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Corrupt, inept and defeated - Army backed Shahbaz Sharif Govt


Dec 15, 2009
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This is the policy of the PMLN government that the Pakistan Army and every political party in Pakistan is pushing.



Links to tweets:
Tweet1 (divide bread among 4 - ex Finance Minsiter PMLN)
Tweet2 (We're out of money - Khuaja Asif - PMLN)
Tweet 3 (Stop eating chicken, its poisoned - Fed Minister Chema)
Tweet 4: (Areas where shops close early, less children are born)
The establishment is still trying their best to keep PDM afloat.
Faisal Naseer and Brig Rashid are working overtime to bring
down IK in Punjab with the help of Zardari.
The point is why the military is backing and defending the inept, corrupt and defeated Shahbaz Sharif govt. knowing it all.

So the elephant in the room is the Army who have brought and imposed this PDM mafia, and Shahbaz Sharif as the PM.

With so many NAB, FIA cases against all of them, they just grabbed the golden opportunity, and the Awam are suffering.

They are pulling the strings and PDM is a puppet.
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گئے کام سے بہن کے ٹکے سارے حرامی یہ قدرت کا انتقام ہے
You don’t try to kill a former PM just for ego. It’s survival and money. ISI officers know Ik will have their necks for breaking the law and treason committed. And it only needs one officer held to account by civilians and in the future no one will follow illegal orders. It’s a fight for Pakistan. Either it will be the people’s Pakistan or the Pakistan of those that make and leak videos of our mothers, sisters and us.
The point is why the military is backing and defending the inept, corrupt and defeated Shahbaz Sharif govt. knowing it all.

For the first time in history a prime minister was outshining the chubby officers. Thats too much for some people with giant egos to put up with .
The local actors are simply Pakistan’s military establishment - in the GHQ. The GHQ forced out a good PM Imran out , and replaced it by dacoits and robbers (on bail), also called PDM, by Pro-US Army chief Qamar Bajwa.
Nothing new here, we are repeating everything we already know. Question is what are people going to do about it? So far, even with everything that has happened, very little. Some things never change, Mil establishment hold on Pakistan will remain.

Why does army feel the need to keep puppets like sharifs and zardari around. Why not a open military dictatorship?
The establishment is still trying their best to keep PDM afloat.
Faisal Naseer and Brig Rashid are working overtime to bring
down IK in Punjab with the help of Zardari.
enough with this. plz. Are faisal naseer and brig. rashid above the dg-ISI and COAS?

گئے کام سے بہن کے ٹکے سارے حرامی یہ قدرت کا انتقام ہے
baj to awaam ki rahi he. Inho ne to ghar banaye hue hn West mn. Wahan chale jaen ge jb mazeed lootne ko kuch na bacha
Bro Pakistanis, instead of keep this never ending political fight which is A vs B all the time. Why dont you try to make some sort of bipartisan proposal and pressure all elites to do it. Like establishing credible anti corruption body, pushing Presidential system and others..........
Bro Pakistanis, instead of keep this never ending political fight which is A vs B all the time. Why dont you try to make some sort of bipartisan proposal and pressure all elites to do it. Like establishing credible anti corruption body, pushing Presidential system and others..........
Actually, there has never been this sort of consensus in Pakistan before. Consensus against the corrupt beneficiaries of the corrupt status quo. Sadly, they are denying the people election when a coalition govt comprising literally every single political party has clearly and badly failed and the country is being damages irreparably due to the capital flight caused by political uncertainty.

The stumbling block is pakistan's military establishment who brought all these chumps to power and are keeping this motley crew together, to the utter detriment of the country they are supposed to protect and serve and to their own public image (impeccable until last year's coup) all in their enmity with Imran khan, because he happens to be the only person who has threatened their hold on power in decades, ever so slightly it may be.

All the things, you mentioned, will only be possible when free and fair elections are held and Imran khan wins by a landslide, as expected, forming his own govt without having to rely of any other party to form a coalition govt like last time. Which is EXACTLY why they don't want an election.

They have tried everything, arresting, torturing, defaming people, killing a famous dissenting journalist (read Arshad Sharif), attempting to assassinate Imran Khan, disqualifying Imran Khan, not accepting his party's legislators resignations, denying snap-elections despite overwhelming public demand, trying to delay election even past the constutional deadline of 5 years, trying to bring in a technocratic (read unconstitutional ) govt, to delay elections for 2 more years beyond the 5ys tenure of the national assembly, on the pretext of fixing the economy that they themselves destroyed in the quick span of last 8 months.

I could go on but i think I got the point across.
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Actually, there has never been this sort of consensus in Pakistan before. Consensus against the corrupt beneficiaries of the corrupt status quo. Sadly, they are denying the people election when a coalition govt comprising literally every single political party has clearly and badly failed and the country is being damages irreparably due to the capital flight caused by political uncertainty.

The stumbling block is pakistan's military establishment who brought all these chumps to power and are keeping this motley crew together, to the utter detriment of the country they are supposed to protect and serve and to their own public image (impeccable until last year's coup) all in their enmity with Imran khan, because he happens to be the only person who has threatened their hold on power in decades, ever so slightly it may be.

This is the right time to make a change. I mean the economy is really **** up Today. In Indonesia your country has also become a news when you want to reduce your night activities.

I believe all Pakistani has dream to see Pakistan as great nation, including those in military. I mean I think there should be some consensus that should be brought up.

First thing that I think Pakistan can start is from the civil society. Intellectuals should make bipartisan organization and make several points that Pakistan should do in order to solve all the problem. The movement can become huge if all Pakistani universities get united and form many kind of reform suggestions that any government should do or what parliament should make when they are in parliament.
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enough with this. plz. Are faisal naseer and brig. rashid above the dg-ISI and COAS?

They are not but they are taking orders from Gen Asim and Khusra Anjum. Dirty Harry
and Rashid are hard at work to keep IK out of next election, next PM is most likely
Bilawal with the blessings of USA and es-crap-lishment.
اصلی لوہے کے چنے۔
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