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General Mobeen Khan tweets about Loy Afghanistan (IMPORTANT)

LMAOOO General Mobeen Khan has tweeted about Loy Afghanistan

@FuturePAF @Signalian @The Accountant @ThunderCat @NOBODY @SecularNationalist @villageidiot @epebble @Dalit @Mirzali Khan @SecularNationalist @Vapnope @General Dong @Irfan Baloch @LeGenD @DESERT FIGHTER @Goenitz @R Wing @Maula Jatt @Goritoes

They're confident because Afghan Taliban has spread sleeper cells throughout Pakistan.

Their goal is to start a massive insurgency by activating their sleeper cells, then provoking a civil war using all local Pashtuns. Then covertly provide support to them through manpower to sustain the insurgency long term like they did against America. The porous border and easy cross-travel makes this very possible.

The key here is to cut off the Western border completely with a buffer zone so they can't aid an insurgency, and remove refugees who will serve as insurgents. They will utilise guerilla warfare.
Afghanistan has become a big issue not just terrorism
But also smuggling of wheat and now even dollar there

Best thing is to close borders mine them not fence them
As for buffer zone thing
If we send in our own army it would be direct war deceleration.
Other option is to support tribals in border area who want own gov free of Taliban
Afghanistan has become a big issue not just terrorism
But also smuggling of wheat and now even dollar there

Best thing is to close borders mine them not fence them
As for buffer zone thing
If we send in our own army it would be direct war deceleration.
Other option is to support tribals in border area who want own gov free of Taliban
No one from their border area really wants "gov free of Taliban" though, from what it seems it's highly decentralised to begin with.

Only real way to exploit Afghan society is based on ethnic grounds, and claim the dominant ethnicity is oppressing and stealing the lands of the others. Then let the games begin. This is mostly true anyway historically.

Essentially switch the foreign policy they had/have on us, onto them. But something seriously needs to be considered on the western border to make it more secure with surveillance.
TTP was created in mid 2000s because of Pakistan's disregard for civilian casualties in ex-FATA lmaoo

TTP didn't exist before 2007.
TTP is just name that is being used as covert mission to further terrorism in destabilizing the nation and the regional's peace.

Adit Doval confessed on record funding TTP for the purposes of destructing Pakistan with the allegedly support of former Afghan government that was eventually dethroned and set Indian plans backfired.

We are talking about funding the terrorism - not someone founding the organization which is irrelevant since the group is being funded to destroy Pakistan regardless of when and who founded TTP.
There was no Afghanistan in abdalis time..it had other names.there has been lot of garbage history inculcated into young afgjan minds in name of history and pride.
First time Afghanistan was formed was as kingdom in 1820s under dost mishammad.
Abdali was born in Multan and died in toba achakzai(pakistan) local to presentday pakistan and Afghanistan kandhar where he is burried and had his hq.Lastly abdali never called himself Afghan as seen from his biography.
A balkanized Afghanistan is the only realistic and stable future that Pakistan should aim for. A united Afghanistan was never a realistic goal, even under Ahmed Shah Durrani's time.
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If there is open war between Afghanistan and Pakistan... Who would win?

Let's say Afghanistan objective is to take over parts of KPK and Pakistan's objective is for Pakistani Generals to make some American $$. Who would win?

Has anyone done any scenario war games between the two forces?

Could Afghan become Pakistan's "Ukraine"?
If there is open war between Afghanistan and Pakistan... Who would win?

Let's say Afghanistan objective is to take over parts of KPK and Pakistan's objective is for Pakistani Generals to make some American $$. Who would win?

Has anyone done any scenario war games between the two forces?

Could Afghan become Pakistan's "Ukraine"?
If the objective is laundering state funds and being corrupt;

Pakistan always loses. War or no war. Until we see a change in this attitude of the establishment we will remain on a losing streak of incompetency because handling Pakistan isn't their task. Stealing dollars is.
There was no Afghanistan in abdalis time..it had other names.there has been lot of garbage history inculcated into young afgjan minds in name of history and pride.
First time Afghanistan was formed was as kingdom in 1820s under dost mishammad.
Abdali was born in Multan and died in toba achakzai(pakistan) local to presentday pakistan and Afghanistan kandhar where he is burried and had his hq.Lastly abdali never called himself Afghan as seen from his biography.
Of course, but Abdali did try to unite the region under a single flag, and the idea of Afghaniya was born during his conquest.
this stupid fat pig saying there is no water in EU /MIDDLE EAST/PAKISTAN . look we have water . what an ignorants ruling this country . a pound near our village is bigger then this

Average annual renewable freshwater supply by country afghanistan is not even in list of 170 countries ,​

If the objective is laundering state funds and being corrupt;

Pakistan always loses. War or no war. Until we see a change in this attitude of the establishment we will remain on a losing streak of incompetency because handling Pakistan isn't their task. Stealing dollars is.

War is always a racket .... It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people on the top make huge fortunes.... That is a fact of life.

Only the minions die for the "glory" as "Shaheeds".

If the Pakistani Generals can convince the foot soldiers that they are dying for nation and god ... While they run of to the bank with bags of American Dollars $$$.

Is the Pakistani Army prepared to fight against Afghanistan.... This is a Defense forum.... Shouldn't there some war scenario discussions here???
In reality Pakistan didn't do much to them, if anything the Soviet jihad is something their locals wanted themselves on the ground and USA pushed for. It was all just perfectly timed coincidentally.

And my campaigns, which I don't really know what exactly you're referring to, are focused on long-term stability for Pakistan.

The current status-quo at the border is not at all stable, they will eventually stabilise as a government, begin to make some money, and then back to square 1 of them making claims on your land and supporting separatist militants.

The only real long-term solution is the total disintegration of Afghanistan as we currently know it. Khorosan should be established and perhaps the remaining part be absorbed by Pakistan.
I want to laugh at your innocence.
Taliban 1.0 were organized and sent from Pakistan.
When Taliban 2.0 took over, General Faiz Hameed held a victory trip to Kabul. This way this dumb general took ownership of the mess and pushed Afghans to chant death to Pakistan.
Now you expect them to just forget all that and move on?

You are clearly an outsider who overestimates Pakistan's capabilities. Your wish of disintegrating that country sounds childish. It not even a country in the first place. Its a land mass of tribal people. How will you push them erect borders in between them when they don't understand the idea of borders and fences unless someone is shooting at them?

You sound like someone who has 0 real life knowledge of Pakistan or Afghanistan but keep pushing wild fantasies.

I will say it again that your push on Pakistanis to start a barking match with Afghans fits Indian agenda.
I want to laugh at your innocence.
Taliban 1.0 were organized and sent from Pakistan.
When Taliban 2.0 took over, General Faiz Hameed held a victory trip to Kabul. This way this dumb general took ownership of the mess and pushed Afghans to chant death to Pakistan.
Now you expect them to just forget all that and move on?

You are clearly an outsider who overestimates Pakistan's capabilities. Your wish of disintegrating that country sounds childish. It not even a country in the first place. Its a land mass of tribal people. How will you push them erect borders in between them when they don't understand the idea of borders and fences unless someone is shooting at them?

You sound like someone who has 0 real life knowledge of Pakistan or Afghanistan but keep pushing wild fantasies.

I will say it again that your push on Pakistanis to start a barking match with Afghans fits Indian agenda.
Taliban 1.0 was organised specifically due to the Soviet situation and was pushed by the US more than anyone.

It wasn't an arbitrary independent decision by Pakistan, it was influenced by the unique circumstances of Afghanistan.

Same with 2.0 which was against the US and had remnants of the same ideology. What's funny is they celebrate both victories, so if they blame Pakistan for them, then they should be thanking us...

Although I would agree with the rest, it is a large land mass of tribal people. But once certain areas don't want outside influence in governance and want to be entirely independent from any attempts of central control it could work to our favour.
LMAOOO General Mobeen Khan has tweeted about Loy Afghanistan

@FuturePAF @Signalian @The Accountant @ThunderCat @NOBODY @SecularNationalist @villageidiot @epebble @Dalit @Mirzali Khan @SecularNationalist @Vapnope @General Dong @Irfan Baloch @LeGenD @DESERT FIGHTER @Goenitz @R Wing @Maula Jatt @Goritoes

They're confident because Afghan Taliban has spread sleeper cells throughout Pakistan.

Their goal is to start a massive insurgency by activating their sleeper cells, then provoking a civil war using all local Pashtuns. Then covertly provide support to them through manpower to sustain the insurgency long term like they did against America. The porous border and easy cross-travel makes this very possible.

The key here is to cut off the Western border completely with a buffer zone so they can't aid an insurgency, and remove refugees who will serve as insurgents. They will utilise guerilla warfare.
Just one air strike from PAF and that dim wit bacha baaz mullah will be in hell forever.
Taliban 1.0 was organised specifically due to the Soviet situation and was pushed by the US more than anyone.

It wasn't an arbitrary independent decision by Pakistan, it was influenced by the unique circumstances of Afghanistan.

Same with 2.0 which was against the US and had remnants of the same ideology. What's funny is they celebrate both victories, so if they blame Pakistan for them, then they should be thanking us...

Although I would agree with the rest, it is a large land mass of tribal people. But once certain areas don't want outside influence in governance and want to be entirely independent from any attempts of central control it could work to our favour.

You lost 70k lives, 100 billion trade loss, reputation loss, relationship loss, you have lost every way imagineable because of Talibs and TTP.

Talibs backed AQ and Bin Laden. Its not Pakistans problems what the consequences are for them for it. Pakistan should smoke out TTP and go in hard. If Talibs want a fight too then chemical attack Kabul.
He was born in Herat, and died in Maruf which is in Afghanistan.
There is on ground evidence he was born in Multan which I can explain if needed.. events and timeliness in herat invalidate his birth there.
You can read one of the prominent writers jumma khan sufi on this . I also know local sadozai tribe history professors from multan who have researched this.

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