups are willing to send anyone to Pakistan if she or he does not like YOGA.

:what: what if Pakistani Hindus dint like Yoga will India still be eager to take them ? as Indians in another thread were so concerned for them and were asking for giving them Indian citizenship
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