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Ok no kidding here

1. a Month and a half back in one of the village in Northern Pakistan a painter working on renovation of a house found a small creature (a Small dinosaur, dragon like creature) of about a foot or so that was trying to attack him in a way as if wants to eat him him.

he called his nephew (this young man is in business of exporting rare animals/species of living creatures), he got hold of it and later sold it at Rs5 lakh.

NOW tell me is there any link between aliens and this ?

A young crocodile was attracted to a big lizard; that was the result. :D
You have a photo of that thing?

2. :D ok this is amusing but its true every time my cup of tea or glass of water on my office table gets empty though I don't drink it.

So any explanation ?

Bad news! That's a ghost!! Did you deny anybody tea or water? That fellow might have passed away!! :)

Spare poor ISRO2222, Aliens do exist.. and I am mentioning this after being skeptic for 4 years.

Life outside Earth does exist, it has to; considering the enormous size of the Universe. We can't be just one freak accident.

Ok first of all I am not into aliens are on earth. There is no proof that they are. UFOs are usually either man made objects being misinterpreted, or weather, solar/celestial events. The USA - the most powerful entity could not even keep NSA secrets never mind governments jointly and collectively co-operating to keep mum over aliens.

However, I do also think that there must be other worlds, other planets where there must be life. The universe is massive, most scientists believe the universe may be infinite and thus every combination of atoms/molecules must exist and must also repeat, hence somewhere in the universe there is another earth with someone with the exact configuration of me doing the same thing I am doing - writing on PDF. But there must also be another version that is different in an infinite number of earths and me - since the universe is infinite it can only be infinite if this occurs.

One theory why we have not been contacted by other life in the universe is the sheer size and distance between planets that can contain life. It is this distance that ensures each and every planet with life forms cannot make contact with another because by the time a signal get anywhere they are wiped out just as we will be too.

The article regarding pigs is interesting. An old english name for human is long pig, I have read that cannibals have reported that humans taste like pig and one of the reasons our jewish fore fathers and also repeated by Islam is the close proximity of the pig dna to human.
Let's assume aliens do exist. Why would they want to visit us? If they have the inter-stellar travel capability, we'd be no more than bacteria to them.
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