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Goodbye Tolerance: Yoga opponents should go to Pakistan, Sadhvi Prachi says

She probably still thinks Bangladesh is east pakistan :ROFL:

Please change your constitution, get rid of the Islamic republic tag (since minorities won't go to anything Islamic, they are very unfriendly as we all know), stop killing shias by bus loads, accept ahmedis as equal Muslims, and then, maybe then minorities would feel like pakistan is gonna be a better choice than India. :D
Incredible india
According to a 2014 report by The. IndiaGoverns Research Institute, Dalits constitute nearly half of primary school dropouts. In Karnataka State, 48% of school dropouts are Dalits.[54] In Nepal, Dalit and Janajati students have the highest dropout rates at the primary school level.[55]

Dalit students are given scholarships only after they produce photographs of family members working in traditional occupations.[citation needed]

Among state schools, 88% discriminated against Dalit children, while 79% required Dalit students to sit in the back of the classroom.[56] In 79% of schools, Dalit children are forbidden from touching mid-day meals. They are required to sit separately at lunch in 35% of schools, and are required to eat with specially marked plates in 28%.[57] In high schools, higher caste students are often advised not to mingle with Dalits.[58]

There have been incidents of Dalit teachers and professors being discriminated against and harassed by authorities, upper castes colleagues as well as upper caste students in different education institutes of India.
What is goodbye tolerance? Was it ever there to begin with? Since when apartheid Hindutvawadi terrorists became tolerant?
yes terrorists are intolerant but Indians are tolerant. He was talking about Indians. That is why I replied that the sadhwi can do nothing.
Discrimination in renting[edit]
Dalit students and job seekers in metropolitan cities and large urban areas of india (having brutal majority of upper castes) are not rented residential accommodations as they are discriminated and often treated with hatred by the upper caste population of these big cities.[66][67] And mostly dalit students and job seekers often have to hide their surnames to save themselves from the harassment by their upper caste landlords
Incredible india
According to a 2014 report by The. IndiaGoverns Research Institute, Dalits constitute nearly half of primary school dropouts. In Karnataka State, 48% of school dropouts are Dalits.[54] In Nepal, Dalit and Janajati students have the highest dropout rates at the primary school level.[55]

Dalit students are given scholarships only after they produce photographs of family members working in traditional occupations.[citation needed]

Among state schools, 88% discriminated against Dalit children, while 79% required Dalit students to sit in the back of the classroom.[56] In 79% of schools, Dalit children are forbidden from touching mid-day meals. They are required to sit separately at lunch in 35% of schools, and are required to eat with specially marked plates in 28%.[57] In high schools, higher caste students are often advised not to mingle with Dalits.[58]

There have been incidents of Dalit teachers and professors being discriminated against and harassed by authorities, upper castes colleagues as well as upper caste students in different education institutes of India.
start a separate thread for Dalits. This thread is for religious minorities.
Healthcare and nutrition[edit]
Discrimination also exists in access to healthcare and nutrition. Medical field workers do not visit 65% of Dalit settlements. 47% of Dalits are not allowed entry into ration depots; 64% are given less grains than non-Dalits; and 52% are given grains from a distance
Even if she tries, she can do nothing.

She does not need to do anything. All she needs to do is empower people who have been beaten down by seculars so far to voice out their views. As the mood of the society changes, favorable changes towards her views will happen of its own. She is just a part of a long irreversible process.
Discrimination in renting[edit]
Dalit students and job seekers in metropolitan cities and large urban areas of india (having brutal majority of upper castes) are not rented residential accommodations as they are discriminated and often treated with hatred by the upper caste population of these big cities.[66][67] And mostly dalit students and job seekers often have to hide their surnames to save themselves from the harassment by their upper caste landlords
again off topic.
No its constitution. Its sacred for me. dont compare it to a normal paper. And this statement is not by Modi but by a normal sadhwi who can be dealt with police if she tries anything stupid. But where from modi comes into picture ?

Every country in the world has a constitution that protects minorities. But the ground realities are the real measure.

And ground reality in India is that the extremist hindus like Modi are elected in the govt by the majority of Indians . The only credential of extremists like Modi is to oversee massacre of minorities. So this is really very worrying.

Do you think there is a way in the Indian constitution about how to stop such extremists from being PM of the country?
nobody welcome in Pakistan.
Pakistan is for Pakistanis.indian muslims decided live in india so they have to stay in india and if majority hindus are oppressing them. then they should fight back for their rights.
absolutely right. even constitution supports them.
Caste-related violence between Dalit and non-Dalits allegedly stems from Dalit's economic success amidst ongoing prejudice.[72][73] A crime against Dalits happens every 18 minutes — 3 women raped every day, 13 murdered every week, 27 atrocities every day, 6 kidnapped every week.[74] The Bhagana Rape case is an example of atrocities against Dalit girls and women.[75] Bangalore records the most offences against Dalits.[76] Inter-caste marriage has been proposed as a remedy,[77][78] but only 5% of Indian marriages cross caste boundaries.[79][80]

A 2006 article reported incidents of violence, disputes and discrimination against Dalits in Maharashtra. The article noted that non-Dalit families claimed they do not treat Dalits differently. A carpenter caste person said, "We tell them anything and they tell us you are pointing fingers at us because of our caste; we all live together, and there are bound to be fights, but they think we target them."[81]

There have been reports of dalits being forced to eat human feces and drink urine by upper caste people.[82][83][84] Dalit youths and teenage girls (after rape) have been burnt alive by upper caste goons in many different incidents[85][86][87][88][89][90] in one instance in India, a girl was set on fire because she was receiving education.

@bhola singh your minorities are protected then why these thing happen in incredible india :-D :-D
Every country in the world has a constitution that protects minorities. But the ground realities are the real measure.

And ground reality in India is that the extremist hindus like Modi are elected in the govt by the majority of Indians and . The only credential of extremists like Modi is to oversee massacre of minorities. So this is really very worrying.

Do you think there is a way in the Indian constitution about how to stop such extremists from being PM of the country?
You are lying again in your own thread. I have asked to show minority protection laws in you constitution which you did not show. you are just giving statements. The thread is started by you from a sadhwi and ended up in modi . that means you have no substance. you are trolling on your on thread.

Caste-related violence between Dalit and non-Dalits allegedly stems from Dalit's economic success amidst ongoing prejudice.[72][73] A crime against Dalits happens every 18 minutes — 3 women raped every day, 13 murdered every week, 27 atrocities every day, 6 kidnapped every week.[74] The Bhagana Rape case is an example of atrocities against Dalit girls and women.[75] Bangalore records the most offences against Dalits.[76] Inter-caste marriage has been proposed as a remedy,[77][78] but only 5% of Indian marriages cross caste boundaries.[79][80]

A 2006 article reported incidents of violence, disputes and discrimination against Dalits in Maharashtra. The article noted that non-Dalit families claimed they do not treat Dalits differently. A carpenter caste person said, "We tell them anything and they tell us you are pointing fingers at us because of our caste; we all live together, and there are bound to be fights, but they think we target them."[81]

There have been reports of dalits being forced to eat human feces and drink urine by upper caste people.[82][83][84] Dalit youths and teenage girls (after rape) have been burnt alive by upper caste goons in many different incidents[85][86][87][88][89][90] in one instance in India, a girl was set on fire because she was receiving education.

@bhola singh your minorities are protected then why these thing happen in incredible india :-D :-D
You did not show what will happened to the person who discriminates. They all re punished.
You are lying again in your own thread. I have asked to show minority protection laws in you constitution which you did not show. you are just giving statements. The thread is started by you from a sadhwi and ended up in modi . that means you have no substance. you are trolling on your on thread.

You did not show what will happened to the person who discriminates. They all re punished.

For Pakistan related issues we have other threads.

Lets stick to the topic of this thread.

Show me where in Indian constitution it says that the extremists like Modi must be banned from being elected? If there is anything like this written in the constitution how come he is allowed to become the PM even after organizing a massacre of minorities?
You are lying again in your own thread. I have asked to show minority protection laws in you constitution which you did not show. you are just giving statements. The thread is started by you from a sadhwi and ended up in modi . that means you have no substance. you are trolling on your on thread.

You did not show what will happened to the person who discriminates. They all re punished.
Lolz to your judiciary system as well
More Than 3 Crore Court Cases Pending Across Country
What is goodbye tolerance? Was it ever there to begin with? Since when apartheid Hindutvawadi terrorists became tolerant?

Ask for reservation in jobs/education: Go to Pakistan
Eat beef: Go to Pakistan
Oppose Yoga: Go to Pakistan
Oppose Surya namaskar: Go to Pakistan
Not believing in Raam: Go to Pakistan
Protest destruction of mosques: Go to Pakistan

See this is exactly what we are trying to tell the indians that instead of worrying about people on Antarctic or other countries, they should take care of their own minorities.

But the Indians like this Ajit Kumar has of course other priorities, :lol:
For Pakistan related issues we have other threads.

Lets stick to the topic of this thread.

Show me where in Indian constitution it says that the extremists like Modi must be banned from being elected? If there is anything like this written in the constitution how come he is allowed to become the PM even after organizing a massacre of minorities?
BTW Article 36 of Pakistan constitution talks about the Protection of minorities: The State shall safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of minorities, including their due representation in the Federal and Provincial services.

You can google for more details.
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