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GCC warns Hezbollah!!!

When did I say I'm Kuwaiti Sir? I never did.

He Is From the Vatican to Spread to us the Message of Islam by Destroying all Islamic Sites, According to the Roman Pope. :omghaha:

Perhaps the Bedouin Iblis will Demolish the Kabba and Mashjid Al Nabwi. And then together We will Do the Wahabbi Dance..

(okay sufi but its still funny and strange sufi style)
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Do you know how expensive it is to operate a base overseas?

Those troops are under the UN, and paid through the UN by various donors (including Kuwait). And in no way is it financed from Bangladesh.

no that is different stuff... Kuwait and BD have own defence protocol between them, read the link and surely Kuwait pays for it :D
Even Your IMAM Bukhari was PERSIAN.


But Wahabbis Reject All Hadit so it doesn't matter to you anyway ;)

Yes, we only take Islam from Quraan and Sahih Hadith, Imam Bukhari collected them and that's all, he is well respected and trusted though. There are two major categories of Hadiths Weak and strong (referring to their Sanadh), we only take the correct ones were quoted by trusted and pious people. Unlike Shia who make up Hadiths everyday. Well, it's not only "Wahabies" who stick to Sahihi Hadith but also all Muslims. You have a totally different religious and we don't really recognize you as part of us.

As for destroying Ahl Bayt shrines, well you have your own shrines in Iraq and Qum, go there instead of Makah.
no that is different stuff... Kuwait and BD have own defence protocol between them, read the link and surely Kuwait pays for it :D

And still under the UN:
Monthly pays and perks of the Bangladeshis serving in the United Nations peace keeping mission in Kuwait have been doubled, said Expatriate Welfare and Overseas Employment Minister Khandaker Mosharraf Hossain on Monday
daily sun | Extra | Kuwait doubles pay for Bangladeshi peacekeepers

Under no circumstances can it be considered a BD Army base. Period.
well call me wrong but i hope all those Saudis that come to Lebanon for there nice vacation get a warm welcoming. it will be a a breeze to my eyes.
Yes, we only take Islam from Quraan and Sahih Hadith, Imam Bukhari collected them and that's all, he is well respected and trusted though. There are two major categories of Hadiths Weak and strong (referring to their Sanadh), we only take the correct ones were quoted by trusted and pious people. Unlike Shia who make up Hadiths everyday. Well, it's not only "Wahabies" who stick to Sahihi Hadith but also all Muslims. You have a totally different religious and we don't really recognize you as part of us.

As for destroying Ahl Bayt shrines, well you have your own shrines in Iraq and Qum, go there instead of Makah.

Wahhabi or shia same s#it both you wrong. especially the Wahhabi :lol:
well call me wrong but i hope all those Saudis that come to Lebanon for there nice vacation get a warm welcoming. it will be a a breeze to my eyes.

Poor people, you can do nothing but only hope for hurting Saudies in your day dreams while Saudies are sitting in their luxurious conditioned houses on their fluffy armchairs enjoying watching you getting spanked on their 43-inch LCD TV.:pop:
Poor people, you can do nothing but only hope for hurting Saudies in your day dreams while Saudies are sitting in their luxurious conditioned houses on their fluffy armchairs enjoying watching you getting spanked on their 43-inch LCD TV.:pop:

that sad i thought my 56 inch was small i think i am living more lavishly than the sauds them selves ahah! but i am sorry your from jordan? the snitch country? your argument is invalid from 42 years ago.:drag:
Poor people, you can do nothing but only hope for hurting Saudies in your day dreams while Saudies are sitting in their luxurious conditioned houses on their fluffy armchairs enjoying watching you getting spanked on their 43-inch LCD TV.:pop:
mine is this one:
Panasonic Viera TX-P55VT50 :cheers:

You are living a lie, wake up brother.

65 years ago; UK committed Ein El Zeytoun & Deir Yassin massacres

"I am the Sultan Abdul Aziz Bin Abdul Rahman Al Saud al-Faisal and I concede and acknowledge a thousand times to Sir Percy Cox, delegate of Great Britain, that I have no objection to giving Palestine to the poor Jews or even to non-Jews, and I will never ever violate their [the UK] orders.”

The Liar Beduin From Saudi, Jordan, Turkey,Qatar and Bahrain the Yehudi Bedouins tells people to wake up.

Isn’t it ironic how the Ottomans, our rulers at the time, would spill blood to protect us, while our brother Arabs were falling over themselves to give Palestine away.

In 1915, a secret memorandum was presented to the British cabinet under the title, ‘The Future of Palestine.’ It was drafted by Sir Herbert Samuel, the first dedicated Zionist to become a minister in the British Government, who, astonishingly, did not advise the setting up of a Jewish homeland at this time, but did advise that Palestine should be annexed to the British Empire after the war, with sympathies towards the establishment of such a home-land.

November 2nd 1917, is the date carved on every Palestinian heart, when the infamous Balfour Declaration, written in the form of a letter was sent to Lord Walter Rothschild. The British government, in their infinite wisdom, vehemently adhered to their promise to establish a Jewish home in Palestine and totally ignored their promise to protect the rights of the indigenous Palestinian population. At that time, Palestine was 10% Jewish and 90% Muslim and Christian Palestinian Arabs.

@BLACKEAGLE you and your Sellout Arabs are the Father of All Lies

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Wahhabi or shia same s#it both you wrong. especially the Wahhabi :lol:

Your Conception Was Wrong. :P

Wahabbi is a Sunni Sect, Not Shia. Backed by British to Destroy Sunni and Cause Sectarianism with Shia. Wahabbi and Salafi is the same S#it. Wahabbi It was Created 200 years ago by the person knows as (Mohammad) Ibn Al Wahabb. His creted this sect that was Rejected by his Daddy Wahabb and he was Sent to Nijad, Excommunicated. Saudis Family were His Best Friends. British took advasntage and by WW1 destroyed the ottoman khilafa and put these stooges in power. Today Wahabbi also Calls its self Salafi BUT in History no Sahaba or Khalif refered themself as Salafi. ismaili and awalati are for example sects from Shia. But Wahabbi was Created in Arabia from a man of Sunni Family, Arabia has alawy's been a SUNNI only city.

Well, then next time don't tell me you came to protect an A or B person of ours.

You Need the Protection Mr. Pope, After Americans Use you Arabs they Dispose of you like they did with Faisal because he was trying to work with Yasir Arafat, Pakistan and Iran to do something about the Zionist Regimie. However it was Faisal in 1974 that stupidedly make the US Dollar what it is today, the Petro Dollar (meaning OIL can only be purchased using US Dollars. If Saudi is Removed tomorrow American will fall like domino.
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