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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Any current Logistical capabilities are overshadowed by what Iran could well do. The Kashmiri groups are maintaining low intensity warfare, it's stepped down a lot over the last 10 years. If India continues building infrastructure, the ability of these group to launch more attacks will be greatly decreased as population support for said groups decreases
How would Iran make a difference when weapons are easily available in Pakistan as well to send into Kashmir?
Both heavy and light weapons can be brought into IOJK and Indian taught a good lesson there.
But the issue is POLITICS. Pakistan try’s to control every Kashmiri group. Pakistan restricts what they can do in AJK.
If AJK is given free hand to be a base to free IOJK, we’ll see massive insurgency and liberation of areas in IOJK.
I don’t get how Iran can solve the political issue. IOJK borders Pakistan not Iran. One thing Iran could do is get the Shias in IOJK to stay very anti india.
Population support will only go up for said groups with Indias hindutva practices.
I didn't know...


You stood by me once and i have a memory of an elephant , so i will never forget that.

I can't say i agree with some of what you write to say the least. However I made it a rule never to argue with a friend about politics . It never leads to anything good , only arguemenst and people are rarely convinced anyway. The end result it usually just risking loosing a friend.

Just wanted to share this since we are both with opposite opinions on the same thread.

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Generally true, but with some differences. Support for Israel now, is not just from 'domestic lobbies'. There is genuine support for Israel due to cultural affinity among certain Christian sects. Second, and much less recognized issue on this board, is the completely different national psychology of Americans after 9/11. While previous war making process was a slow, frustrating thing (Korea, Vietnam, First Gulf war etc.), the current mindset, as far terrorism is concerned is, shoot first and ask questions later. We are in a variant of General Norman Schwarzkopf policy: "Forgiving them is God's function. Our job is simply to arrange the meeting."

You are right. The 9/11 attacks changed America. It was not only an act of cruelty by Al Qaida but an act of folly as well. But who knows how history would view that 500 years later? Some times some 'causes' or personalities are resurrected much later. Wasn't Jesus Christ widely known as some anarchist or a heretic or even a terrorist when he was crucified, but now his followers make the largest religion in the world? Maybe the 9/11 terrorist attacks would be viewed as something which goaded America to futile wars in Iraq and Afghanistan--and maybe into Palestine now--to give China the advantage to rise? As it is, the Chinese are probably watching with glee as the 'Children of Abraham', who should have been natural allies, are slaughtering each other, spending their resources, as China rises.
But that's for another debate.
Turkish defenses are impressive but US will adapt to them.

Situational awareness​

Effective surveillance is essential to ensure the successful execution of most kill-chain phases (detection, classification and tracking). Most of the ASW sensor and weapon systems in service today are optimised for manned submarine targets. The new generation of acoustic sensors known as Low-Frequency Active Sonar (LFAS) delivers high performance and has made significant advances in detecting ultra-quiet AIP submarines. Networked multi-static sonar is another area where there have been improvements in detection capability. UUVs and even XLUUVs generally have low target strength, especially in bow-aft aspect and a minimal radiated noise signature. Detection in littoral waters will therefore be especially problematic with short detection ranges allowing very little time to react and deploy countermeasures.

Threat neutralisation​

A cost-effective anti-UUV effector should be considered a key near-future requirement as existing ASW weapons are both ill-suited and very expensive. The current generation of air or surface-launched lightweight torpedoes is the primary ASW weapon of today but they lack adequate sensors and guidance systems to localise and kill UUVs. A more appropriate counter-UUV weapon would be mini-torpedoes. This new class of torpedoes will provide a low-cost solution with the appropriate manoeuvrability, sensors, speed and warhead optimised to destroy targets up to XLUUV size.

good luck to enemy Navies .. They will need it

Turkiye is getting everything to turn even enemy Aircraft Carrier into scrap of metal with large scale of swarm attacks at the same time

-- from air launched anti-ship missiles to ground-based anti-ship missiles
-- from supersonic anti-ship missiles to anti-ship ballistic missile
-- from long range supersonic decoy Drone to subsonic Kamikaze Drone with jamming capability
-- from unmanned Vessels to unmanned Submarine armed with anti-ship missiles and torpedos

and unmanned stealth kamikaze USVs which manoeuvre even underwater

Because US is allowing you to.

Turkey is a NATO member state and US have no choice but to respect this position.

Today's wars are fought through proxies

USA never can fight Coutries like Turkiye for PKK-YPG Terrorists
USA - Russia could not beat even weak-poor Afghanistan , Vietnam in 20 years

And if Türkiye was not a NATO member, then Turkiye would have its own nuclear weapons, just like Pakistan

USA can not attack even N.Korea ,, because of N.Korean nuclear weapons
My neighbor and a best friend is a WASP. An extremely intelligent person and doesn't buy the Israel BS, unlike almost all of my WASP friends and relatives--stupid Rapture seekers!! I asked him a few days ago relevant to what you said and here is our exchange. I have blurred out irrelevant social chat/catchup; 'K' is the friend.

He's right. This new fear of being labeled antisemitic or terrorist sympathizer simply for expressing a sympathetic or supportive sentiment towards the plight of the Palestinians is scary beyond belief. Even just supporting their right to have their own sovereignty is a becoming a no-no. To think that one of the basic foundations of the 1st amendment of the US constitution to have freedom of speech and the press is not an inalienable or guaranteed right in this country anymore is an unfortunate and troubling trend. This was unimaginable at one time. It's slowly but surely becoming a frightening reality.
US President Joe Biden holds a bilateral meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in New York City
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Who is who?
Did Nixon declare war on Egypt? WE do not know for sure. An American aircraft carrier is a big ship, it won't be parked near the coast of any country in case of hostilities. A US Navy fleet is equipped to fight a war from a distance.
the British guy assume that sending 2 carriers to the region will forbid Egypt or any country to get in a war against israel, while actually we did fight israel and USA didn't send any carrier because it knows the consquences but it did start operation grass nickel and others (airlifting) from the airport of portugal and south europe. Geography is on our side.

Why cant the residents of Gaza go into camps in Israel ? Why does it have to be Egypt ? lol ..

Egypt will have to be declared clinically insane if it accepts any refugees. Period.

This is Israel's problem until a solution to a 2-state solution is agreed to.
we already host over 9 million refugee in Egypt and they live in the same cities we live inside.
we don't have camps policy in Egypt.
Palestinians are our brothers and they are welcome anytime, but the israelis want to deport them to egypt to gain more land (Gaza) then they will move to Ramalla and deport its people to Jordan.
This guy--apparently an American--goes into some details about the Hezbolla-Israel war of 2006 and is predicting that Israel is going to lose this war. It is never good to underestimate your enemies though but the video of the Israeli soldiers dancing like some gay men around minute 7 is quite interesting!!

Bolded part: Maybe you are right. Maybe not. My 'reading' is that neither Iran nor Americans want to escalate. Had it not been for the Russia-Ukraine war and some activities near China, Americans would have more likely allowed Israelis to 'finish off' Gazans. But this is a different situation with Putin now certainly emboldened.
It serves Israelis/American interests to wind down this latest war ASAP. Iranians, on the other hand, have been giving subtle warnings--not wanting to escalate but would escalate...
No, I am sure U.S. would have come down harder on Israel if there were signs of lack of effort to reduce casualties. Having just finished two long wars, U.S. can completely understand how ugly urban warfare against these Hamas can be. There is no "finish off" Gazans, only finish off Gaza. Definitely, things could have been better executed if Israelis were not in the psychological state they are in. U.S. was much more deliberative in Afghanistan and Iraq and still screwed up too many times.
Kurd are being used to clear ISIL elements in Syria - not much else.

1 --- not Kurds .. but PKK-YPG terrorists

2 --- ISIL is just excuse
USA-France even Israel uses PKK-YPG to create Big Kurdistan which taking land from Iraq,Syria,Turkiye,Iran

Ask Russians otherwise - they learned the hard way in the Battle of Khasham.

Russia can not fight USA for a Syrian city
and Russian military capability is tiny and very limited in Syria

on the other hand PKK-YPG terrorism in Syria vitally important for Turkish national securirty and to protect Turkiye's territorial integrity

Syria is our game zone
and if needed Turkish military power is so enough to beat any threat in Syria including USA

USA needs full scale of war to match with Turkiye in Syria

dont compare Russian WAGNER with the Turkish Armed Forces
American F-16 shot down Turkish UCAV
and Turkish Air Force sent dozens of F-16s to hit PKK-YPG targets which were in many provinces in northern Syria

and USA could do nothing
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Why all of western countries are helping Ukrain?
Because Ukraine was attacked by Russia. No Western country has sent troops or launched a missile or airplane on Russia. All the help has been material and financial. I am sure Hamas has a surfeit of them. Just look at the tunnels Hezbollah has built. It looks like Taj Mahal.
Because Ukraine was attacked by Russia. No Western country has sent troops or launched a missile or airplane on Russia. All the help has been material and financial. I am sure Hamas has a surfeit of them. Just look at the tunnels Hezbollah has built. It looks like Taj Mahal.
The UK is among a number of countries with military special forces operating inside Ukraine, according to one of dozens of documents leaked online.

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