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Corrupt, inept and defeated - Army backed Shahbaz Sharif Govt

Do you think Pakistan election is not fair ? So why did IK win in previous election ?
No election can be called 100% transparent. That being said, IK has such a huge lead right now that it's impossible to rig against him to such a scale that will deny him majority to form a govt. They might be able to deny him 2/3rd majority but that will also be hard.

The parliament system is limiting Pakistan potency. Better dont talk too much about division and focus on forming Presidential system as soon as possible. Presidential system can empower civilian rule, this is something that you need if you think military intervention in politics is one of your big problem
Presidential system can be formed with 2/3rds of the parliament voting for it. Only IK stands to gain that many seats, that too provided the rigging against him is minimal.

Besides, it would take a strong public backing because the same people supposed to vote for the presidential system benefit from the rot of the parliamentary system right now.

Which only reinforces the fact that no significant change will be forthcoming from said consensus, no matter how produced, for the foreseeable future.
I fail to see what you kind of resolve you want the people of Pakistan to show to convince you that change is forthcoming. They can only do so much, short of rioting.
Time is nearing when they are going to be appearing in the court of law and answer few questions about their own unlawful actions and courts will be opening and working day time. These filthy criminals gang of regime change generals must be brought to the book once for all. No one is above the law even prophets have suffered for their mistakes never mind these deceiving mortals and can't wait the day when Bajwa is wetting his pants and Miss Anjuman hair are chopped off.

In order to make meaningful reform, you need broad consensus. If you plan to punish someone during the reform, it will make those in power reluctant to do the changes.

IK for example has made wrong thing by bringing NS into court. I have already stated this when NS is brought to court. Some time people needs to be wise. Something right is not always right in one particular circumstances. Harmony is the main thing. Yes, corruptor should be brought to justice, but bringing Bajwa or NS to justice is too much and this can make backlash as we can witness Today.

You see Indonesia bring Soeharto to court ? Nope we dont. You see what happen in Egypt and Sudan when previous leaders are brought to court ?

See what Egypt and Sudan now
I fail to see what you kind of resolve you want the people of Pakistan to show to convince you that change is forthcoming. They can only do so much, short of rioting.

Let us just agree to observe, for now, what actually happens, not what is merely claimed. That is all.
Let us just agree to observe, for now, what actually happens, not what is merely claimed. That is all.
Here's the issue with that. While, you are a mere observer, most of us on this forum aren't.
If people like us on social media had just sat by and observed, Imran khan would have been history and we'd be in for a several more comfortable terms of our beloved leaders's rule right now,
However, it'd be all the same to you which is why you can afford to sit on the bleachers are enjoy the game while we can't.
اصلی لوہے کے چنے۔

If you know… you know…


JAX-121A multi band signal jammer 😂
India has reserves of 563 billion dollars and we have 563 TB of videos...
People have to fight for their right. Khan or no Khan , they have to make the fight about them. A corrupt individual, General or politician is coward at heart. If Pakistani awam can grow a pair and come out in masses, change will come.
Here's the issue with that. While, you are a mere observer, most of us on this forum aren't.
If people like us on social media had just sat by and observed, Imran khan would have been history and we'd be in for a several more comfortable terms of our beloved leaders's rule right now,
However, it'd be all the same to you which is why you can afford to sit on the bleachers are enjoy the game while we can't.

True to your handle here, you are missing the point entirely.

My point was not about a difference between observers who are divested, and social media activists who are invested, in the situation in Pakistan. It is about those who are able to see the situation as it actually unfolds versus those who wish to see a certain angle on everything that suits their narrative but not otherwise.

Please allow me to illustrate:

Your claim IK "would have been history" is merely indicative of the wish to continue to see him as hugely relevant, but the truth of the matter is that IK is indeed history, whose time has come and gone, who does not have any realistic path back to being PM again, until and unless he arrives at the same accommodations that he had previously with those who made him PM in the first place - of which there is no indication.

That, of course, would land him within the same straitjacket that he now finds so onerous, and would virtually guarantee the same outcome if he is ever PM again. Please do keep in mind how the clown NS and his gang of criminals and jokers have found himself doing the same GHQ yatra over and over again.
True to your handle here, you are missing the point entirely.
It's getting so repetitive, it makes me wonder if you'd show any creativity with the insults if I changed my handle.

My point was not about a difference between observers who are divested, and social media activists who are invested, in the situation in Pakistan. It is about those who are able to see the situation as it actually unfolds versus those who wish to see a certain angle on everything that suits their narrative but not otherwise.
I see, the people of Pakistan who wish to lead dignified lives and see their country prosper are pushing a narrative

Please allow me to illustrate:

Your claim IK "would have been history" is merely indicative of the wish to continue to see him as hugely relevant, but the truth of the matter is that IK is indeed history, whose time has come and gone, who does not have any realistic path back to being PM again, until and unless he arrives at the same accommodations that he had previously with those who made him PM in the first place - of which there is no indication.

That, of course, would land him within the same straitjacket that he now finds so onerous, and would virtually guarantee the same outcome if he is ever PM again. Please do keep in mind how the clown NS and his gang of criminals and jokers have found himself doing the same GHQ yatra over and over again.

Please allow me to illustrate as well.

I do wish to see him as relevant. Unless you are a buddhist monk, you also have political preferences. But then again, I am a stakeholder in this, you are just a casual observer (if we're being generous).

And while you may want to feel special about yourself, you are also employing conjecture here, unless you have some crystal ball, that is. Why don't you join the call for free and fair general elections and we'll see if the all-seeing vcheng was right all along.

Oh and just because something has been a certain way, doesn't mean it has to stay the same. That's basically the history of the world.

Your entire shtick is nothing will change, like nothing changed the last time around, which I don't know if you noticed, doesn't contribute anything to the discussion except maybe get you a few replies from unsuspecting members thinking you are offering genuine commentary.
The Generals are enemies of Pakistan.
Let us just agree to observe, for now, what actually happens, not what is merely claimed. That is all.
America ma khotay charata ha tu ? :lol;
I see, the people of Pakistan who wish to lead dignified lives and see their country prosper are pushing a narrative

Only some of them like you, and only on social media. How many of IK's "great marches" and dharnas have achieved anything of their stated goals (except of course aided by the military)? The majority of the people are actually quite comfortable with things the way they are, and that alone is sufficient explanation for their lack of motivation to cause or even participate in any revolution or drastic changes.

I do wish to see him as relevant. Unless you are a buddhist monk, you also have political preferences. But then again, I am a stakeholder in this, you are just a casual observer

The only problem with such wishes is that they cloud perceptions of reality. It takes a balanced observer to actually be able to describe reality as it is, not as one wishes for it to be.

Why don't you join the call for free and fair general elections and we'll see if the all-seeing vcheng was right all along.

Actually, I have, all along. Elections are hugely important for Pakistan, and must be held on time, every time. And all participants, including the people, must learn to accept their results and wait for the next round to vote according to their views.

Oh and just because something has been a certain way, doesn't mean it has to stay the same. That's basically the history of the world.

Ah yes, the good old "tabdeeli" manjan IK has been selling well to fools. Please go ahead, I am only too happy to observe what actually happens. :D
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