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GCC warns Hezbollah!!!


Press TV is a joke, actually it gave a new definition of news, other news agencies start presenting their news with Headlines while Press TV starts with Headlies. :laughcry:
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Press TV is a joke, actually it gave a new definition of news, other news agencies start presenting their news with Headlines while Press TV starts with Headlies. :laughcry:

Its ironic..that the Arabs who are considered by the western public to be the most radicalized people in the world are actually quite moderate in terms of not resorting to violence at the drop of a hat and threatening to create nuclear holocaust like other countries in their periphery.
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Press TV is a joke, actually it gave a new definition of news, other news agencies start presenting their news with Headlines while Press TV starts with Headlies. :laughcry:

Doesn't Matter.


This is the Letter Your Saudi Sent To The Crusader To Destroy the Ottomans

"I am the Sultan Abdul Aziz Bin Abdul Rahman Al Saud al-Faisal and I concede and acknowledge a thousand times to Sir Percy Cox, delegate of Great Britain, that I have no objection to giving Palestine to the poor Jews or even to non-Jews, and I will never ever violate their [the UK] orders.”

Isn’t it ironic how the Ottomans, our rulers at the time, would spill blood to protect us, while our brother Arabs were falling over themselves to give Palestine away.

In 1915, a secret memorandum was presented to the British cabinet under the title, ‘The Future of Palestine.’ It was drafted by Sir Herbert Samuel, the first dedicated Zionist to become a minister in the British Government, who, astonishingly, did not advise the setting up of a Jewish homeland at this time, but did advise that Palestine should be annexed to the British Empire after the war, with sympathies towards the establishment of such a home-land.

November 2nd 1917, is the date carved on every Palestinian heart, when the infamous Balfour Declaration, written in the form of a letter was sent to Lord Walter Rothschild. The British government, in their infinite wisdom, vehemently adhered to their promise to establish a Jewish home in Palestine and totally ignored their promise to protect the rights of the indigenous Palestinian population. At that time, Palestine was 10% Jewish and 90% Muslim and Christian Palestinian Arabs.

Written By a Palestinian...

65 years ago; UK committed Ein El Zeytoun & Deir Yassin massacres




Shia style is not less funny:

Surely how clear can the relation be...
Look the Barbarian Land Thief is here to defend its Bedouin Brother.. How Cute :no:

This Image Says EVERYTHING.

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Doesn't Matter. This is the Letter Your Saudi Sent To The Crusader To Destroy the Ottomans

It matters for us actually, I have never read an article posted by Joke-TV for two years. I won't read what you posted, so save your time :)
It matters for us actually, I have never read an article posted by Joke-TV for two years. I won't read what you posted, so save your time :)

Thats fine. Dont read it. But please do read 'Seven Pillars of Wisdom. Its a book written by T E Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia). It chronicles the treachery by Jordanians and Saudis to destroy Ottoman Emprire from within so that eventually the new geopolitical scenario gives way to Balfour Declaration and British Mandate on Palestine.

It would not have been such a resounding success if not for the treachery of Arabs against their fellow Arabs. Please read it and be ashamed.

If arabs have nay shame left, which I highly doubt, they wont be cheer leading Israelis and be their willing puppets.
It matters for us actually, I have never read an article posted by Joke-TV for two years. I won't read what you posted, so save your time :)

Doesn't Matter, Its Everywhere, On Wiki, On ANYWHERE you can Find even Library. Anywher, Exact Same Letter.

This is What Your Saudi Wrote, Simple as that, Historic Letter Your Saudi Sent To The Crusader To Destroy the Ottomans

"I am the Sultan Abdul Aziz Bin Abdul Rahman Al Saud al-Faisal and I concede and acknowledge a thousand times to Sir Percy Cox, delegate of Great Britain, that I have no objection to giving Palestine to the poor Jews or even to non-Jews, and I will never ever violate their [the UK] orders.”

I can give you more then you can imagine but I know the Bedouin sellout will not accept, I assure you we will crush JORDAN and I will beat you with a old Iraqi shoe until you beg and acknowledge what you Did for the Zionist Regime. I don't think we need any more proof, the Zionist Yehudi Coming to your rescue was enough. The Yehdi Knows whos Rustam.
Thats fine. Dont read it. But please do read 'Seven Pillars of Wisdom. Its a book written by T E Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia). It chronicles the treachery by Jordanians and Saudis to destroy Ottoman Emprire from within so that eventually the new geopolitical scenario gives way to Balfour Declaration and British Mandate on Palestine.

It would not have been such a resounding success if not for the treachery of Arabs against their fellow Arabs. Please read it and be ashamed.

If arabs have nay shame left, which I highly doubt, they wont be cheer leading Israelis and be their willing puppets.

Their is nothing so called "treachery", we just got Turks out of our countries, this "Islamic Ummah" doesn't exist but only in your sick heads, get over your day dreams man. You just be ashamed of yourself, our history is too great for you pitiful people to talk about.
Its ironic..that the Arabs who are considered by the western public to be the most radicalized people in the world are actually quite moderate in terms of not resorting to violence at the drop of a hat and threatening to create nuclear holocaust like other countries in their periphery.

The Arabs and Indians. Slaves of the Zionists and The European Americans. Sellouts.

About Nukes,
You Mean the Same West That Nuked Japanese Civilian Targets, Twice? A Civilian Hospital 3 Days AFTER Japan Surrendered?

or Do you Mean India that started the Nuclear Arms race in 70's in Asia by Threatening Pakistan?

Or the Same West that your Indian nation Joined to back stabb the Turkish Persian Muslim Mughel Rulers of Hind? Persian Muslim Sha Jahan Built Your TAJ Mehel Remember that. You Zionist Indian Sellouts, You did the same thing in Bengal to Nawabs Family Shiraz who also had Persian Ancestry. For doing that What did you get? 200 Years of Loot Plunder, Genocide, Your Country was the Greatest Contributor and Richest Nation Under Islamic Mughel Empire, Under Your British Slave Masters You Were not only raped and humiliated but even Looted to a poor worthless shoe cleaner nation of Hypocrites who sold their great Indian culture for some west who doesn't even have a fraction of it. During WW2 after Deaths of Millions in India and Bengal due to British IMPOSED Food Shortage/Famines, When Asked why your Master Winston Churchill did this, the guy whos nation you helped loot and rape your nation, The Same Ungrateful colonial friend Churchill Compared you with "Vermin". Look it up.

I look forward to the day when the Islamic Persian Forces Retake Delhi. The Greatest Ally of Israel in the World in India, America is #2. We will Retake Constantinople, We will Retake Bahrain, Jordan, Iraq, We will Liberate Jerusalem and we will Surely Retake HINDUSTAN..
Their is nothing so called "treachery", we just got Turks out of our countries, this "Islamic Ummah" doesn't exist but only in your sick heads, get over your day dreams man. You just be ashamed of yourself, our history is too great for you pitiful people to talk about.

If you don't believe in Ummah then don't call yourself Muslim. It is a basic fundamental part of Islam. It's funny how you always talk about "your" Islam being the right version and say Shiaism is wrong, yet you don't believe in Ummah.
Their is nothing so called "treachery", we just got Turks out of our countries, this "Islamic Ummah" doesn't exist but only in your sick heads, get over your day dreams man. You just be ashamed of yourself, our history is too great for you pitiful people to talk about.

I m not talking about ummah my dear. For all practical purposes, that does not exist because we cant rise above our nationalistic, sectarian and ethnic identities.

But consider this. When you begun to think of your own tribal or nationalistic interests, you became weaker and prey to your enemies.
Shia style is not less funny:

every religion have their funny guys. yours as well ;)
my Israeli friends say how much some of them make pain to force people not doing anything during shabbat
for exemple parking ;)

anyway do you know where it is , this video ? ;)

The Arabs and Indians. Slaves of the Zionists and The European Americans. Sellouts.

About Nukes, You Mean the Same West That Nuked Japanese Civilian Targets, Twice? A Civilian Hospital 3 Days AFTER Japan Surrendered?

Or the Same West That your nation Backstabber the Turkish Persian Muslim Mughel Rulers, Persian Muslim Sha Jahan Built Your TAJ Mehel Remember that. You Zionist Indian Sellouts, You did the same thing in Bengal to Nawabs Family Shiraz who also had Persian Ancestry. For doing that What did you get? 200 Years of Loot Plunder, Genocide, Your Country was the Greatest Contributor and Richest Nation Under Islamic Mughel Empire, Under Your British Slave Masters You Were not only raped and humiliated but even Looted to a poor worthless shoe cleaner nation of Hypocrites who sold their great Indian culture for some west who doesn't even have a fraction of it.

I look forward to the day when the Islamic Persian Forces Retake Delhi. The Greatest Ally of Israel in the World in India, America is #2. We will Retake Constantinople, We will Retake Bahrain, Jordan, Iraq, We will Liberate Jerusalem and we will Surely Retake HINDUSTAN..

We liked the Mughals at first..but they kept insisting that we had to convert..it got odd after that..that and the fact the British whooped them around.

As to retaking Delhi...your brothers have been trying..lost the eastern half of their nation in the process. Keep trying. Didn't we build a port in Iran though..Chabar I believe, yes.
I can give you more then you can imagine but I know the Bedouin sellout will not accept, I assure you we will crush JORDAN and I will beat you with a old Iraqi shoe until you beg and acknowledge what you Did for the Zionist Regime.
We beat you up with Iraqi shoes for 8 years, and Saddam awarded us with hundreds of seized Iranian arms, including 90 Chieftain tanks, tens of M-60 and Scorpion light tanks, as a sign of humiliation but you didn't do anything though :)

I don't think we need any more proof, the Zionist Yehudi Coming to your rescue was enough. The Yehdi Knows whos Rustam.
Rustom? :rofl: isn't he the poor guy who was beheaded in Battle of al-Qadisiyyah ?

"Rostam, who had been commanding his force from that location, sought to flee by swimming across the canal (al-`Atīq), but was caught by Saad ibn Abi Waqqas and beheaded."
Rostam Farrokhz


I m not talking about ummah my dear. For all practical purposes, that does not exist because we cant rise above our nationalistic, sectarian and ethnic identities.

But consider this. When you begun to think of your own tribal or nationalistic interests, you became weaker and prey to your enemies.

That's fine for me, just get the f@ck off our backs and just worry about yourself and your country.
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