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Mulayam's shocker on rape: 'Boys make mistakes, why hang them?'

if a rapist is likely to face the death penalty, wouldn't he rather kill the victim?
That will count as premeditated crime....which is heinous -the fact that the boy processed the crime before committing it...such scums need not live...
death penalty for rapists just make the women more vulnerable.
How come you have a soft side for one who is committing a crime which another will have to live for the rest of her life with? How is it fair to her? Did she ask to be raped?

So if tax payers do not want to foot the bill then there shouldn't be 2nd degree murders, burglary, arson or any kind of crime..just send them all to the gallows? is that your logic.
That is my logic...I refuse to pay for mentally retarded who premeditate their crimes...Meaning they plan it...meaning it was no accidental pull of a trigger but they sat down planned it ...such people dont deserve to be babysat by the govt...

I never brought in burglary or other crimes...I am talking about a crime which affects another's life for the rest of the breaths she will take!

For murders there is also 1st degree, 2nd degree and premeditated ...each carries a separate charge...I am asking death for those who plan their rape and murder the girl and go free....even those who rape...because there is no excuse and it cant happen "accidentally"....

I repeat by giving death penalty to the rapists, you are making the women more vulnerable. I am sure if you ask a rape victim whether if she chooses to die or to live she would choose the latter.
How sure are you a victim would want to live after she faces such a crime...You dont know women do you? Even if a man is raped he chooses to die than live in humiliation...
Yet you support the criminals?

Imagine, there are instances where women have screamed wolf on men and there was no rape, guys have served long jail terms for it. Imagine if the capital punishment would have been invoked.
Rape is rape...it doesnt just happen...men are well aware when they do it and if they are aware of the charges and will be hung do you think he will not consider not going with the crime...Only a sicko who doesnt have a concise will go with it...and why would you want tax payers to pay for his housing (jail cell) and food?

As for women screaming wolf....she needs to have evidence!
Do you think everyone is charged with rape? it is not a simple crime nor an easy one to prove! But once proven it should be punishable by capital punishment no man thinking and commits such a crime is innocent nor deserves pity!

I always felt the best punishment is Castration.... or remove the ...... may be give them playboy magazine free......I cant imagine a worse punishment than that for those guys.....
That can be an alternative...but what will protect the mental guy from taking revenge? If a man is mentally sick enough to rape (sometimes I have to wonder what Asian men understand by the term rape because of how easy and casual they think of it) ...but yea that can be an alternative...make them castrate themselves....then I wanna see them trying to overpower a woman or even think of it!
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I am torn by this. The trouble is blanket punishments without looking at the circumstances. A pack of idiots kills a girl on the bus? Hang them. A young guy threw out un-wanted advances? Perhaps hanging is a bit much. But I'm sure this must be already considered.
The death penalty in this case is for repeat offenders, the same group raped 2 girls at the same location as it was isolated.God know how many they did before as evidence provides they were smiling and recording the thing.Death Penalty is given in rarest of rare crime not for just unwanted advances etc.
Chutiya Saala. Why is he sympathizing with rapists?

Oh wait, he raped the country till now that is why.

Azam khan made a shocker of statement the other day...... So the party chief was feeling left out..... But these guys are not realising that all this statements are going in favor of Mayavati and BJP......

I see a pattern here.

Both are from U.P.
Chutiya Saala. Why is he sympathizing with rapists?

Oh wait, he raped the country till now that is why.

I see a pattern here.

Both are from U.P.

Well not only that..... All are from same party with same ideology/idiot ism...... and that party is based on UP..... not only that..... currently the largest state of India is ruled by the same party of which all 3 are topmost leaders.... Now what?
Well not only that..... All are from same party with same ideology/idiot ism...... and that party is based on UP..... not only that..... currently the largest state of India is ruled by the same party of which all 3 are topmost leaders.... Now what?

Wasn't it Rahul Gandhi who talked about Women empowerment? And yet he tolerates 15th century cretins like this?

If they want to empower Women, then push for more Female politicians, more Women in the workforce and improve the law and order situation for sexual violence. Mainly in terms of detection and conviction.
Wasn't it Rahul Gandhi who talked about Women empowerment? And yet he tolerates 15th century cretins like this?

If they want to empower Women, then push for more Female politicians, more Women in the workforce and improve the law and order situation for sexual violence. Mainly in terms of detection and conviction.

Oh yeah!!!!! Now the irony is This party is the coalition partner for Raga and party in UPA2.....
Oh yeah!!!!! Now the irony is This party is the coalition partner for Raga and party in UPA2.....

To be fair, Modi calls himself incorruptible and yet he himself courted Yeduyarrappa.

When BJP took a thumping after the Bellary mining scam.

The nature of Indian politics is that in order to form a coalition, you have to have a rogue's gallery of villains who call themselves public servants.
Well we are hoping things will change once the new govt kicks in
& I am happy that you guys are progressing so fast there should be atleast one country in South Asia which is developed

If there is any good we are doing that probably might have come from India. Sad to see India going down hill.
Someone should ask this disgrace of humanity, what was the crime of the victims? and would his opinion/views change if that mistake was subjected towards his own daughter/s?

NEW DELHI: Samjawadi Party chief Mulayam Singh Yadav on Thursday opposed the new anti-rape law and said that his party would change the law that entails death for rape.

Addressing a rally in Moradabad, Mulayam said, "rape accused should not be hanged. Men make mistakes."

Questioning the death sentence to three men who were convicted of two gang-rapes in Mumbai last week, Mulayam said, "Should rape cases be punished with hanging? They are boys, they make mistakes."

The SP chief further said he will support provision for legal action against those who misuse the rape act.

Mulayam's comments evoked strong reactions with other parties slamming him for his insensitive comments.

"We condemn Mulayam Singh's statement. There should be zero tolerance for rape and crime against women," the Congress said.

Slamming Mulayam's statement, Kiran Bedi said, "This statement is not just against women, it is against the society. The should be punished with no votes."

Mulayam's shocker on rape: 'Boys make mistakes, why hang them?' - The Times of India
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