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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Not even close

and how to stop submersible and stealth unmanned kamikaze USV which manoeuvre both on the surface and underwater ?

SM-2 , SM-6 or ESSM ?


or Torpedos ?
Do I have to explain what type of sensor systems are found in US Navy ships, US Navy surveillance options, and US Navy CEC capability? How a US Navy fleet is able to create a surveillance field around itself?

Let's have a look at the capability of an American destroyer to detect submerged threats:



"The AN/SQQ-89A(V)15 is an undersea combat system that uses active and passive sonar to enable Navy Arleigh Burke-class destroyers and Ticonderoga-class cruisers to search for, detect, classify, localize, and track underwater contacts; and to attack or avoid enemy submarines, floating, tethered, or bottom-attacked mines, and torpedoes. This contract combines purchases for the U.S. Navy and Australia."

"Detecting and tracking the presence of a UUV through passive sonar in a realistic environment was accomplished through energy detection thresholding, spectral filtering, and beamforming."

US Navy brings to the table an assortment of sensor systems that can detect and track a variety of threats having very small RCS.

Some of the US Navy options to defeat submerged threats and boats are following:

RUM-139 VL-ASROC vertical launched anti submarine rocket
MH-60R SEAHAWK Helicopter
MQ-9B SeaGuardian

These systems operate in tandem with P-8A Poseidon to detect and track a variety of threats in the seas.

US Navy has closely observed Ukrainian application of kamikaze drones in the Black Sea and is coming up with a new layer of defenses in response:

Turkish defenses are impressive but US will adapt to them.

And? What happened ? Did USA stop Turkiye ? NO

We continued to kick USA backed PKK-YPG in Syria
Of-course not. Turkey is a NATO member state and US will respect this position because Turkey have its importance in NATO calculus.

Kurd are being used to clear ISIL elements in Syria - not much else.

Ask Russians otherwise - they learned the hard way in the Battle of Khasham.
Really, a 'path to' Two State Solution? 30 years after OSLO Accords still talking about a 'path'? Who are the Americans kidding? Their Masters in Israel would only allow a Bantustan at most.
But it is my prediction that prolonged regional war will bring Israel to a meaningful compromise. Only through violence will Israel seek reasonable compromise. I don't think this latest conflict should end like the previous ones--this time the conflict needs to lead to a regional war and eventual peace, otherwise we will be watching another, perhaps even bloodier conflict in just a few years. But not my call to make sitting at a safe distance.
It is unlikely to be a major regional war. Going by the past ten days, nobody is willing to commit suicide for sake of Hamas. Only Gaza and Gazans are involuntary victims of suicide.

I’m going to hold you to the claim that a tent city and expulsion will never happen.
Tent city likely, expulsion unlikely.
I truly do not know what mods are doing about this Autist? Thred started to go to nothing. This Serb Fornikas winded up this moron and now instead of getting the news about or opinions, we see this?
By the way , don't engage this trash in any conversation, it will just make all this thread meaningless. Just ignore this lunatic till something is done about this sick creature.
Can anything be done?
am not talking about the soviet interfere. am not talking about a small point, why USA didn't send his carriers and sent airlift through portugal? that's it.
Did Nixon declare war on Egypt? WE do not know for sure. An American aircraft carrier is a big ship, it won't be parked near the coast of any country in case of hostilities. A US Navy fleet is equipped to fight a war from a distance.
Your entire post is spot on. I've always been under the impression that the majority of the left & hardcore liberals would be even more supportive of the apartheid state than the right or so-called conservatives, just simply based on their LGBTQ+++++ stance alone, if not much else. But it's not the case as you astutely pointed out. This is eye-opening.

My neighbor and a best friend is a WASP. An extremely intelligent person and doesn't buy the Israel BS, unlike almost all of my WASP friends and relatives--stupid Rapture seekers!! I asked him a few days ago relevant to what you said and here is our exchange. I have blurred out irrelevant social chat/catchup; 'K' is the friend.

Why cant the residents of Gaza go into camps in Israel ? Why does it have to be Egypt ? lol ..

Because there needs to be a constant blame on Egypt and Sisi to sustain the narrative that it's ok for Gaza to become annexed.

Egypt will have to be declared clinically insane if it accepts any refugees. Period.

I can't see it ever happening, even if there are guarantees from the United States itself that the Palestinians would be able to return within a reasonable timeframe. Even if $100 billion is offered to Sisi, he should never accept it and if he does, there will be hell to pay.

This is Israel's problem until a solution to a 2-state solution is agreed to.

Amazing how so many people just cannot comprehend that simple concept.

After this despicable crime against humanity:

CNN is showing Egyptian fuel trucks (not UN ones) entering the Rafah border crossing into Gaza.

It is best for those who are opposed to Israel to not directly attack Americans; Americans are mostly helping Israel due to the powerful domestic lobbies. It is shameful that a a few hundred very rich corps and rich people have hijacked a Superpower's policies to serve the interests of a distant, tiny arid environment country. It's actually tragic!! I have been following the NY Times on this issue for years and I see Israel being bashed by the American 'Left' or 'Liberals' all the time. Here is one of the highest Rep Comments to an article about how to manage Gaza after this conflict.

This is untested abstract advice and stands no chance of being adopted by Israel. Israeli culture is so heavily invested in a permanent aggressive military-security solution to its egregious land-grabs that the idea of justice for Palestinians is not on the radar. The changing demographics in Israel towards an even more ethno-theocratic state will be another impediment to listening to reason.I spent six years working in Iraq after the ill-fated invasion and I can say without doubt that the single greatest error - apart from the invasion itself - was the removal of knowledgeable and reliable insider Baath Party members from their posts, followed by using the US military to do a self-contradictory job - kill insurgents with all the brutality, mayhem and civilian destruction of trust that entailed (eg Abu Ghraib) - at the same time as advocating the (laughable) virtues of democracy. In short, the US invasion brought Iraqis the most devastating possible element - chaos - and they never got the better of it.Israel is certain to make the same mistakes because of its cultural indifference to the suffering of Palestinians over many decades. It also refuses to recognise the Fourth Geneva Convention, the International Criminal Court and the UN resolutions condemning its human rights abuses and accusing Israel of war crimes. In short, Israel ignores the international rules based order.Israel has never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity to question its failed strategy.
Generally true, but with some differences. Support for Israel now, is not just from 'domestic lobbies'. There is genuine support for Israel due to cultural affinity among certain Christian sects. Second, and much less recognized issue on this board, is the completely different national psychology of Americans after 9/11. While previous war making process was a slow, frustrating thing (Korea, Vietnam, First Gulf war etc.), the current mindset, as far terrorism is concerned is, shoot first and ask questions later. We are in a variant of General Norman Schwarzkopf policy: "Forgiving them is God's function. Our job is simply to arrange the meeting."
quickly approaching Zero hour for a big regional war.

pray for Iran and Lebanon too. this can and will spiral out of control if the occupation decides to enter Gaza with the support of the US terrorist regime.
Can it really get that bad?
It is unlikely to be a major regional war. Going by the past ten days, nobody is willing to commit suicide for sake of Hamas. Only Gaza and Gazans are involuntary victims of suicide.

Tent city likely, expulsion unlikely.

Bolded part: Maybe you are right. Maybe not. My 'reading' is that neither Iran nor Americans want to escalate. Had it not been for the Russia-Ukraine war and some activities near China, Americans would have more likely allowed Israelis to 'finish off' Gazans. But this is a different situation with Putin now certainly emboldened.
It serves Israelis/American interests to wind down this latest war ASAP. Iranians, on the other hand, have been giving subtle warnings--not wanting to escalate but would escalate...
Can it really get that bad?
Absolutely. if you had followed the statements of Irans foreign ministry you'd know. i think the first stage is involvement of hezbollah and if US intervenes, Iran will 100% get involved too.

this is no joke guys, hopefully the genocidal maniacs in the occupation are dissuaded by the US for risking their lives, but if they don't succeed, well.....

for now, this 1 week delay in their operation is exactly for the same reason.
Israeli destruction with statements? Literally no country has claimed that it will wipe out Israel, sink American fleets, and send Americans back to their homeland but one and you know which one.

Statements should have meaning and not be empty to give the impression of being mighty only to show otherwise.

I said Israel causes destruction, not that I want its destruction. Well the least we can do is oppose and condemn its fitna. I agree about Usa power.
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