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General Mobeen Khan tweets about Loy Afghanistan (IMPORTANT)

Okay wonderful but your ethnicity is your ethnicity and facts are facts. We were invaded by the Afghans and looted. If we are to build a Pakistani identity then we must recognise and accept our pain. Not pretend to be someome we are not and turn a defeat into a victory.

Iranian civilization does this best. I wish we had their mindset and not this cucked out fanboy jibberish.

Lol.. Pakistan truly has bitter elements.. Why doesn't Iran flip back to their paganism? What cucked? So now people accepting Islam is being cucked? You hear alot of nonsense on this webiste dayum..

Islam was a gift to you and you took it.. granting you power on the land.

Pakistan was not Attacked but it played the role of attacking India..
Lol.. Pakistan truly has bitter elements.. Why doesn't Iran flip back to their paganism? What cucked? So now people accepting Islam is being cucked? You hear alot of nonsense on this webiste dayum..

Islam was a gift to you and you took it.. granting you power on the land.

Pakistan was not Attacked but it played the role of attacking India..

Who gives a shit about India. The only ones who cared were Afghans and Arabs who wanted to conquer it. So they invaded us first and used our people as cannon fodder whilst they fucked our women in the palaces and harems they built.

What role are you talking about? The best of us were tending to their gardens like servants on OUR territory.

Iran made their own version, they know how to maintain their civlization. But thats beside the point, nothing wrong with being whatever religion, my issue is with the invasions and suffering our people went through and the gaslighting to not accept this happened. Like magically its not our people because its a different faith. Or a Afghan born in Pakistan makes him Pakistani. :lol:
Who gives a shit about India. The only ones who cared were Afghans and Arabs who wanted to conquer it. So they invaded us first and used our people as cannon fodder whilst they fucked our women in the palaces and harems they built.

What role are you talking about? The best of us were tending to their gardens like servants on OUR territory.

Iran made their own version, they know how to maintain their civlization. But thats beside the point, nothing wrong with being whatever religion, my issue is with the invasions and suffering our people went through and the gaslighting to not accept this happened. Like magically its not our people because its a different faith. Or a Afghan born in Pakistan makes him Pakistani. :lol:

This is some hilarious revionism but probably something an Indian will spit out which doesn't correlate to Pakistan whatsoever.. They accepted Islam way before any Muslim set a foot inside the Subcontient in the expansion era.

They were not used but they voluntered because they wanted to spread Islam and believed it was a gift to mankind.. They were grown people and invested in the expansion with their own money and blood this is who they really are.

The same with Iran they aided in the expansions into India and why would Iran engineers build Taj Mahal.. They send volunteers for the Indian campaigns..

If Iran was to flip why don't they go back to paganism? Iran has never flipped again contrary to what you are saying
This is some hilarious revionism but probably something an Indian will spit out which doesn't correlate to Pakistan whatsoever.. They accepted Islam way before any Muslim set a foot inside the Subcontient in the expansion era.

They were not used but they voluntered because they wanted to spread Islam and believed it was a gift to mankind.. They were grown people and invested in the expansion with their own money and blood this is who they really are.

The same with Iran they aided in the expansions into India

The history books says otherwise. They even sent a kid, Bin Qasim to make it as humiliating as possible. Absolute psychopaths. Entire villages sacked and murdered. Horrifying suffering.

Your Pakistani history books is the revisionism. I had the pleasure of looking through the literature they teach the kids, absolute nonsense. No wonder they are growing up and burning people alive and shouting blasphemy at anyone they don't like.
.. It will die on this hill
scum-sucking pajeets, parsees and europe based jehadis are ever so keen on Pakistan dying. you will burn in hades before Pakistan goes anywhere. I am betting it is here to stay forever in some form or another, though a cleansing is long overdue. curses on ruski scum who have somewhat delayed the purge by taking part in 71
The history books says otherwise. They even sent a kid, Bin Qasim to make it as humiliating as possible. Absolute psychopaths. Entire villages sacked and murdered. Horrifying suffering.

Your Pakistani history books is the revisionism. I had the pleasure of looking through the literature they teach the kids, absolute nonsense. No wonder they are growing up and burning people alive and shouting blasphemy at anyone they don't like.

What a revision.. This is hilarious..

But you are one massive Islamophobe I give you that and nobody can take that away from you.. I must give credit where credit is due....
What even are you? You live in Denmark, have a hard on for the Talibastards, claim to be Pakistani, an ardent Muslim?

You are confused, get some help.
He is a pan-Islamist Taliban supporter.

I think he said he was Arab once though but his beliefs are odd
He is a pan-Islamist Taliban supporter.

I think he said he was Arab once though but his beliefs are odd

I am Pan-Pakistani supporter and far from Tali supporter..

I am the least religious guy on PDF.. I pop bottles and go wild on weekends and even sniff the white on top of ladies tits..

I understand Pakistan's identity that's all.. But there are alot of fake Pakistanis on this forum recently
Bro your post history literally proves you are a Taliban IEA supporter and pan-Islamist

Unless you suddenly switched your opinions?

I am Muslim that is my identity and I may not be practicing but still.. That is my identity that is how people see us..

Honestly I see IEA only as useful cannon fodders down the line.. I think ahead the peasants or let me say the Indians pretending to be Pakistanis here.. I am no supporter of theirs by any shape or way but I see value in stuff I can use that is all nothing more or less..

What a revision.. This is hilarious..

But you are one massive Islamophobe I give you that and nobody can take that away from you.. I must give credit where credit is due....

I am not an Islamophobe. I have an issue with political/religious narratives which skew historical events.
I am not an Islamophobe. I have an issue with political/religious narratives which skew historical events.

Nobody describes Bin Qassim like that:lol: or dishonors Mohammed of Ghor without being an Islamophobe.. I would say even a heavyweight
Nobody describes Bin Qassim like that:lol: or dishonors Mohammed of Ghor without being an Islamophobe.. I would say even a heavyweight

If they didn't invade my people then I wouldn't have this opinion.

I don't care even if it was Mary f**king Poppins, I will never accept the suffering of my people as justified.

My red lines are clear. People like you are confused. In the UK Pakistanis who are born here 3rd/4th generation, some of them don't even identity with Pakistani culture. More Arabic culture especially the hijabi women. Its hilarious. Same situation with you. Pakistan is an afterthought.
If they didn't invade my people then I wouldn't have this opinion.

I don't care even if it was Mary f**king Poppins, I will never accept the suffering of my people as justified.

This is revionism gone out of controll...


You are saying Pakistan should have never become a Muslim country?

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