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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

The reason why Islam won so many battles with the discipline was because muslims did not blame each other especially the ones who were actually doing something. Why was Hazrat Khalid Ibn Waleed a general who never lost a battle? Two reason, one he had belief, secondly the people under his command had the same belief they were never once thought that he was a non believer before and thought of indiscipline.This system of muslims losing discipline happened in the latter stages of Rashidun. Another thing I want to sadly point out is unless we get out of the mindset of Iranians not being muslims we are at a loss and that’s what the enemy wants. Division. So either accept we are all muslims and move on or stop complaining.

Whether it is Hezbollah or hamas or Jamate islami, we should be united.
The person you just mentioned Hazrat Khalid Ibn Waleed was a great leader on the battlefield.

Islamic world lack even good leaders let alone great. And this is leaders in all walks of life. There are very good leaders out there but they prefer not to come in politics or are usually sidelined.

The current crop of leaders fear the 💵 and its owner more than the owner of everything. They will do everything to cling to power and keep it even if everything around them is a ruin.
Iran will likely enter the war. This war is like a chain reaction and all will be involved. So prepare yourselves.
Iran will not directly enter the war.

Can mortars or rockets cause severe damage to tanks ?
They cannot destroy them, but even landing in that area can cause some damage to troops and ammunition and cause mayhem in general since everything is packed so close together in such a small area

FPV drones with RPG with tandem charge EFP can cause a lot of damage (Hamas has these and has used them already)

I geolocated where they are massing tanks and it is c. 7-8km from Beit Hanoun, probably a bit too far for even modern ATGMs (4-6km range, unless they have the most advanced extended range Iranian ATGMs, which I doubt). But that is a good distance for mortars, rockets and FPV drones to cause mayhem. They shouldn't wait.

Israel did not learn any lessons from Russia's war with Ukraine, this kind of thing is suicide for an invading army, hopefully Hamas can take advantage

atgm can , drones can
atgm need line of sight but drones don't need them
It's about 7-8km away from Gaza northern cities (mostly rubble now), a bit too far for Hamas ATGMs I think
The person you just mentioned Hazrat Khalid Ibn Waleed was a great leader on the battlefield.

Islamic world lack even good leaders let alone great. And this is leaders in all walks of life. There are very good leaders out there but they prefer not to come in politics or are usually sidelined.

The current crop of leaders fear the 💵 and its owner more than the owner of everything. They will do everything to cling to power and keep it even if everything around them is a ruin.

In my unbiased opinion, if you can make people listen to you when it is a matter of life and death, that means you command respect in general. Khalid Ibn Walid would have made a great caliph as well. This was not my point thought itnwas
More so about unity.
In my unbiased opinion, if you can make people listen to you when it is a matter of life and death, that means you command respect in general. Khalid Ibn Walid would have made a great caliph as well. This was not my point thought itnwas
More so about unity.
I understand what you mean, real unity would be a Khalifa. Maybe one day insha Allah.
Number of Women/children/elderly/injured Palestinians accepted in those countries you say: ZERO.
BIG ZERO!!!!!!!

They dont give a FCK!

Iran just use Palestinians like use Hezbollah as hitmen, they give WEAPONS.

They ignored the minimum humanitarian assistance in their land.

It's sad see common people trusting in leaders who give a fck about them.

You didn't read me correctly: I said Arab/Muslims countries used to help materially and even with blood before until now when they are beaten to submission.
And as for Iran, they can easily go back to the days of the Shah of Iran and be friends with Israel/West and all 'human rights' blah blah about Iran would be forgotten. But Iran has put its neck out for Palestinians. I know some Iranians here and they don't like Iran's strategic posture.

It is a huge mistake that Arab/Islamic countries don't care about Palestinians. But the odds are heavily stacked against them. They risk becoming another Iraq or Libya or Syria should they go too far from the Pax Americana doctrine.

Only through a regional war, where the public pressure would be too much for the rulers to ignore, the Arab/Islamic countries would jump into to die for Palestinians.
Qassam Brigades:

In response to Qatari efforts, we released two American detainees (a mother and her daughter) for humanitarian reasons, and to prove to the American people and the world that the allegations of Biden and his fascist administration are false allegations with no basis in truth.


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