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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Another gift of 9/11. It transformed a deliberative polity into - GWB's sweet words - "With us or against us". There is no middle ground. We send two Carrier groups essentially with license to rain down hell on Iran if it fires anything into Israel, with not even a sense of the Congress motion.

The Carrier Groups are not going to make much of a difference; you may want to look up Col. D. McGregor's views about the CG. Iran has been needling Americans for decades--and, yes, an occasional Iranians in or outside Iran--have been killed but Iranians are stealthily building up a force where it matters the most: Lebanon and Syria.
I am surprised you put so much faith in the Carrier Group?? They are mostly for the show of support to Israel.

This is what a militia can do--even an imprisoned militia. Knesset Session is halted!! Israel's geography is it is Achilles Heel!!

Russia, Iran conversation will decide how this will pane out. I strongly believe, Russia will provide gurantee to Iran to move forward with war, so they can get some pressure off in Ukraine... This is turning out to be a global problem now.
The Carrier Groups are not going to make much of a difference; you may want to look up Col. D. McGregor's views about the CG. Iran has been needling Americans for decades--and, yes, an occasional Iranians in or outside Iran--have been killed but Iranians are stealthily building up a force where it matters the most: Lebanon and Syria.
I am surprised you put so much faith in the Carrier Group?? They are mostly for the show of support to Israel.

This is what a militia can do--even an imprisoned militia. Knesset Session is halted!! Israel's geography is it is Achilles Heel!!

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I am no military expert; but they did a good job in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Situational awareness​

Effective surveillance is essential to ensure the successful execution of most kill-chain phases (detection, classification and tracking). Most of the ASW sensor and weapon systems in service today are optimised for manned submarine targets. The new generation of acoustic sensors known as Low-Frequency Active Sonar (LFAS) delivers high performance and has made significant advances in detecting ultra-quiet AIP submarines. Networked multi-static sonar is another area where there have been improvements in detection capability. UUVs and even XLUUVs generally have low target strength, especially in bow-aft aspect and a minimal radiated noise signature. Detection in littoral waters will therefore be especially problematic with short detection ranges allowing very little time to react and deploy countermeasures.
"Detecting and tracking the presence of a UUV through passive sonar in a realistic environment was accomplished through energy detection thresholding, spectral filtering, and beamforming."

Now go back and recheck the images in my previous response. The answer is in the images.

Threat neutralisation​

A cost-effective anti-UUV effector should be considered a key near-future requirement as existing ASW weapons are both ill-suited and very expensive. The current generation of air or surface-launched lightweight torpedoes is the primary ASW weapon of today but they lack adequate sensors and guidance systems to localise and kill UUVs. A more appropriate counter-UUV weapon would be mini-torpedoes. This new class of torpedoes will provide a low-cost solution with the appropriate manoeuvrability, sensors, speed and warhead optimised to destroy targets up to XLUUV size.
Cost is not a problem for US Navy - take a look at American defense budget. Do you realize how big it is?

good luck to enemy Navies .. They will need it

Turkiye is getting everything to turn even enemy Aircraft Carrier into scrap of metal with large scale of swarm attacks at the same time

-- from air launched anti-ship missiles to ground-based anti-ship missiles
-- from supersonic anti-ship missiles to anti-ship ballistic missile
-- from long range supersonic decoy Drone to subsonic Kamikaze Drone with jamming capability
-- from unmanned Vessels to unmanned Submarine armed with anti-ship missiles and torpedos

and unmanned stealth kamikaze USVs which manoeuvre even underwater
An American CBG is equipped to defeat all manner of threats you can come up with.

I respect Turkish technology but you are really pushing it.

Today's wars are fought through proxies

USA never can fight Coutries like Turkiye for PKK-YPG Terrorists
USA - Russia could not beat even weak-poor Afghanistan , Vietnam in 20 years
Really? I try to respect all Turkish members but you make less sense at times.

Do not bring up Vietnam and Afghanistan without studying American military performance and responses in these conflicts as well as political considerations in these conflicts. American military performance in the Vietnam War was superior to that of French and Chinese by a long shot but American leaders did not capitalize on American military gains in Vietnam due to domestic crisis (racial tensions had peaked at the time and this war did not appeal to American public in any case). US had an understanding with Pakistan on the issue of Taliban in Afghanistan; US wiped out Al-Qaeda Network in the region otherwise.

Fighting a country is different from fighting Taliban who could flee to mountains and cities in neighboring countries. Focus on Operation Desert Storm (to liberate Kuwait from Iraq in 1991), Operation Allied Force (to liberate Kosovo from Yugoslavia in 1999), Operation Iraqi Freedom (to topple Saddam regime in Iraq in 2003), and Operation Odyssey Dawn (to topple Qaddafi regime in Libya in 2011) instead. These were state-based threats.

1 --- not Kurds .. but PKK-YPG terrorists

2 --- ISIL is just excuse
USA-France even Israel uses PKK-YPG to create Big Kurdistan which taking land from Iraq,Syria,Turkiye,Iran

Russia can not fight USA for a Syrian city
and Russian military capability is tiny and very limited in Syria

on the other hand PKK-YPG terrorism in Syria vitally important for Turkish national securirty and to protect Turkiye's territorial integrity

Syria is our game zone
and if needed Turkish military power is so enough to beat any threat in Syria including USA

USA needs full scale of war to match with Turkiye in Syria

dont compare Russian WAGNER with the Turkish Armed Forces
American F-16 shot down Turkish UCAV
and Turkish Air Force sent dozens of F-16s to hit PKK-YPG targets which were in many provinces in northern Syria

and USA could do nothing
These are Kurd groups - some being terrorists is a different topic.

US could work with Iraqi government to defeat ISIL in Iraq but what were its options in Syria? Turkey had limited reach in Syria so US could work with Kurd groups to defeat ISIL in Syria.

Turkey should offer its fighters to US to defeat ISIL in Syria, if this helps. But I am not sure to what extent SDF can be amended to make this possible. American planners know better.

It is not a small feat to defeat Russian military in a battle.
Russians made it possible for Assad regime to defeat Syrian rebels in numerous sectors of the country.

US does not even try to stop Turkey from striking targets in Syria. This is apparent to all observers. WE are not stupid.
Russia, Iran conversation will decide how this will pane out. I strongly believe, Russia will provide gurantee to Iran to move forward with war, so they can get some pressure off in Ukraine... This is turning out to be a global problem now.
If there would not be official statement about rights of palestinians to LIBERATE their country, nothing will happen, russia is also double player despite symphaties that they currently have.
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