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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

All of tiny Israel is within c. 1100-1200km of Iran's western regions (where it has many underground ballistic missile cities)

By contrast, major Iranian cities are 1500-1800km away from tiny Israel

--> strategic depth
Iran will not directly enter the war.

Iran will have to, Iran proxies only can fight Israel, not the US. The only country there can fight US army and win are the iranians on my opinion.

You cannot confront US army if you cannot have the chance to destroy warplanes, and make heavy strikes, and be nuclear armed.

Be realist.

Other countries would surely be forced...by events.

Iran entering the war depends on if US intervenes. Meanwhile Hezbollah will go to war with Israel, if Israel enters Gaza.
Amir Whitman, a member of Israel's ruling Likud Party, threatens Russia

“You will pay the price for your support of Israel's enemies.

“Broadcaster | Russia will pay the price?

Whitman | Yes, Russia will pay the price for this... We will win this war because we are stronger.

But Russia must not forget this... We will hold it accountable after we finish Gaza.”


All of tiny Israel is within c. 1100-1200km of Iran's western regions (where it has many underground ballistic missile cities)

By contrast, major Iranian cities are 1500-1800km away from tiny Israel

--> strategic depth

I'm constantly astonished when I look at a map and see how small Israel is, and yet how it has managed to survive this long. It takes a fighter jet just a few mins to fly the length of it.
Khilafah – Solution of the Gaza Problem

Extra-territorial loyalty is a term from which our British rulers were most afraid. The loyalty of the Muslims to the Ottoman State turned into a movement at the ill-treatment of Turkey by the British and other European Powers. The Khilafat Movement in India coupled with help from Congress shocked the British Colonialists. The concept of Nation-State was a European thought which gained acceptance all over the World.

The Islamic concept of one Ummah of the Muslims which rose whenever any part or region was attacked was ingrained into our psyche.

Allama Iqbal said,

Aik hon Muslim Haram ki Pasbani ke liye

Neel ke sahil se lekar ta bakhak e Kashghar

Before that, when the Delhi Empire weakened and was threatened by the Marhattas, Shah Wali Ullah Dehalvi wrote to a letter to the Afghan King to invade India to crush the Marhatta power. Ahmed Shah Abdali accepted and the Marhatta power was destroyed in the Third Battle of Panipat.

Similarly, it is written that Hajjaj Bin Yusuf sent his nephew Mohammad Bin Qasim to attack Sindh on a plea from a Muslim prisoner girl.

So extra-territorial loyalty is very much ingrained into our social fabric.

The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him said, “Muslims are like one body of a person; if the eye is sore, the whole body aches, and if the head aches, the whole body aches” (Sahih Muslim).

Today we see that Muslims are suffering at the hands of the Zionists in Gaza and West Bank in Palestine.

Allama Iqbal had rightly warned us that the Jews have grabbed the life or soul of the western nations in their hands.

A full-scale genocide is going on in Gaza but the Western nations except for a few are blaming the innocent people of Gaza instead of criticizing the Israelis for their bombings.

Even the American Jews protested against the Israeli bombings at the Capitol Hill and many were arrested.

But our Muslim rulers are so weak and so afraid that they can only issue verbal statements against the Israeli atrocities.

The Muslim Ummah all over the World has extra-territorial loyalties and is calling for ceasefire in Gaza.

It is high time that we go back to our roots and revive the Khilafah first in Pakistan and then invite other Muslim countries to join us just like the European Union so that we can face the threats that arise to different member states. The COAS Gen. Hafiz Asim Munir should declare Khilafah in Pakistan and initiate the socio-political and economic system that will solve the problems of Pakistan and the Muslim Ummah.
Amir Whitman, a member of Israel's ruling Likud Party, threatens Russia

“You will pay the price for your support of Israel's enemies.

“Broadcaster | Russia will pay the price?

Whitman | Yes, Russia will pay the price for this... We will win this war because we are stronger.

But Russia must not forget this... We will hold it accountable after we finish Gaza.”


There's nothing more evil and dangerous in the world than a vengeful jew, very terrifying.
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