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Global protests against regime change in Pakistan

I am genuinely scared of the day when our military starts to employ the use of facial recognition with the help of China to oppress Pakistanis in a more systematic manner. Just imagine, once you are seen with such a placard, the establishment will mark you forever in their database. You won't be able to get jobs, loans, education, and health services in Pakistan.

O bhai this is Pakistan, not China, They still can't digitize Normal day to day work or can't save their NADRA data from hacking and you think they can implement AI and all this surveillance? lol :sarcastic::sarcastic:
You have to remember all those who send money is either for their business or for family support.
It is not that easy man.
The only way forward is to completely change the system and we all know what that means.

Billions more are sent in addition, cutting them now will put unprecedented pressure on Pakistan

Given the anti-army (leadership) slogans, I fear, if these crowds ultimately decide to move towards cantonment areas near/in their cities. Things could get really tricky if things start to move in that direction.

Check again, almost all are like 'imported hukumat na manzoor', pro PM IK, anti PDM, some are like Chowkidar Chorr hai...not a single anti Bajwa, or specific to Bajwa(name).

There are many more slogans...haven't come across anti Bajwa.
Check again, almost all are like 'imported hukumat na manzoor', pro PM IK, anti PDM, some are like Chowkidar Chorr hai...not a single anti Bajwa, or specific to Bajwa(name).

There are many more slogans...haven't come across anti Bajwa.

Search for #BajwaSurrender
This looks like Liberty Lahore, and who says Lahore is a Sharif stronghold? Beggars and Beghairit's only live in palace of jati umrah. :pakistan:
To be honest this still does not reflect the jahil lahoris. They are all sitting inside celebrating SS. Lahore is still PMLN's
I mean he did say 20 years so we still have 3 more to go.
Problem is that Imran Khan will be.. 72 or so when it comes so that rebirth will need a lot of Ensure.

The deep state(or whatever those secret Lizard men or Chipkali men are for Pakistan) continues to try and "push" things along but at the end these are people with families and personal interests as well. What wins at the end is what decides the fate of Pakistan many a times.
I will fight to death for the privacy of men and women, and the freedom of assembly, political expression, and free speech (limited only by shariah). If facial recognition is indeed deployed in Pakistan, then this is very concerning.

Chinese can’t grow facial hair that’s why it works for them. Your facial scanning black magic doesn’t work on Pakistani mard e momin chads.

This is the Naya Pakistan that Imran Khan promised.
Pakistan is finally becoming one Nation united against the tyranny of ruling thieves and Lotas.

PTI should control this uprising and direct it for demanding new elections and continue it on daily basis.
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