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Global protests against regime change in Pakistan



@Pindi Boy
Everybody was pissed off with Khan’s economic performance, but I guess OS crashed and rebooted when they saw all the former jackals dancing and high-fiving eachother at the assembly. Data recovery has been initiated.

Now the Trojan virus Bajwa needs to be wiped out.

Few things that have triggered this is IK bashing the US for this and Shobaz opening his mount as to why IK said "Absolutely Not" and "Beggars can't be choosers". Even a man who's broke and desperate will have some izat and ghairat in him, but Shobaz told the nation you had none.

I will tell you a story my father told me today: There was a lion cub (baby) that lost his parents, and he was raised by sheep's his whole life. An old lion who had no heir and at the end of his life noticed this lion within the sheep's. The old lion went and took this lion to a stream of water and saw both reflections and said to himself the old one is a lion and so am I, and he roared to attack the old one. The old lion stopped and told him, I did my job and wanted to let you know what your true nature is.

One thing everyone is neglecting is we had Anti-West/American sentiment before but this has blown it to another level, and US miscalculated as well they've now created a 220M hostile population. I also feel the establishment miscalculated the underlining current of IK popularity.

But this will turn out interesting lets see what happens, I just hope they tear down the Supreme Court and lynch that Banidal clown.

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Sorry to say but the way ppl are dancing and doing almost boys mujra, Is totally clownish. I see no seriouseness in our conduct as a pakistani.alot of these ppl are in light mood which means one bullet fired Will cause all of these ppl to flee. Our ppl need some Grooming and aknowledge the sensitivities of the situation.

we are really infiltrated with enemies from buraucracy to politicians and not to forget even in our security institutions also. Its can go violent if the higher up see that that their throne is at stake.
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3 other 4 stars Signed on National security committee minutes. Had the other three been sell outs bajwa would have never endorsed the letter. His hands were tighed due to those 3 men.

Bajwa has a few Corp commanders with him who are causing all this myhem. I hope institution does course correction by itself before its too late.

Can you elaborate regarding the bolded part.
Sorry to say but the way ppl are dancing and doing almost boys mujra, Is totally clownish. I see no seriouseness in our conduct as a pakistani.alot of these ppl are in light mood which means one bullet fired Will cause all of these ppl to flee. Our ppl need some Grooming and aknowledge the sensitivities of the situation.

we are really infiltrated with enemies from buraucracy to politicians and not to forget even in our security institutions also. Its can go violent if the higher up see that that their throne is at stake.
U dont get the fact it is not armies who fight wars, u fire one bullet and people will hate u to the core forever already enough damage has been done. Army should come to its senses now before its too late.
MQM ko sahi loray lagay hain karachi mein aaj. Oho...
no doubt about that. and for those 20 + aleem and jahangir. they gone on the wrong side of the history. .. Alhamdulillah we are standing on the right side. people will forget turkey in sha ALLAAH

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