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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

How is it any different to Turkey? You're part of NATO aren't you? :)

Turkiye joined NATO in 1952 against Soviet threat

and NATO is nothing to do with Israel-Palestine conflict

only USA and The UK sent their Warships to support Israel
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Americans and (pieces of shit UAE emirates officials) are trying to pressure al-Sisi to accept the residents of the Gaza Strip in exchange for a series of economic and security benefits

Why cant the residents of Gaza go into camps in Israel ? Why does it have to be Egypt ? lol ..

Egypt will have to be declared clinically insane if it accepts any refugees. Period.

This is Israel's problem until a solution to a 2-state solution is agreed to.
I have been following the NY Times on this issue for years and I see Israel being bashed by the American 'Left' or 'Liberals' all the time. Here is one of the highest Rep Comments to an article about how to manage Gaza after this conflict.

Your entire post is spot on. I've always been under the impression that the majority of the left & hardcore liberals would be even more supportive of the apartheid state than the right or so-called conservatives, just simply based on their LGBTQ+++++ stance alone, if not much else. But it's not the case as you astutely pointed out. This is eye-opening.

EDIT: I corrected what I said - I meant "more supportive than the right" and not "more critical"!

On a separate note:

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Turkiye joined NATO in 1952 against Soviet theat

and NATO is nothing to do with Israel-Palestine conflict

only USA and The UK sent their Warships to support Israel

NATO controls Turkey as much as they control the Arabs and other countries. They say jump, and you say how high. Do not be blinded by nationalism, it means nothing.
After looking through this again, I haven't noticed the numbers of wars and conflicts that have increased going on. First Ukraine, then Niger, then Armenia/Azerbaijan, and now Israel/Gaza. Seems like we're witnessing a large chain reaction take place. The question is, where will the next conflict pop out, and when?
well the next one will be russia lead a confederate armies against israel...pretty soon
Because this is not our war

Iran and HAMAS started this war ... go and fight Israel

Turkiye sends humanitarian aid to innocent people in GAZA

Now Pakistan even blocking protests against Israel

even S.Arabia,The UAE , Egypt dont support Palestine and HAMAS

and We TURKS are not stupid to fight Israel+USA+The EU
Can someone remove this degenerate from here.?
O mean, this mental patient doesn't need to be here

So this is how it is going to be played ? people lying and inventing stuff ?

From now on when ever they do it i am just going to post the same reply over and over again , so the story of how those people died would stick in their heads !

i see not why i should work hard and come up with a new answer for every idiot.

I will briefly describe it because this pattern repeated itself in all towns and settlements that Hamas entered. :

It started with a bombing all along the border. The people of those towns are used to that and they all went into their bombs shelters. Shortly after Hamas arrived.

Now all those bomb shelters have Iron doors for protection, Unfortunaltly those Iron doors can be opened both from the inside and outside , so people can be rescued of the shelter is hit.

This is important cause shortly after there was a struggle in each house. when those terorists tried to get into the shelters and people inside where trying to hold the doors.

They moved from house to house , in many cases placed burned wheel tires next to the doors and tried to smoke people out. Some people choked to death , some burned alive , some got out and shot amd some taken hostage.

Now this is not something i read online , we all heard the cries of those inside the shelters live , calling for help on their cell phones describing how there are locked in , how smoke is coming in and than the lines went dead.

More than 110 people died in that fasion in kibbutz beeri alone , and this is just one settlement out of many

As Secratery of state Blinken described it :

" Any - no country - no country - can accept the proposition that terrorists can come in, slaughter - and I use the word very advisedly - slaughter thousands of its citizens, riddling babies with bullets, burning people alive, decapitating soldiers, executing children in front of their parents, executing parents in front of their children - no country can tolerate this. "

NATO controls Turkey as much as they control the Arabs and other countries. They say jump, and you say how high. Do not be blinded by nationalism, it means nothing.


Turkiye fighting USA-France and their terrorists-proxies FETO , PKK-YPG , HAFTAR , Greece , Armenia in Syria , Iraq , Caucasus , Libya and in the Eastern Mediterranean since 2013

even a few days ago American F-16 shot down Turish UCAV in Syria to protect PKK-YPG terrorists

Turkiye kicked American-French plans in Syria , Iraq , Caucasus , Libya and in the Eastern Mediterranean

Arab Countries can not go to even Toilet without American-British permission
After looking through this again, I haven't noticed the numbers of wars and conflicts that have increased going on. First Ukraine, then Niger, then Armenia/Azerbaijan, and now Israel/Gaza. Seems like we're witnessing a large chain reaction take place. The question is, where will the next conflict pop out, and when?
Sadly, if you look at it from a system perspective, war is basically a fight for resources. It's natural place of occurrence is where the pressure for resources is highest. At present, Many African nations have the fastest growing populations. That pressure and consequent struggle for resources will lead to most new wars erupting in Africa. Other places with high population growth and underdevelopment that can't keep up with population growth are also likely locales for conflict. Look for more conflict in Somalia, Sudan/South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Algeria, Kenya, Nigeria, Congo, Uganda etc.,

Turkiye fighting USA-France and their terrorists-proxies FETO , PKK-YPG , HAFTAR , Greece , Armenia in Syria , Iraq , Caucasus , Libya and in the Eastern Mediterranean since 2013

even a few days ago American F-16 shot down Turish UCAV in Syria to protect PKK-YPG terrorists

Turkiye kicked American-French plans in Syria , Iraq , Caucasus , Libya and in the Eastern Mediterranean

Arab Countries can not go to even Toilet without American-British permission

You remember what happened when you upset uncle sam and they kicked you out of the F-35 programme? If all these countries are working against Turkey, why don't you leave NATO? Why do you still want to join EU? Seems like you like the enemies of Turkey so much? No more USSR, so why are you still part of NATO, who as you say are you enemies?
I think its you that needs educating your blind except to your own sources…

You are mixing stuff , we where discussing what is a legit resistence from non state organizations , which i hold do not enclude tagetting civilians. Nakba happened after the state of Israel was created.

Nice avatar though , Rumi fan myself . “Ours is not a caravan of despair. "

Well right now here , it is ...
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