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General Mobeen Khan tweets about Loy Afghanistan (IMPORTANT)

This is revionism gone out of controll...


You are saying Pakistan should have never become a Muslim country?

I am saying Pakistan should have had the dignity of a choice. Not invaded, looted and forced with a sword around the throat. Not much to ask. Invasion should not have happened. It should have been an invitation.

And the Afghans for sure had absolutely no right. That was 100% Indus under occupation.
I am saying Pakistan should have had the dignity of a choice. Not invaded, looted and forced with a sword around the throat. Not much to ask. Invasion should not have happened. It should have been an invitation.

And the Afghans for sure had absolutely no right. That was 100% Indus under occupation.

So you just said the same thing basically.. That Islam should have not come to Pakistan and you are regretting this?

Can someone get hold of Ja rule so that I can make sense of all this..

They had to expand it was a divine decree and a blessing to mankind how can anyone see negative in that
They even sent a kid, Bin Qasim to make it as humiliating as possible.
Muhammad Bin Qasim (R.H) humiliated our mushrik ancestors and taught them a harsh lesson because they dared to harm innocent Muslim women and kidnap them. They taught the mushrik kaffir Raja Dahir a lesson that his worshipping generations till this day still remember. The Caliphate made such an example out of our backward ancestors and humiliated them so much that some of our backward ancestors finally opened their eye to Haqq and reverted to Islam.
I didn't go through your education system where they protray invaders and slaverers as a victory. Its called stockholm syndrome. Major cope for the attrocities committed on Pakistanis. You don't want to face reality I get it. You think their win is your win, wronggg. You were looted and taken advantage of. Once you face your truths, you can be reborn as a true Pakistani.
Yeah but just because he is born in Pakistan how does that make him our hero?

Ethnically he was Afghan and worked purely for Afghan interests. He is a hero for Afghanistan, not us (Pakistan).

Let's say theoretically Jinnah or Imran Khan were born in Britian, do they suddenly become British heroes, when they aren't English and never cared for English interests?
Lol u folks are so insecure...Again there was no pakistan back then. I take history as history not a win or lose for presentday Pakistan or Afghanistan... Abdali is considered hero because he went and fought maratahas in panipat on request of shah wali ullah who is very much revered in pakistan.. his army was mostly locals of present day pakistan ..many of whom were ex mughal soldiers including from his birthplace multan... . His army may have looted .This was a defacto act of power grab in the day just like those from other armies that were here including the local ones that looted locals.
Abdalis empire was more of a confederation with autonomous local kingdoms.. he only had suzeranity while the local Rulers remained local NOT outsiders. he first captured his own ethnic people from ghilzay and remnants of mughals.. kingdom of Kashmir for example.invited abdali to help them get rid of the cruel decadent mughal governors... abdalis more or less capitalized on the crumbling safavid and mughal empire and didn't see a great fight in most places until they crossed lahore.
so In a way he did a major cleanup of dead eye sore cruel remnants that were pass their shelf life.. Treating abdali as an outsider and not local means u still live in 1700s. Today pakistan has 18% pashtuns.. today we live in a nation state ..not tribal kingdoms in your minds...what will u say about how islam came here then..you are vouching for Imran who is pashtun grow up.
@Mirzali Khan

Why does birthplace even matter though? He was Afghan I don't see how birthplace changes anything

Frankly, idgaf about his birthplace but it is weird that Pakistani nationalists try making him a Pakistani hero or figure when Pakistan didn't even exist at that time lmaoo.
whilst they fucked our women in the palaces and harems they built.
Dude ur mind is seriously broken.
But to instill some self esteem in it you can read about kabul shahi and hind shahi when rajputs ghakkars khokhars and other tribes ruled kabul and other afghan areas and ^#^#& their people.🤣🤣🤣
you shouldn't even be discussing history.. you have major self esteeme issues ...get that fixed first.
But your ethnicity is your ethnicity and facts are facts. We were invaded by the Afghans and looted.

The A in Pakistan stands for "Afghania" as Chaudhry Rahmat Ali put it. However, if you are talking about Punjab you are correct, but its more nuanced than that. Many of these Afghans/Pashtuns migrated into the Punjabi heartland and became Punjabi. For example, the Lodhis became part and parcel of Punjab.

If we are to build a Pakistani identity then we must recognise and accept our pain.

Building a Pakistani identity would require appreciation of Pakistan's vast diversity and multicultural landscape. What your pain is, isn't technically our pain.

For instance, the Mughals called what is today's Pashtunkhwa "Yaghistan" aka "land of the rebels" as people rebelled and successfully broke off when the Mughals SA'd a girl in the village.

The pain felt across the landscape through partition isn't felt by the people across the Indus, the pain of the brutal Afghan-Sikh wars aren't felt by the people in the provincial Balochistan.

That's why everything is hodgepodge.
Dude ur mind is seriously broken.

menace2society came off to me as bizarrely strange for years due to his takes being always a mystic to me but in the last few days I came to know why that is the case. He is not Muslim and a low-key hardcore Islamophobe..

His world view is thru the lense of a Pakistani from 650-700-AD so everything is twisted and from probably a Hindu view point or just non-Islam pov or pagan
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He's the founder of Afghanistan, Jinnah is founder of Pakistan. He is not and never will be a Pakistani hero.

He is not the founder of Afghanistan.. He is a hero to all Muslims in the subcontinent they called upon him and he answered their call.. He didn't answer their call for their ethnic backgrounds but because of what they believed and stood for..

If he had not answered their calls there wouldn't have been Punjab muslim today as the Maratha would have wiped them off the face of the earth because of their believes and something the Indians will re-attempt again 30-50 years down the road
The A in Pakistan stands for "Afghania" as Chaudhry Rahmat Ali put it. However, if you are talking about Punjab you are correct, but its more nuanced than that. Many of these Afghans/Pashtuns migrated into the Punjabi heartland and became Punjabi. For example, the Lodhis became part and parcel of Punjab.
Pakistan is not an acronym, it just means land of the pure. (Paak - pure, stan - land)

The idea of it being an acronym was forced after by coincidentally attributing ethnicities to the letters, but it doesn't make sense because where would Baloch and Sindh fall into it?
I would like to add that Jinnah is not the spiritual father of Pakistan and he was in cohorts with the Indians because the Indians pushed him back to the Ghorid - Rajput borders without fighting.. Meaning he was technically a Indian hero because he pushed the Muslims back to the Ghorid line without fighting and he has undone 850 years of expansion into the Subcontinent by signing of India to ridiculous territories instead of carving them up more.. 3-4 countries could have been formed from within India..

Hence the father of Pakistan is Muhammad of Ghor or let me put it this way Pakistan is the legacy of Muhammad of Ghor because they the Indians themselves gave Pakistan the Ghorid border lines

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