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Mulayam's shocker on rape: 'Boys make mistakes, why hang them?'

The culprits behind the heinous crime were Muslims and indirectly he was trying to please Muslim Vote Bank! :ashamed: Someone should ask this scum bag, if this happens with his daughter in law or grand daughters, will he still stick to his stand. SOB :ashamed:

Vijay Jadhav, Mohammad Qasim Shaikh, and Mohammad Salim Ansari....if that's true then Modi is wise choice now.
Yes but he mention place of incident not caste of rapist.
Are you that naive?He mentioned the shakti mills gang rape case where he said boys make mistakes sometimes, that doesnt mean they should be hanged for it like in mumbai case and if voted to power they will make laws where people wont be punished with death for rape.
hanging for rape seems extreme. 5-7 years in prison seems more than enough. its quite absurd someone hanging for rape!
Really what about the lifetime of hate, psychological affects + the social outcast status the victim and her family feels if she survives?

Rape is such a crime that no matter what the outcome, the victim and her family suffers...if she survives its lifetime living with it + psychological trauma.....if she dies its lifetime parents and siblings living with it...can 5-7 yrs in prison fix that for the girl?

However hanging sends a msg to others to back off and not make another victim...

Many rapists are self centered they would not attempt it if they know there are chances they will be caught and hanged without plea!

This idiot Mulayam Singh's son was beaten up by army officers once for teasing an army officer's daughter.

I am not surprised that he is mouthing such mendacious nonsense.
Had the son been raped...I doubt he would have this opinion of pity!
Really what about the lifetime of hate, psychological affects + the social outcast status the victim and her family feels if she survives?

Rape is such a crime that no matter what the outcome, the victim and her family suffers...if she survives its lifetime living with it + psychological trauma.....if she dies its lifetime parents and siblings living with it...can 5-7 yrs in prison fix that for the girl?

However hanging sends a msg to others to back off and not make another victim...

Many rapists are self centered they would not attempt it if they know there are chances they will be caught and hanged without plea!

Had the son been raped...I doubt he would have this opinion of pity!

guy gets to live branded as a rapist, the girl should move on. I dated a girl for 3 years who was raped, she certainly didn't wanted to be looked as a victim, but a survivor. She didn't like sympathy, I am sure no girl would.
guy gets to live branded as a rapist, the girl should move on.
If God forbid it happened to your sis or daughter and I talk sympathy stuff about the rapist capital punishment is too much...give him 5yrs...and ask her to move on...how would you feel? Please tell me in all honesty! Being a girl I know how one can feel! So please dont give the move on BS!

No society lets a girl move on...her daily activities dont allow her to move on! She needs therapy and it depends on each individual on how many years of therapy can help...Not ot forget that a question lays at the back of the mind...what did I do to get this? Why me? and other stuff like that

So before commenting like an insensitive bastard (sorry for my French but I realize many people dont place themselves in other's shoes to know something before commenting)...place your own in the position and think!

As for living branded? So what? He still lives...in fact some even brag of their success that they are above the law and some go back to taunting the girl for being a witness! so no ....5-6 yrs is not enough!
If God forbid it happened to your sis or daughter and I talk sympathy stuff about the rapist capital punishment is too much...give him 5yrs...and ask her to move on...how would you feel? Please tell me in all honesty! Being a girl I know how one can feel! So please dont give the move on BS!

No society lets a girl move on...her daily activities dont allow her to move on! She needs therapy and it depends on each individual on how many years of therapy can help...Not ot forget that a question lays at the back of the mind...what did I do to get this? Why me? and other stuff like that

So before commenting like an insensitive bastard (sorry for my French but I realize many people dont place themselves in other's shoes to know something before commenting)...place your own in the position and think!

As for living branded? So what? He still lives...in fact some even brag of their success that they are above the law and some go back to taunting the girl for being a witness! so no ....5-6 yrs is not enough!

I wouldn't want death on someone, life imprisonment maybe an option depends on the brutality of the rape. Hypothetically, If I raped a girl and knowing if i was going to get the death penalty, I wouldn't leave a witness. Would you have a raped girl with a bloke in prison? or a dead girl with no witnesses, it would be quite hard to prosecute if the rapist was a stranger.
I wouldn't want death on someone, life imprisonment maybe an option depends on the brutality of the rape. Hypothetically, If I raped a girl and knowing if i was going to get the death penalty, I wouldn't leave a witness.

Also meaning you either will kill the girl ...and you are talking about not wanting death on someone...and life inprisonment can be an option only if the tax payers want to pay for the babysitting of a psychological bastard who can still live after destroying a girl!

The forensic reports are your witness! You dont require an actual witness....
India was a great country long time ago. What happened to her?

Well we are hoping things will change once the new govt kicks in
& I am happy that you guys are progressing so fast there should be atleast one country in South Asia which is developed
I am torn by this. The trouble is blanket punishments without looking at the circumstances. A pack of idiots kills a girl on the bus? Hang them. A young guy threw out un-wanted advances? Perhaps hanging is a bit much. But I'm sure this must be already considered.
Also meaning you either will kill the girl ...and you are talking about not wanting death on someone...and life inprisonment can be an option only if the tax payers want to pay for the babysitting of a psychological bastard who can still live after destroying a girl!

The forensic reports are your witness! You dont require an actual witness....

if a rapist is likely to face the death penalty, wouldn't he rather kill the victim? death penalty for rapists just make the women more vulnerable. So if tax payers do not want to foot the bill then there shouldn't be 2nd degree murders, burglary, arson or any kind of crime..just send them all to the gallows? is that your logic. I repeat by giving death penalty to the rapists, you are making the women more vulnerable. I am sure if you ask a rape victim whether if she chooses to die or to live she would choose the latter.

I am torn by this. The trouble is blanket punishments without looking at the circumstances. A pack of idiots kills a girl on the bus? Hang them. A young guy threw out un-wanted advances? Perhaps hanging is a bit much. But I'm sure this must be already considered.
Imagine, there are instances where women have screamed wolf on men and there was no rape, guys have served long jail terms for it. Imagine if the capital punishment would have been invoked.
Also meaning you either will kill the girl ...and you are talking about not wanting death on someone...and life inprisonment can be an option only if the tax payers want to pay for the babysitting of a psychological bastard who can still live after destroying a girl!

The forensic reports are your witness! You dont require an actual witness....

I always felt the best punishment is Castration.... or remove the ...... may be give them playboy magazine free......I cant imagine a worse punishment than that for those guys.....
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