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Gaza kindergartners want to 'blow up Zionists'

Again off topic, after you tried to divert the discussion to circumcision and after you tried to criticise Israel's education, now you justify teaching little Palestinians children to blow themselves and kill innocent people.

What next?

Actually, that's what you are doing right now.
Its is the entire education system of the Palestinians which glorify terrorists who butcher innocent people.

BTW, Israel did offer an independent Palestinian state and it was rejected by the Palestinians...

I think Israel should agree to two states theory based on 1967 UN border plans...
Netanyahu plans of building homes in occupied territory is not helping peace... Even US and Europe dont support these plans of netanyahu...
I support israel for its right to live but it has to let palestine live too...
peacefull co existence is a must...
Yes they are our allies in every way , but on humanitirian Grounds they are a disgrace to humanity , Before Being An Indian's we are Human first and its our duty to condemn the mercyless killings of innocects may it be any counrty or society.

Disagree. Most of what you see coming out of Palestinian media are fabricated videos and photos meant solely to discredit Israel.

Look up "pallywood" if you doubt my claim.

I don't really care for the Palestinians. From personal experience with several HUNDREDS of Palestinians at school and home, i can tell you that they are some of the most double dealing, lying thieving scumbags in the whole middle east. And that's not me being racist...rather, merely speaking out of experience. Also, i went on a little trip to Israel few months ago. You wont see a more civilized society anywhere in Middle east, Asia, south asia or south east asia. There are more arabs in israel than jews ...i didnt see them being "discriminated".

All this the BS about "Israeli cruelty" and " Israeli oppression" are a bunch of lies spread by jew haters and dumb Arabs.

I Have made it clear killings of Innocents is INHUMAN ,,,May it be TALIBAN ,ALQUEADA or any others all come under one group and they deserve to rott in hell

Utter BS.....
I think Israel should agree to two states theory based on 1967 UN border plans...
Netanyahu plans of building homes in occupied territory is not helping peace... Even US and Europe dont support these plans of netanyahu...
I support israel for its right to live but it has to let palestine live too...
peacefull co existence is a must...

Palestine state is okay. Question is: Are the people who teach their kids to blow up Israeli civilians, ready to accept an Israeli state?
How exactly?

Are you serious here? Shall I post the pic and videos of Paletanian children who were directly killed by your army?

@ nirreich

You know, I am an Arab not a Pakistani, I know you people very well and I know what you are trying to do. I haven't ever lived a single peaceful day without hearing news about Israeli terrorism. Not a one single day.
Palestine state is okay. Question is: Are the people who teach their kids to blow up Israeli civilians, ready to accept an Israeli state?

Creating hatred in a kid is the worst thing to do, cos that hatred will be inside the kid will be there till his end..
No, terrorism in any form is not okay.. The education system must be inspected by UN.. Isreal state will exist even if they dont want it...
PS: I actually was trying to say that if this issue was resolved, there wont be any need for hate education..
Disagree. Most of what you see coming out of Palestinian media are fabricated videos and photos meant solely to discredit Israel.

Look up "pallywood" if you doubt my claim.

I don't really care for the Palestinians. From personal experience with several HUNDREDS of Palestinians at school and home, i can tell you that they are some of the most double dealing, lying thieving scumbags in the whole middle east. And that's not me being racist...rather, merely speaking out of experience. Also, i went on a little trip to Israel few months ago. You wont see a more civilized society anywhere in Middle east, Asia, south asia or south east asia. There are more arabs in israel than jews ...i didnt see them being "discriminated".

All this the BS about "Israeli cruelty" and " Israeli oppression" are a bunch of lies spread by jew haters and dumb Arabs.

Neither I am anti-zionist nor a pro-pelistini ... i have many Israili (jewish) Friends who are settled down in My state of Goa, i even smooked Weed With then at times:cheesy: , even they are obsessed and fed up with their Govt for being a military regime and y that is the reason they don't prefer to stay for longer time In Their Country ...... on the other side i even know most of the pelestines are un-civilised as i have seen them in Dubai . Israel is a civil society no issues with any discrimination againts the arabs i agree but u have only seen one side of them but what about the other side who kill innocents children and women in pelestine is their life so cheap or they don't have a right to live for being pelestinies
Neither I am anti-zionist nor a pro-pelistini ... i have many Israili (jewish) Friends who are settled down in My state of Goa, i even smooked Weed With then at times:cheesy: , even they are obsessed and fed up with their Govt for being a military regime and y that is the reason they don't prefer to stay for longer time In Their Country ...... on the other side i even know most of the pelestines are un-civilised as i have seen them in Dubai . Israel is a civil society no issues with any discrimination againts the arabs i agree but u have only seen one side of them but what about the other side who kill innocents children and women in pelestine is their life so cheap or they don't have a right to live for being pelestinies

How about equating it to Kashmir problem which India faces? Do you sympathise with the Kashmir terrorists being killed?

Terrorism is not the same as war. Disproportionate force is always necessary to ensure no innocents are killed. Same with India and Israel.

I bet you didn't know that Israel's civilian casualty ratio of 1:28 is a record low.

As Mech said, the news reports you see of supposedly innocents being kiled, are part of Pallywood. Gullible people being conned into hating Israel based on staged events.

Watch this video for a good example:

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There are more arabs in israel than jews.
Are you drunk or just a professional liar?
Israel would nuke the Palestinians before they become a majority.

So much persecution...-.-

Most of the media pics are set-ups.
No, its very clear from the picture that this wasn't Palestine. I have never seen a Palestinian wear a complete white Ghoutrah. Red and white, Black and white yes but this wasn't in Palestine.

How about equating it to Kashmir problem which India faces? Do you sympathise with the Kashmir terrorists being killed?

Terrorism is not the same as war. Disproportionate force is always necessary to ensure no innocents are killed. Same with India and Israel.
Funny how its always Muslim freedom fighters who you call terrorists. Do you still feel humiliated by the first Chechen War war?
There are more arabs in israel than jews ...i didnt see them being "discriminated".
75% of Israeli population is Jewish,while 20% of the Israeli population is Arab.
Latest Population Figures for Israel
Some 5,931,000 of the population (75.3%) are Jewish; 1,623,000 (20.6%) are Arabs; those not identified as either make up the remaining 4.1% of the population, or 327,000 people.
Are you drunk or just a professional liar?
Israel would nuke the Palestinians before they become a majority.

No, its very clear from the picture that this wasn't Palestine. I have never seen a Palestinian wear a complete white Ghoutrah. Red and white, Black and white yes but this wasn't in Palestine.

Funny how its always Muslim freedom fighters who you call terrorists. Do you still feel humiliated by the first Chechen War war?
Plz, bro, neglect him, he doesn't deserve your attention. He is just tempting you into trolling.
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