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germany breaks export record...100 billion € in one month

and I am dealing with someone who refuses to see beyond media propagated dogma and taboo. Except ESA report has given conclusion otherwise which is in odds with you.If it agreed with your assertions ,it would listed in the conclusions . But then otherwise.

you talk rubbish. As usual.

Here straight from the ESA site:

ESA Science & Technology: Martian moons: Phobos

"It is possible that Phobos formed in situ at Mars, from ejecta from impacts on the Martian surface, or from the remnants of a previous moon which had formed from the Martian accretion disc and subsequently collided with a body from the asteroid belt. Data from the Mars Express OMEGA spectrometer suggests Phobos has a primitive composition, so primitive materials must have been available for accretion during its formation. The circular orbit suggests that Phobos formed in situ whilst analysis of the Planetary Fourier Spectrometer data from Mars Express also points towards in situ formation but does not rule out the possibility that Phobos is a captured achondrite-like meteor."
Even such debris is called captured

Can you offer some definition that material ejected from planet's surface to orbit due to impact from another body is considered "captured" in the same sense as an asteroid is captured.

The way i see it, you allude to some information ban on moon Phobos, and i don't know what yopu're talking about, there's color, HD, even 3D images out there.

For example:

Mars Express closed in on the intriguing Martian moon Phobos at 6:49 CEST on 23 July, flying past at 3 km/s, only 93 km from the moon. The ESA spacecraft’s fly-bys of the moon have returned its most detailed full-disc images ever, also in 3-D, using the High Resolution Stereo Camera on board.

Mars Express Takes Sharpest Images Yet Of Phobos - Space News - redOrbit

Low density was attributed to it being some sort of icy dirt ball.


Can you offer some definition that material ejected from planet's surface to orbit due to impact from another body is considered "captured" in the same sense as an asteroid is captured.

The way i see it, you allude to some information ban on moon Phobos, and i don't know what yopu're talking about, there's color, HD, even 3D images out there.

For example:

Mars Express Takes Sharpest Images Yet Of Phobos - Space News - redOrbit

Low density was attributed to it being some sort of icy dirt ball.



Let me explain the low density too you.

Our moon was created roughly 4.5 billion years ago. A mars sized object called Theia smashed into earth. Theia was ripped apart and large parts of Theia iron core smashed back into earth. The earth was completly molten because this impact. Large parts of the mantle were ripped away and thrown into orbit. This debris formed a ring around earth. Gravity caused the debris to smash into each other. Relative fast the moon was formed. Because the mass was huge it started to melt. There is no empty space left in the moon, because its relative strong gravition simply compressed it


Now imagine Mars being hit from a smaller impactor. Much less debris is kicked into Mars Orbit. A few boulders and rocks smash into each other and form Phobos. Phobos is only 25km wide. A very small object. Its gravitational pull is so small, that you could kick a football into its orbit. This means the empty space inside the moon and between the individual rocks is not compressed. You have a rubebr pile. Rubble piles are also known from other low density objects in the asteroid belt. They are only hold together from their small gravitational pull.

One of this objects is asteroid Itokawa



You can read more about this here.
PSR Discoveries:Hot Idea: Asteroids' low densities
Why is China so extremly unproductive? You have 18 times our population but you don´t even manage to achieve twice our productivity. How do you explain this incredible lack of chinas economy and export weakness? If China could reach our productivity level that would be gigantic.

China still has not industrialised fully yet. It came from virtually having nothing 40 years ago while Germany was a rich industrialised economy at that time

While German GDP grows at 1-2% a year, Chin is able to manage 7-8% a year.

Give it 15-20 years and Germany and China are likely to be very similar in terms of GDP/capita
China still has not industrialised fully yet. It came from virtually having nothing 40 years ago while Germany was a rich industrialised economy at that time

While German GDP grows at 1-2% a year, Chin is able to manage 7-8% a year.

Give it 15-20 years and Germany and China are likely to be very similar in terms of GDP/capita

same was said about Iran in 1978.
same was said about Iran in 1978.

Iranian economy was based on oil and it had a revolution in 1979 as the population was not happy with the Shah. That revolution was replaced with a regime that was widely sanctioned and to top it all it had a 8 year war with Iraq.

China is based on manufacturing and increasingly high technology, and the Chinese population are very happy with the way that the CCP are running things. China is also unlikely to get into any large scale conflict in the next few decades.

In 15-20 years time the German economy will be a tiny fraction of the Chinese one.
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Iranian economy was based on oil and it had a revolution in 1979 as the population was not happy with the Shah. That revolution was replaced with a regime that was widely sanctioned and to top it all it had a 8 year war with Iraq.

China is based on manufacturing and increasingly high technology, and the Chinese population are very happy with the way that the CCP are running things. China is also unlikely to get into any large scale conflict in the next few years.

In 15-20 years time the German economy will be a tiny fraction of the Chinese one.

you are quite wrong. China has incredible conflicts boiling under the surface. Desastrous inequality between a rich elite and mass poverty, a youth who want partcipate, a gigantic corruption problem, separatist movements and a weak leadership right now that has problems to control its military. Beside that there is a gigantic shadow banking system in the background that could burst any moment. In 15-20 years china can be a great power or a failed state. Thats the good thing about future. We dont know it.
you are quite wrong. China has incredible conflicts boiling under the surface. Desastrous inequality between a rich elite and mass poverty, a youth who want partcipate, a gigantic corruption problem, separatist movements and a weak leadership right now that has problems to control its military. Beside that there is a gigantic shadow banking system in the background that could burst any moment. In 15-20 years china can be a great power or a failed state. Thats the good thing about future. We dont know it.

Germany could also disintegrate - unlikely but there is the possibility.

On probability, China will succeed and become a giant compared to everyone bar US.
Germany could also disintegrate - unlikely but there is the possibility.

On probability, China will succeed and become a giant compared to everyone bar US.

Considering the recent uprisings in china, the economy cool down and the unsolved shadow banking crisis the collapse scenario is much more likely. In the end China doesn´t matter. The only thing that does matter is our own well being.
Germans should have much more cooperation with my nation and help full industrialization of Turkiye'.

Angela Merkal is a very cunning women. My head goes spinning when I have one to one close door meetings with her.

That woman just keeps revolving around irrelevant things
Considering the recent uprisings in china, the economy cool down and the unsolved shadow banking crisis the collapse scenario is much more likely. In the end China doesn´t matter. The only thing that does matter is our own well being.

China is likely to become the largest economy in a decade from now so of course it matters.

Did you know that large German corporations earn tens of billions euro revenue from China each year? While sales stagnate in EU, they are rising fast in China.
China is likely to become the largest economy in a decade from now so of course it matters.

Did you know that large German corporations earn tens of billions euro revenue from China each year? While sales stagnate in EU, they are rising fast in China.

Don't mind that Markus guy too much. What can you expect from someone whose knowledge of history is so awesomely pathetic? We have to blame it on our general education in Germany, which has degenerated into brainwashing young minds. these brainwashed young minds are very good to work as a cogwheel in our economic machinery or as cannon fodder in case of war but not good in reflecting about and understanding the world.

Once our great writer and poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said:

Niemand ist mehr Sklave, als der, der sich für frei hält, ohne es zu sein.

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.
Don't mind that Markus guy too much. What can you expect from someone whose knowledge of history is so awesomely pathetic? We have to blame it on our general education in Germany, which has degenerated into brainwashing young minds. these brainwashed young minds are very good to work as a cogwheel in our economic machinery or as cannon fodder in case of war but not good in reflecting about and understanding the world.

Once our great writer and poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said:

Niemand ist mehr Sklave, als der, der sich für frei hält, ohne es zu sein.

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.

I am at a loss as to why he dislikes China.

Russia I can understand but disliking China so much for someone with his background comes
across as a little odd.
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