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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

After looking through this again, I haven't noticed the numbers of wars and conflicts that have increased going on. First Ukraine, then Niger, then Armenia/Azerbaijan, and now Israel/Gaza. Seems like we're witnessing a large chain reaction take place. The question is, where will the next conflict pop out, and when?
They are as legitimite as stern, irgun and hagganah who committed far worse atrocities than Hammas. Founding leaders ben gurion, begin, dayan were terrorists through and through. Do you deny that too?

Can you back those claims with facts and numbers ?

How many british soldier died ? how many civilians ?

Seems you have little idea of what you are talking about so i suggest you educate tiurself and come back to debate this :

The casulties of both Britsh soldier Arabs where only a few dozens. And I am being large here cause i have not the time to go over all the numbers .How can you compare that to thousands killed and targeting civilians ?

And that to ended with Hagana arresting and handing those rouge organisatiobns to the British .

Maybe if the PLO has done the same we would not be in this shit situation now

see here :

The Saison (Hunting Season) (Hebrew: הסזון, short for French: la saison de chasse) was the name given to the Haganah's attempt, as ordered by the official bodies of the pre-state Yishuv, to suppress the Irgun's insurgency against the government of the British Mandate in Palestine, from November 1944 to February 1945.

CNN reporting its journalists saw 6 Egyptian fuel trucks entering Gaza from at the Rafah border. Camera man has seen "critical aid" crossing the border.

EDIT: Sorry, CNN reporting it saw 6 "UN" trucks entering Gaza and not Egyptian trucks. Still the same effort anyway.
I dont understand this bitching between Iranians and Turks. What needs to happen is all countries from the OIC need to make an alliance and fight under 1 banner. Probably with Saudia Arabia as the leading country. This is literally the only way to stop the bombing in Gaza and make sure Palestine gets their independent state. Israel can not even take militias head on, let alone a unified cooperation of islamic nations. I hope this genocide is a wake up call for all OIC member states.
Now Pakistan even blocking protests against Israel

even S.Arabia,The UAE , Egypt dont support Palestine and HAMAS

and We TURKS are not stupid to fight Israel+USA+The EU
The Pakistani government is trying to do the smart thing but the Pakistani people, particularly PTI supporters, think Palestinians and HAMAS are heroes.

Criminal Hamas? are you one of those hindus ( I want to marry israeli WOMENZ) ?
I am just quoting the Turkish member.
It is best for those who are opposed to Israel to not directly attack Americans; Americans are mostly helping Israel due to the powerful domestic lobbies. It is shameful that a a few hundred very rich corps and rich people have hijacked a Superpower's policies to serve the interests of a distant, tiny arid environment country. It's actually tragic!! I have been following the NY Times on this issue for years and I see Israel being bashed by the American 'Left' or 'Liberals' all the time. Here is one of the highest Rep Comments to an article about how to manage Gaza after this conflict.

This is untested abstract advice and stands no chance of being adopted by Israel. Israeli culture is so heavily invested in a permanent aggressive military-security solution to its egregious land-grabs that the idea of justice for Palestinians is not on the radar. The changing demographics in Israel towards an even more ethno-theocratic state will be another impediment to listening to reason.I spent six years working in Iraq after the ill-fated invasion and I can say without doubt that the single greatest error - apart from the invasion itself - was the removal of knowledgeable and reliable insider Baath Party members from their posts, followed by using the US military to do a self-contradictory job - kill insurgents with all the brutality, mayhem and civilian destruction of trust that entailed (eg Abu Ghraib) - at the same time as advocating the (laughable) virtues of democracy. In short, the US invasion brought Iraqis the most devastating possible element - chaos - and they never got the better of it.Israel is certain to make the same mistakes because of its cultural indifference to the suffering of Palestinians over many decades. It also refuses to recognise the Fourth Geneva Convention, the International Criminal Court and the UN resolutions condemning its human rights abuses and accusing Israel of war crimes. In short, Israel ignores the international rules based order.Israel has never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity to question its failed strategy.
US President Joe Biden holds a bilateral meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in New York City

Why Murica love jews so much?


Because murica is under jews control
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Can you back those claims with facts and numbers ?

How many british soldier died ? how many civilians ?

Seems you have little idea of what you are talking about so i suggest you educate tiurself and come back to debate this :

The casulties of both Britsh soldier Arabs where only a few dozens. And I am being large here cause i have not the time to go over all the numbers .How can you compare that to thousands killed and targeting civilians ?

And that to ended with Hagana arresting and handing those rouge organisatiobns to the British .

Maybe if the PLO has done the same we would not be in this shit situation now

see here :

The Saison (Hunting Season) (Hebrew: הסזון, short for French: la saison de chasse) was the name given to the Haganah's attempt, as ordered by the official bodies of the pre-state Yishuv, to suppress the Irgun's insurgency against the government of the British Mandate in Palestine, from November 1944 to February 1945.

I think its you that needs educating your blind except to your own sources…a few dozen you say lol. Deir yesin alone their were 80 killed brutally, women and children. the stern gang bombed david hotel killing nearly 100, you forcibly removed 750,000 civilian Palestinian and ransacked 500 towns/villages, if thats not terrorism/ethnic cleansing then i dont know what is?

There were hundreds of attacks. Im not here to educate you, i listed just 2 for you. Read sources other than the zionist propoganda they feed you on
Agree just like what most Muslims say your "evil" Chinese government is doing to the poor innocent muslim Uygurs and putting them in concentration like Camps.
Hopefully they too will be free one day like Palestinians.
Yes go ahead and refer to fabricated atrocity propaganda created by guess who? The same people facilitating propaganda enabling a real genocide. An age old tactic used by western governments to damage or attack their geopolitical rivals.

It is funny that the western media spent years fabricating a genocide against Uyghurs with nothing to show for it except for weird grainy images of supposed camps and testimonials set up by CIA linked organizations. While the west is cheering on an actual genocide where we are being flooded by videos of actual Palestinian children getting blown up every day.

I wonder why you’re so invested in protecting Israel. I suspect you’re not being upfront about your own background.
so you don't want your fellow arab muslim palestinian brothers in egypt?
Revealed your true colours hear eh?

Because if the Palestinians leave Gaza, they will never be allowed to return again. Israel is using the pretext of "evacuation" to effectively ethnically cleanse Gaza of everyone, i.e. Naqba 2.0. As tragic as it sounds, but by staying in Gaza, the Palestinians can still claim it.
The Pakistani government is trying to do the smart thing but the Pakistani people, particularly PTI supporters, think Palestinians and HAMAS are heroes.

Nobody cares about the Pakistani people

Pakistan has nuclear weapons ,, still doing nothing for Palestine

I dont understand this bitching between Iranians and Turks. What needs to happen is all countries from the OIC need to make an alliance and fight under 1 banner. Probably with Saudia Arabia as the leading country. This is literally the only way to stop the bombing in Gaza and make sure Palestine gets their independent state. Israel can not even take militias head on, let alone a unified cooperation of islamic nations. I hope this genocide is a wake up call for all OIC member states.

first S.Arabia should stop licking American foot

S.Arabia,The UAE,Bahreyn,Jordan even Egypt are under American-British control

USA - The UK says jump and Arab Countries says how long SIR
The Pakistani government is trying to do the smart thing but the Pakistani people, particularly PTI supporters, think Palestinians and HAMAS are heroes.

I am just quoting the Turkish member.

I think you're getting low on cow p1ss and it's muddling your already limited brain. I know you tunnis are jerking off at the sight of muslims being killed, that's why you can't distinguish between Palestinians and Hamas.

Nobody cares about the Pakistani people

Pakistan has nuclear weapons ,, still doing nothing for Palestine

first S.Arabia should stop licking American foot

S.Arabia,The UAE,Bahreyn,Jordan even Egypt are under American-British control

USA - The UK says jump and Arab Countries says how long SIR

How is it any different to Turkey? You're part of NATO aren't you? :)
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